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Holy FLYING CRABS BATMAN !!As a Fabricator/Welder apprentice in the UK in the early 70's. We were working in a cotton mill, that was being converted into a mail order wharehouse. I asked the engineer in charge, which toilet could I use? He directed me to the ladies on the 3rd floor, now allocated for men. On return to the cafeteria, I said to the engineer "Wow the grafeti in the ladies toilet, is a lot worse than the mens!"
A couple of things he replied with, are not printable here, but one was "when it was the ladies toilet, I even found a meat and potato pie in a brown paper bag, warming up on top of the sanitary towel incinerator!"
I have always remembered one of the writings on the toilet wall in those ladies toilets, which left me scarred for life!!; "It is no good standing on the shit house seat, cos the crabs in here they jump 10 feet! If you think that this is high? Go next door, the bastards Fly!"
Love to all at SDC OXox
I went into a public toilet once and in large print, black Texta was the advert “ for the best sex ever ring Joe Bloggs on 040400001111”. Horrendously amusing reading that and my nephews name and number! He still hasn’t lived it downAs a Fabricator/Welder apprentice in the UK in the early 70's. We were working in a cotton mill, that was being converted into a mail order wharehouse. I asked the engineer in charge, which toilet could I use? He directed me to the ladies on the 3rd floor, now allocated for men. On return to the cafeteria, I said to the engineer "Wow the grafeti in the ladies toilet, is a lot worse than the mens!"
A couple of things he replied with, are not printable here, but one was "when it was the ladies toilet, I even found a meat and potato pie in a brown paper bag, warming up on top of the sanitary towel incinerator!"
I have always remembered one of the writings on the toilet wall in those ladies toilets, which left me scarred for life!!; "It is no good standing on the shit house seat, cos the crabs in here they jump 10 feet! If you think that this is high? Go next door, the bastards Fly!"
Love to all at SDC OXox
Best Robin quote I've ever heard ....Holy FLYING CRABS BATMAN !!
Our eldest son believed Shakespeare had a birth defect and all hisOne would think with all this wit, one would that Shakespeare's ghost had been to shit. Somebody wrote underneath, I should think that would be true for Shakespeare had an arsehole too.
I studied Shakespeare 12th night at high school, but your latest quill scribes doeth fly over my headeth?One would think with all this wit, one would that Shakespeare's ghost had been to shit. Somebody wrote underneath, I should think that would be true for Shakespeare had an arsehole too.
I was in the SA Amateur Theatrical Society as a teenager and had the pleasure of acting in several of Shakespeare plays. They were awesome and a great way to study his works!I studied Shakespeare 12th night at high school, but your latest quill scribes doeth fly over my headeth?
I remember this one that I read overseas, at age 18...As a Fabricator/Welder apprentice in the UK in the early 70's. We were working in a cotton mill, that was being converted into a mail order wharehouse. I asked the engineer in charge, which toilet could I use? He directed me to the ladies on the 3rd floor, now allocated for men. On return to the cafeteria, I said to the engineer "Wow the grafeti in the ladies toilet, is a lot worse than the mens!"
A couple of things he replied with, are not printable here, but one was "when it was the ladies toilet, I even found a meat and potato pie in a brown paper bag, warming up on top of the sanitary towel incinerator!"
I have always remembered one of the writings on the toilet wall in those ladies toilets, which left me scarred for life!!; "It is no good standing on the shit house seat, cos the crabs in here they jump 10 feet! If you think that this is high? Go next door, the bastards Fly!"
Love to all at SDC OXox
Heres a challenge change the last 2 lines to suite a female version of this poem.I remember this one that I read overseas, at age 18...
Some folks come to sit and think,
Some just come to shit and stink,
Others come to scratch their balls,
and read the writing on the walls!
Some folks come to sit and think,Heres a challenge change the last 2 lines to suite a female version of this poem.
Well that was cleaner than expected.Some folks come to sit and think,
Some just come to shit and stink,
Ladies frown with disbelief,
while they squat for some relief!
Well, what was a surprise, it was clean and you understood it?Well that was cleaner than expected.
Well done.