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  1. P

    Mum's unapple-ing ALDI discovery sparks debate!

    Seeing half a worm is worse
  2. P

    Mum's unapple-ing ALDI discovery sparks debate!

    Hardly disgusted, but I hope ALDI and all supermarkets start cutting the apple's in half to check if the seeds have sprouted.
  3. P

    This petrol station photo has some Australians furious—can you spot the reason why?

    Has anyone had the thought that maybe just maybe they swung around and backed in because that was the side needed to refill the tank
  4. P

    Father instantly loses $150,000 life savings: ‘I feel sick just thinking about it’

    A realist,try to retire on only $150,000 & see how you get on.
  5. P

    Father instantly loses $150,000 life savings: ‘I feel sick just thinking about it’

    How stupid are some people, besides you would not really have a comfortable retirement if you have only saved $150,000. Why keep sending money, it took a long time to wake up.
  6. P

    Shocking discovery in Woolworths item leaves family horrified: ‘It’s absolutely disgusting’

    Really,a $10. voucher yes that's really taking food safety seriously, NOT
  7. P

    Thousands of visitors flock to Australia’s national parks each year – and many take silly risks. How do we keep people safe?

    I think it's just natural selection. People take dumb chances for THAT special selfie.
  8. P

    Save big on fuel costs: State government unveils exclusive discount for Seniors Card holders

    4cpl is not a huge saving, you can save more with petrol spy, so not a big saving .
  9. P

    Score a ‘free’ flight from your dream destination with Jetstar’s latest offer!

    As I was pointing out their headline said free flight to your dream destination, but that is wrong, it's a free flight home from your dream destination. Yes I know you get a free flight but writers of the artical should have worded it differently.
  10. P

    Score a ‘free’ flight from your dream destination with Jetstar’s latest offer!

    It's not get free flights to overseas locations as per your headline it's come home for free after you get there.
  11. P

    Uncover the six sneaky scams that are out to get you this 2024!

    So is it 1500 a month as first reported or 80,000 as in second go.
  12. P

    Shoppers spot sneaky change at Coles prior to upcoming price gouging inquiry

    I hope Senator McKim looks at the profit the banks make and tell them they are not allowed to make 8 billion a year, then look at the high inflation rate and tell it to be lower. The supermarkets only made just over 1 billion dollars, what about IGA, ALDI their prices are comparable with the big...
  13. P

    Prime Minister Albanese reveals a new plan to slash the cost of living for Australians

    Does absolutely nothing to help a self funded retiree.
  14. P

    McDonald's customer shares stomach-turning find in meal: ‘I felt sick’

    Some people just need a whinge, there are plenty of people out there who eat rare or even blue streak (just above raw) and it doesn't affect their singing voice.
  15. P

    Selfish parking act sparks outrage: ‘I struggled to get into my car’

    Is parking over the dividing line not parking illegally, if they are parking illegally and can be fined $581. who issues the fine. The police said it was up to the shopping centre. News flash, shopping centres cannot issue fines that is the job of the police, they should be made to do their job.
  16. P

    Aussie driver slapped with $116 parking fine, gets mixed reactions online

    Have you ever tried to contact any council for anything, good luck with that.
  17. P

    Woman loses everything to Centrelink error: ‘I don’t know how much more I can handle’

    I just hope that once it is all sorted "Eve" receives adaquent componsation , as for the service officers that reviewed the deceased documents they should be sacked on the spot, this is not just human error, what the hell were they reviewing.
  18. P

    Shopper calls out Woolworths over 'shameful' Christmas gift: 'Why give anything?'

    If the Woolworths customer is so so upset with the small gift in her home delivery just send it back when you get your next order with a note, thanks for nothing, I am sure she will then feel much better.
  19. P

    Shopper calls out Woolworths over 'shameful' Christmas gift: 'Why give anything?'

    People should be grateful even for a small gift. I spent a lot of money at my bank and they made 6 times the profit of Woolworths, did I get a chocolate, NO
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