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  1. Tactful

    Welfare boost on the horizon: Treasurer hints at significant increase ahead of federal budget

    Julia Gillard made the remark whilst Prime Minister, Those over 65 yrs should just hurry up and die, they would no longer be a burden on society. Mind you says that woman who sits on a very nice Parliamentry Pension for life. The Age Pension was meant to be 75% of the basic male wage, this was...
  2. Tactful

    Ask Joy: Negotiating Your Rights And Wishes

    is imperative we talk about life changing events and death as a normal part of conversations. My father was big on we 6 kids making wills when we turned 16. I changed my will when I got married as did my husband. We are both in our 70's and as part of our ongoing 5 year plans revisited our...
  3. Tactful

    Bride shocks friends with unexpected, 'tacky' move

    Perhaps this now replaces kitchen teas etc. Family and friends not being invited to the wedding were all invited to these instead. When I was a bride, I actually explained to my invitees I wanted them included but could not afford the wedding reception. My kitchen tea included an invite to our...
  4. Tactful

    Grandmother in disbelief as her daughter commits unthinkable act with grandchild's boyfriend

    The daughter should ditch both the boyfriend and the mother. Both were willing participants in this action. The mother has lost the respect and love of her daughter. If gran can take her granddaughter in for a while it will give her some love and stability.
  5. Tactful

    We need more than police checks: how parents and educators can keep childcare services safe from abuse

    We actually need parents to pay more attention to what their children do online and monitor them. We also need to have far more teeth in our laws, there is no cure for a paedophile, the only way to stop them is have a death sentence. These creeps, both male and female do not deserve a 2nd...
  6. Tactful

    Members user names and how they came about

    Mine is Tactful which is a family nickname
  7. Tactful

    Migrating birds could bring lethal avian flu to Australia’s vulnerable birds

    Cane toads were deliberately imported from South America without knowing the consequences. Migration of birds is normal and part of nature, unless you kill off all the birds that migrate here and return to their northern hemisphere homes you will not be able to stop avian flu. Your response...
  8. Tactful

    Won’t my cat get bored if I keep it inside? Here’s how to ensure it’s happy

    Biggest killer of our birds and small creatures are cats. If you want them outside then do the right thing and build them a play cage, big enough for you to stand up in. Make sure your cat can back into the house, that way it can come and go as will. Although I am a "dog" person, a number of my...
  9. Tactful

    Eradicate 'orange' sunscreen stains from your white tees with this astonishing trick!

    If the wise checked the ingredients on Sunscreen, they would not use it. I am very fair skinned and yes, I have has melanomias removed from my person, I do not use sunscreen. Instead I use my brain and take precautions such as wearing a long sleeve shirt,long pants, a hat and sunglasses when...
  10. Tactful

    Migrating birds could bring lethal avian flu to Australia’s vulnerable birds

    OMG now we need to find a way of stopping birds migrating to Austalia. Give me a break, avian flu has been around for many years and our birds have survived. The best thing we can do is let nature do her thing. Human intervention usually causes more trouble than it is worth.
  11. Tactful

    Unexpected major power plant shutdown leaves thousands without power

    If we shut down every single clean coal powered Power Station, then blackouts etc, will become the norm in Australia. Heading to Zero net CO2 will end up destroying plant life, huge solar farms cause greater harm than the energy they make, same with wind turbines, where these are there has been...
  12. Tactful

    Centrelink's outrageous wait times exposed as Senators grill bosses

    Let's Centrelink bash. The first place staff numbers are cut is always at the front line. Staff are told to try to cut their customer phone calls short. As an older Australian I expect to be able to ask all the questions I need to and have them answered. I do not want to be told to look it up on...
  13. Tactful

    Almost fell for a scam...

    I have a PayPal account and have been advised by them to never click on any links in emails. It is always best to access your account separately from any email. Also PayPal will address you personally, not your email address but your actual name. We must remain vigilant to the scum doing this.
  14. Tactful

    How are you coping with the heat?

    I am loving all the warm weather, I am fair skinned and sunburn very easily. Yet, I come to life in the heat and all this warm weather has me raring to go. If I do get over heated, then I simply have a tepid or cold shower, if I'm out, I will eat ice cubes and use my cooling small towel around...
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