This possible road rule overhaul may force you to change your driving habits ASAP!

Australia's road safety landscape is on the brink of a significant transformation.

With the number of road-related accidents on the rise, experts called for a national reassessment of how drivers move on the road.

This sparked a discussion about ensuring the safety of all road users.

According to experts, 2023 became the deadliest year on Australian roads in a decade.

The Northern Territory saw a 170 per cent increase in road deaths within a year.

In addition, The Northern Territory and Western Australia currently have the highest default speed limits at 110 km/h.

On the other hand, the rest of Australia has a default speed limit of 100 km/h.

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Researchers proposed lower speed limits for the safety of drivers and pedestrians across Australia. Image Credit: Shutterstock/Matthew Philip

These figures are not just numbers; they represent lives lost and families shattered.

With the alarming rise in road fatalities, the current default speed limits are under scrutiny.

The WA Centre for Road Safety Research, led by director Teresa Senserrick, has been advocating for reduced speed limits.

Senserrick highlighted the urgency of this issue, particularly in Western Australia.

She also emphasised the potential benefits of reduced speed limits nationwide.

Just in time for the state's road safety summit, Senserrick's message was clear: lowering speed limits will save lives.

'So when the country changed from miles per hour to kilometres per hour, all the states and territories rounded their default speed limit on rural roads to 100—except WA and the NT,' Senserrick explained.'

For reference, Tasmanian highways have lowered their speed limit to 90 km/h, and some have reduced to 80km/h.

She also pointed out that the default speed limits were set based on the 1970s standards.

However, with advancements in technology, increased population, and evolving road conditions, these speeds should be changed to prioritise the citizens' well-being.

The research-driven proposal indicated that a 10 km/h decrease in speed could reduce the risk of severe and fatal injuries by 28 per cent.

'It is about adapting to changes over time and saying that these speeds are no longer viable on the roads if we want to prioritise people's lives and well-being,' Senserrick stated.

Senserrick also drew parallels between the current speed debate and past attitudes towards drink-driving.

'Going back to the '70s and '80s, people did not generally believe that having several drinks and driving was risky,' she shared.

'That has now changed. People do agree that drinking too much is risky to drink and drive. We need to do the same approach with speed.'.

These changes on the road should promote safer roads in response to changing conditions

'Australia used to be in the top 10 of Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries in our roads' safety records; we were tracking to get into the top five and doing extremely well,' Senserrick shared.

'We now barely scrape into the top 20, and we are well below the average. We have got very, very far behind.'

All drivers must stay informed and prepared to adapt their driving habits.

The proposed changes are not just regulatory adjustments; they are life-saving measures that require the support and cooperation of drivers.
Key Takeaways

  • Experts called for a reduction in the default speed limit on Australian roads to reduce road fatalities.
  • Some regions, such as the Northern Territory and Western Australia, have default speed limits of 110 km/h, which are among the highest in the world.
  • Road safety research suggested that lower speed limits could reduce the rates of severe crashes and deaths.
  • Western Australia was urged to lead the way in lowering speed limits, with the potential for other states to follow suit to improve road safety.
Do you have a story or opinion about road safety and speed limits? Share them with us in the comments section below.

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DI'd anyone stop and think about all those people driving that can't read or write English, may cause accidents as well?
Lowering speed limits will only cause frustration and more road rage!!
Just another revenue raising idea.
What ever happened to common sense?
Maybe if the dangerous rule where speedo can be out by 10% plus 4kph were changed back to accurate, there would be less accidents. At 110kph speedo reading the actual speed can be as low as 96kph. Therefore driving too slow can be just as dangerous as driving too fast. A class action law suit against the ADR to have the regulation changed back to accurate speedos in much needed so people actually know what speed they are driving. Thousands of drivers have no idea this ridiculous rule even exists. We now have thousands of vehicles driving at different speeds as every car speedo has different readings believing they are driving at the spped limit when in fact they can be driving at up to 14kph under. For those that know about this get impatient with those who don't. The ADR needs to be held responsible for the increased accidents and deaths as a result of this regulation.
Very true that , good point, my truck was limited to 100 but on the dash it was showing 118, yet if I passed a car then maybe the next town I pulled over, I’ve had people telling me I must have been speeding, then go to explain that their sitting @ 96kph roughly and slowing me up, then they argue 🙈
I too am concerned about safety But.. I think if we lower many speed liomits thenm to me the most dangerrous situation is multiple cars doing same speed together causes more problems than alowing vehicles to give more room. Also until they have "Heads Up " Speedos taking eyes off road is dangerous having to keep checking speed as there is no leeway in the K's with speed camers/Police etc. Training and awareness is the most inportant. Music & aircon etc are a distraction. It's time we went back to "Keep to the left except when overtaking" .Lane driving leads to frustration from others. Teaching by really qualified Instructors is a real MUST

bob NSW driver for over 60 years in many countries.
I live in the country and spend a lot of time on the road.
It is not the 110 limit that is the problem, but the number of people who do not stick to the limit.
As you drive out of our town the speed goes from 50 to 80 to 110.
Most people are doing 110 by the time they hit the 80 zone.
I set my cruise control to 110 and then just drive along while everyone overtakes me, except those who are an even bigger problem and drive along doing 70 or 80 in a 110 zone .
The 110 speed limit is not the problem, it's the ignorant drivers and the bad condition of the roads.
Why are they allowed to manufacture cars that go at such high speeds??
Wouldn't it make more sense to have cars fitted with a device that limited their speed, except for emergency vehicles.
Anyone who tampered with the device should have their car crushed, no ifs or buts.
Your cruise control @ 110 means your actual speed is aprox 96 , hence why cars are passing you , if you were doing 114 or maybe 118 depending on what you drive you will then be doing 110
my car is 110 @ 114 on the dashboard
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Simple fact is most people do the right thing when driving and a minority will always do the wrong thing so it changes nothing other than raising more revenue for the already thieving government, they are broke and look to taking more money from hard working people and pensioners.
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Some years back there was a Politician/Premier in Qld (Mr. Peterson?) who, ordered cut out Police/Cars on side of highways, as a deterrent to reckless drivers and further/somewhere on the highway was a Police car sited idle on the road, farther up, an Unmarked Police Car. Now, add the Revenue Collectors to this and the Federal, State Governments will be thrilled with the revenue, all under safe/responsible driving. Further now they want to add "I spy, Cameras". Victoria has them and with timing between A - B etc. So if you think you are over the limit in time and/or speed, you have the chance to pull in to rest spots or divert to another road/town. Next, we will see Speed Humps. it's time these Pollies - State, Federal and Local we pay, to, get out of their "Glass Bubble Houses" and start travelling the Bruce Highway, Stuart Highway, Pacific Highway etc. Then, you look at the National Highway, Qld to NSW. Qld has at least 6/4 lanes NSW 2 Lanes. Then, look at the different standard of roads between states. Qld make reasonably good motorways, NSW, dogs can fill in holes for the bones, better than the so called Bureaucratic people. Again, we the motorist pay a heavy Toll, Fuel Taxes, Vehicle Taxes, GST and other taxes I cannot remember and, lost count of. Yet, all the Revenue Takers may be your next door neighbour who, you helped to elect as your Local, State or Federal member. Yet, the rate payer suffers, from the usual vote catching "Fix my Street/Road". If carried out, It will lower the ROAD Toll for all. But, by doing zilch, your local Council etc., can hang out until near the next election with the usual cry of the budget was set and we the " " couldn't change the budget. However, how about spending the millions we Vehicle/Company owners pay for, the road upkeep and get very little in return except to raise Rates.

This could be a Local Council Election issue. "FIX our Streets and Roads. Before fining drivers.
Let the drivers sue the "poor ratepayers" Council including, the two Governments without cost to the rate payer, against the cost to repair their vehicles be it motor, electric two wheeled etc.

Further, we should take a look overseas on how they recycle their rubbish into roads.

Polies, do not have to travel, just look up Co pilot, U Tube etc. Then Zoom or use another app to directly converse with the Country and or Countries. Again, very little or no cost in travel, hotels overnight expenses etc. by Polies.

In conclusion Rubbish in Roads. this report is partly based by Co pilot.

Sent by Copilot:​

"Several countries have started using waste materials, including plastic, to construct roads. India is a notable example, having incorporated plastic waste into over 60,000 miles of roads12. This initiative helps reduce plastic pollution and improve road durability. Other countries like Ghana, South Africa, Vietnam, Mexico, the Philippines (Rubbish), and the United States have also begun experimenting with plastic roads13".
It’s fascinating to see how Innovation that, Rubbish, Plastics etc. can be used for good. Not, for bad (Where are the Greenies). Some years past on a TV Show (the Inventors?), a private person invented a machine which, took oil out of Tyres, Wire and other products which could be be recycled and/or used for road repairs. I never heard what happened to this invention.
There is a lot of talk about the government reducing speed, that isn't necessarily the answer, I however think the fact that young people today buy or are brought for them you beaut fancy expensive cars, also has a lot to do with the higher road death toll. How often do you hear or see the carnage because a P plater or someone who has just become a driver who no longer needs them is wrapped around a tree because their high powered vehicle has spun out of control, the cars themselves are more powerful then I had when I was a teenager/young person. Often people disregard the speed noted on the side of the road and go at least 10 to 20 ks over, to me that is also a huge factor and for that you can't only blame young people, I often see people of all ages driving over the limit because they believe they have a right to and dam anyone else who is doing the limit and get in their way.
Would have thought that an expensive you beaut car would have more safety features than an average car, and P platers are not allowed to have high powered vehicles, but think about how bad the roads are ?
One of the biggest problems with speeding is the makers of motor vehicles because they make the capable of reaching ridiculous speeds that are so far above any legal speed limit.
These motor vehicle makers care only about profits not about human lives
AH -- the old university trained experts are at it again-- writing and talking crap and as usual using stats to show just how right they are. There might come a time in the far distant future when experts use their knowledge to listen to people who actually use the goat tracks we call highways.
The road users repeatedly call for desperately needed up grades to the Bruce highway and where is the money spent-- That's right and another 6 lane highway from Brisbane to the Gold coast
Nothing spent north of Nambour and nothing ever spent north of Gladstone
But hey 100KPH is the reason for the deaths so lets cut it back to 80 KPH
For once stop talking -- speed kills and lets start talking driver education improvement
Why do we not have an instant call center where bad driving habits can be reported immediately and then the police can set up interceptors to remove those drivers from the roads
Fact-- bad drivers repeat their bad habits every day on the same roads every where so a data base would allow the police to put an unmarked car on the road in the area around that time and then remove the driver
Now we all know that the justice system is in disarray from the revolving door for your criminals , so it is the same to reoccurring bad drivers , because the judges don't have a police history of the driver to act on
Fact -- if responsible drivers could e-mail a daily witnesses bad driving effort then that could be handed to the judge and the right deterrent issued
NO way you say, as some one could have a set on a car, and continually report it-- would you not think that would set a trend and that person would be ignored and that on one morning , with one bad driver , there could be 100 reports of that driver for different ares
What ever -- I am saying is this A-- excessive speed is a problem but not the only problem , B- bad roads is a majour problem and is always ignored, C - there are not enough officers to police bad drivers so bring in good drivers as reporters of bad driving so that the police can concentrate their efforts on the driver and not waste resources D - raise the age to get a license to 18
I totally agree on the reporting of bad drivers. We often travel Wagga to Sydney and see bloody awful drivers. Police concentrate on seat belts, mobile phones and speeding but are not looking at general bad driving.
Build them and Fix the roads properly instead of just patching them may help.
Some roads are more dangerous when just patched. You get a false sense of security when you see they've been patched
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Agree, although, I would not discount many elderly (and I am one myself) as well particularly when it comes to road rules which they tend to forget and so make up their own instead of referring to the actual laws. I find if one follows the actual rules every day you remember them, many people change their interpretation of the rules as often as they change their underwear.
Speak for yourself, I have been driving over 50yrs, with no accidents or fines. ( Touch wood)I stick to the rules, just wish others would do the same. Idiots are idiots at any age.
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I drove over a million kilometers and found that education and fatigue were the main factors of accidents with carelessness and impatience were not far behind. People need to learn their body and stop when tired or feeling unwell .
On highways where drivers can get tired, it's difficult to find a place to pull over and rest for 5 minutes, and not have careless drivers side-swipe you. And what about roads where lanes end all of a sudden and drivers have to change lanes? Badly designed roads that cause frustartion contribute to accidents.
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Lowering the existing 100kmh speed limit to 90 or 80 would be a seriously regressive step.
Australia's rural roads and highways are no place for that kind of city/urban mindset. It already takes long enough to reach destinations in the country without making the drive significantly longer.

I'm old enough to remember the government slogan related to the Victorian state road death toll of 1024 in one year. It became a mantra for road safety for years.
Considering the massive increase in population since then and the corresponding increase in the number of vehicles on our roads, the road death toll has been effectively cut by 90%, so I see zero justification for this proposal.

All it will achieve is aggravating existing driver frustration, and that's only going to produce more problems.

Suggestions relating to other drivers dobbing in drivers they believe aren't driving to the dobber's arbitrary standards are just plain stupid.
Better driver training and higher levels of concentration are the answer.

As a CFA firefighter I've attended many orange, and can only recall a few that were solely attributed to speeding.
Something like 98% were caused by lack of concentration.

I'm constantly amazed at the driver behaviour I see whenever on the road - some drivers have their heads turned 90 degrees (to the left to converse with passengers) for 15-20 seconds at a time. Talking to passengers is one of the biggest contributors to the accident rate.

If you really want things to change, invent a device that prevents the driver turning their head away from the straight-ahead position for more than 1-2 seconds. That alone would produce a marked decrease in accidents.

The key here is that drivers today definitely lack the proper understanding of the gravity of their responsibility as drivers.

They must at all times drive knowing that their own safety and passengers (and every other road user) safety depends upon them having full concentration on the task of driving. Anything less is just criminally irresponsible.

Lowering the state speed limit is not the answer to accident prevention.
Better driver training is, and this doesn't end the day someone receives their their licence. More emphasis needs to be focussed on making new drivers better at actually driving, with special emphasis on preventing distractions inside the passenger compartment.
Definition of an accident.

An unexpected event, typically sudden in nature and associated with injury, loss, or harm.

The following causes of road incidents are not accidents and are totally preventable.

  1. Speeding
  2. Not driving to conditions, including poor road surfaces
  3. Poor driver education
  4. Substance impaired driving
  5. Inattention and distraction - including pets and children, mobile phones, in-dash instrumentation, roadside signage (including traffic signs and advertising)
  6. Poor vehicle maintenance
  7. And a few more.
The only causes of motor vehicle accidents are the rare collisions with wayward wildlife or farm animals. One could possibly put sudden weather events into the list but that might extend to No. 2 above.
People that cause fatal crashes are NOT driving to the speed limit.It doesn't matter what ridiculous speed you lower it too ,People will still break the law and speed at 160 plus.The rest of us who do drive to the speed limit will just be inconvenienced by longer slower trips behind the wheel ,falling asleep and causing more fatalities.
Changing the speed limit will have minimal effect. It's driver attitude that needs to change. I travel from Geraldton to Perth every couple of months for medical reasons. My cruise control is set at 110ks. It's surprising the amount of cars overtake me. They would be travelling @ 120+. Lowering the speed limit to 100, won't stop the speeders, and are they really the cause of the road fatality?

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