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  1. J

    'Do not do this': Experts warn this internet cooking 'hack' is dangerous

    Unfortunately there are a lot of dipshits in this world. Just look at the UN, EU and the WEF., These organisations are full of un elected DIPSHITS!!
  2. J

    'Do not do this': Experts warn this internet cooking 'hack' is dangerous

    Just another reason to get off social media. The likes of TikTok, Farcebook and all the other platforms like that which are a social cancer that degrades the human spirit and creates jealousy, stress, depression and, as in that post, danger to your life. Morons that put steaks in toasters must...
  3. J

    Australia’s ‘Merry Medic’, Dr James Wright, passes away at 94

    An old school doctor that really cared about people and tried look after their wellbeing unlike a lot of doctors these days that are no more that drug pushers for the big pharmaceutical companies.
  4. J

    Australian Government hopes to cut smoking in half by 2030

    I am an ex smoker and I think it is a terrible habit. The government once again is engaged in window dressing. Smoking gives them a huge tax income along with alcohol and they need that money to"balance" their budget. I agree that smoking and drinking causes all sorts of issues but the elephant...
  5. J

    Ex-MasterChef Judge George Calombaris opened up about his drinking problem and unpaid wage scandal

    You are right. He basically had a cash business. I had a Pty Ltd Company for over 20 years and I agree 100% that your employees are the heart of a business. I put in place a profit sharing arrangement for employees that were with the company for more that 18 months. I was also very selective...
  6. J

    Ex-MasterChef Judge George Calombaris opened up about his drinking problem and unpaid wage scandal

    To start with I am NOT condoning wage theft by any means as I've been a victim of it myself in the past. Having said that how may here have had their own businesses? It's not a picnic and the government puts every hurdle in front of you that they can. Fart out of tune and they are there to 'get'...
  7. J

    The new Pension Work Bonus rule is taking effect today

    It's all just window dressing to make the government look good. What they give you with one hand, they take away with another. In the end you are usually worse off anyway. Scott Moronson was "Scomo". Boris Johnson was " Bojo". Anthony Albanese , by those standards, should be called " Anal"...
  8. J

    Shopper slams Woolworths’ new reusable tote bag: ‘They’re ripping after one use.’

    Whatever happened to "voting with your feet?" I remember that if you had a bad experience you would go and see management and try to solve it. If it wasn't solved to your satisfaction you would not buy that product again.If management is rude then would go to head office. No satisfaction? Don't...
  9. J

    You might be paying a lot more for toilet paper soon - here’s why

    No, it's called renaming the flu so that they can make millions from injecting untested MRNA poison into your system which destroys your immune system for a start not to mention changing your DNA. What could possibly go wrong? More people have died from the injection than of the "flu".
  10. J

    You might be paying a lot more for toilet paper soon - here’s why

    Our government pretends that they care but really they don't because they are all crawling up to big business and have their snouts in the trough.
  11. J

    You might be paying a lot more for toilet paper soon - here’s why

    This is what happens when you leave your country exposed to outside influences when you sell all your gas reserves to other countries for a fraction of the cost of what the cost is to the Australian consumer. The Australian governments have been selling us up and selling us out for decades. What...
  12. J

    Locals want this creek renamed over concerns of racism. Do you agree?

    I am fed up with all the virtue signalling and hope that these poor excuses for human beings who look to be offended, peek over the neighbours' fence just in case you might be doing something they don't agree with and call the police or the council. These Karens ought to get a life or be locked...
  13. J

    Locals want this creek renamed over concerns of racism. Do you agree?

    Seem as though you are so down on discrimination, and I agree, what do you think of the government encouraged discrimination against those who chose not to be vaccinated?
  14. J

    An Aussie woman is disputing her $1000 driving offence, but some people think she deserved it – do you agree?

    Do you think that the rising road toll may have something to do with a huge increase of road users, vey low standards for getting your licence, if fact you don't even have to speak English which is so wrong to begin with. The roads are in state of disrepair with pot holes that you could just...
  15. J

    An Aussie woman is disputing her $1000 driving offence, but some people think she deserved it – do you agree?

    Using a rolling machine is probably worse than using a mobile phone. I don't condone it and keep my phone in the glove box while I am driving. What happened before mobile phones? People didn't get and instant reply and life went on. My take away is that the Qld Police uses artificial...
  16. J

    Qantas takes the top spot on the 'Shonky Awards' list. Are you surprised?

    Qantas has been the pits ever since Alan Joyce took over. He has decimated the Australian work force that use to maintain the planes, showed he has no respect for the consumers. He has single handedly took the airline from the best in the world to this. Hope he is proud. From the other side I...
  17. J

    No end in sight for neighbourhood dispute – which side are you on?

    Whatever happened to communication between neighbours? This is what happened when we had an issue with a neighbour in the "old Australia" we lived in and loved? I sold my house in Wetherill Park, Sydney, because I was getting nothing but middle eastern people move into the street that had...
  18. J

    Harvey Norman among Aussies’ ‘most distrusted’ brands, poll shows

    We call them Hardly Normal as well.
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