Smaller bags for the home delivery. Good idea if you have a small order but…you wouldn’t want to be ordering a big list. How many extra bags would you need to pack the groceries in. Extra $$$ added to the weekly budget Will the staff be able to use the bags big or small accordingly to the size...
How would you know (remember, it’s more than ten years. Who keeps bills/receipts for that long) if you were one of the unlucky ones. Most people would have complain about it have no joy in the red tape response from them, then pay the bill anyway.
And the list gets bigger every year ⚖️
My pet peeve is… things we grew up with are being taken and replaced with things like songs filled with swearing…. that’s ok? And people claiming many different genders and identities. Like schools having kitty litter’s there cause kids are identifying...
I’ve always said that we need to look after our farmers be they dairy or fruit and vegetable growers. If they go - no need for supermarkets or workers or transport. Scary thought.
It’s a sign of the times. I think it could have its place somewhere as long as you are checked out if you get a positive Report. Don’t dismiss a skin check either, on a yearly or bi yearly appointments. Your life is precious and not bulletproof.