Shocking treatment: Coles cashier's demand left cancer patient feeling ‘violated’ at checkout

Tony Jones, a 39-year-old Queensland resident and cancer patient, was left feeling 'violated' and 'like a criminal' after a distressing incident at his local Coles supermarket.

Mr Jones, who has been battling bowel cancer, was asked to lift his shirt at the self-serve checkout by a staff member who suspected him of shoplifting.

Mr Jones' battle with bowel cancer has left him with a large hernia and a stoma, a surgically created opening in the abdomen that allows bowel movements.

To hide his hernia, Jones wears shirts that are three to four sizes larger than his usual size.

However, during a recent shopping trip to Coles, a staff member mistook his hernia for concealed stolen goods and asked him to lift his shirt in front of other customers.

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Tony Jones was suspected of theft in a Coles store. Image source: Shutterstock

Mr Jones described the incident as leaving him feeling violated.

'I have a stoma from bowel cancer a few years ago, had my entire bowel removed and then in late 2022 had a blockage so had to have emergency surgery, after that, I developed a very large hernia,' he explained.

‘Going through Coles self-checkout and as I go to pay, the worker says from across the self-checkout section, “And what about what’s under your shirt?” as she walks up to me—very accusatory tone like she was happy that she had caught me, loud enough that anyone at self-checkout knew,’ he recalled.

'I was shocked but wanted out of there, so just lifted my shirt to show my stoma bag and the hernia,’ Mr Jones admitted.

‘I suppose I could have argued, but I already hate my body, I hate the stoma and stoma bag (I find it disgusting), and the hernia causes a lot of pain, and I detest how I look so just wanted out,’ he confessed.

The Coles worker immediately apologised upon realising her mistake, but the damage was done.

Mr Jones, who worked in retail for over 14 years before his illness, was left feeling humiliated and distressed by the incident. He also expressed his disappointment at the accusatory tone of the staff member and the assumption of guilt.

‘It was quick, but it’s really left me shocked that they can take such an accusatory tone and sound so proud of themselves for it like they were waiting to catch a thief,’ Mr Jones shared.

‘The size of the bulge is very big, you’d have to be a complete moron if you were stealing something and showing something this big under your shirt,’ he added.

‘But having my hernia and, more so, my stoma bag on display for everyone who was looking as she hadn’t said it quietly was embarrassing and, yeah, I feel very weird right now, I guess,’ Mr Jones said.

In response to the incident, Coles offered Mr Jones a $100 gift voucher and an apology from the store manager.

However, he felt that the gesture was insufficient, stating, 'It’s a bit weird of a feeling to have a dollar value put on emotional distress.'

‘Honestly, I wish it would go higher than the store level as even reading the replies (online) to my experience, it seems like Coles themselves seem to have an issue at its core with people speaking about the new (security) gates and such as well,’ Mr Jones continued.

‘Coles seems to be fostering the idea that we are criminals who are guilty until proven innocent.’

When Mr Jones was asked, he said he didn't think the Coles team member in question should be let go. He just hopes other retail workers can learn from what happened.

A Coles spokesperson addressed the incident in a statement, saying, ‘We are disappointed to hear about this customer’s experience and earlier today, we spoke directly to our customer and apologised for this incident.’

‘Coles is committed to creating an inclusive environment for our customers and team members, and apologise again that this didn’t occur on this occasion,’ they added.

Key Takeaways
  • A Coles shopper felt ‘violated’ after being asked to lift his shirt at the checkout, as a staff member suspected him of shoplifting.
  • The customer, who is battling cancer, was wearing an oversized shirt to conceal a hernia and a stoma.
  • The supermarket chain has offered the customer a $100 gift voucher and an apology from the store manager for the embarrassing incident.
  • Coles has expressed disappointment in the incident, stating that their aim is to treat customers with respect and provide courteous service, and they are committed to creating an inclusive environment.

What are your thoughts on this incident, members? Have you or someone you know experienced similar treatment in a retail store? Share your experiences and thoughts in the comments below.

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Well done for sticking up for the lady.

When I leave a shop, I just smile at the staff member and walk out. If a staff member asks to search my bag, I ask politely, "Do you think I've stolen something?". I then walk off as they stand there in silence.
Good man....or woman.

So called security in shopping centres have NO greater power than you or me.
Coles at Maddington has gates on the self checkout and also on checkouts. My Support worker is always with me but i didnt feel well and I wanted to sit down but could not get out. I was told I had to wait till my groceries were done before being let out. I suffer severe Anxiety and PTSD and EUPD and have alot of problems dealing with crowds. This has happened since my work accident. people like me should be excused as all I wanted to do was sit down nearby and take a medication with my water to help me with my anxiety attacks but NO! These gates should never been introduced as many of us suffer some kind of medical issues. They use Security measures on meat so why not use it on other products to stop the thieves and also bring back HUMAN CHECKOUT OPERATOR!!! I used to be one and I loved serving them when I used to work for Coles. Come on COLES respect people with medical issues etc. You now treat EVERY ONE OF US AS THIEVES.
Being a staunch advocate for people with a disability, you have my back all the way. Visible or hidden, a disability takes on many forms. Anybody who messes with a person with a disability, messes with me. Outcome? Best of luck!
In Victoria (the dumb state), it is a criminal offence for anyone other than a member of the police to search your bag in an intrusive way. Ask a Wilson security dude who upturned a disabled woman's bag at the local Coles. When I confronted this weakling, he shit himself. He committed an act of common assault!

And the Dandenong police backed me up on this fact.
Equally, the staff would be instructed to NEVER touch a person. Police would also tell any staff member that tries to stop a thief that they would prefer to deal with the crime of a theft rather than a stabbing or worse from some idiot being a hero.
Sorry this had to happen to him, but the staff member was only doing their job! You got an apology, they are not mind readers, and had you explained that to them to start with this would NOT be blown out of all proportion also why make a huge thing about being "violated" etc it was only a simple mistake of the worker just doing their job! Stop sensationalism.
You have stated the exact and reasonable response to this article, but now you need to be prepared for the cancel commentary on this site.
Coles at Maddington has gates on the self checkout and also on checkouts. My Support worker is always with me but i didnt feel well and I wanted to sit down but could not get out. I was told I had to wait till my groceries were done before being let out. I suffer severe Anxiety and PTSD and EUPD and have alot of problems dealing with crowds. This has happened since my work accident. people like me should be excused as all I wanted to do was sit down nearby and take a medication with my water to help me with my anxiety attacks but NO! These gates should never been introduced as many of us suffer some kind of medical issues. They use Security measures on meat so why not use it on other products to stop the thieves and also bring back HUMAN CHECKOUT OPERATOR!!! I used to be one and I loved serving them when I used to work for Coles. Come on COLES respect people with medical issues etc. You now treat EVERY ONE OF US AS THIEVES.
As a sufferer of the same issues myself, I can only offer you kindness and support. Those who have no illnesses or frailties have no idea how people like us desperately try to navigate our way through life. Everyday tasks for some, are massive hurdles we tackle daily. Wishing you the courage and strength necessary to keep being positive and moving forward in any way you can. 🙌🙏🥰
Actually, I reckon that the Coles employee would have gone home that night and thought about it and probably will never forget that experience with that poor guy.
Last time I was at Coles, the self check-out was constantly beeping at me. The staff told me that Coles has just recently upgraded all their software to be more sensitive for scanning items. The outcome is absolutely ridiculous, because I was scanning the correct item and the software still has issues.
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Coles created this situation by moving to self service to save money and reduce employee #'s. Then they expect untrained staff (often teenagers) to police people buying goods through self service, and have the nerve to offer a $100 voucher as an apology for this humiliating and totally unnecessary situation of their own creation !
Nothing less than free groceries for the next year would of been a suitable apology. I am totally DISGUSTED to read how this man was treated! I will be boycotting shopping at Coles for a while and hope others decide to do the same - seeing as Coles bottom line seems to be all Coles are interested in.
Mr Jones should take this very serious issue further… straight to court 😡😡😡
What a humiliating, disgraceful display of intimidation against a person who was simply going about his shopping. I really hope he walked out and left his goods there after that shocking intervention. The Coles employee in question should be moved on - out the back to the loading dock, if not let go completely. To add insult to injury the offering of a $100 gift card was demeaning and totally inappropriate. I’m devastated by this story and I really believe Mr Jones should find a lawyer - Shine Lawyers have a no-win no-fee policy and Coles need to be held accountable for their over the top filthy tactics against Mr Jones.
Sorry this had to happen to him, but the staff member was only doing their job! You got an apology, they are not mind readers, and had you explained that to them to start with this would NOT be blown out of all proportion also why make a huge thing about being "violated" etc it was only a simple mistake of the worker just doing their job! Stop sensationalism.
Don't agree. Makes no difference whether he had a medical problem or not. Airports take people into a private space. There is no reason for a manager not to have been called and be offered to go to somewhere private. This is not OK under any circumstances for the attendant to have not gone to him and then spoken rather than alerting all in the store. And to offer a place to be checked. They would not have been trained to call out or ask him to lift his top, which is also suggested by the Coles apology.
Actually, I reckon that the Coles employee would have gone home that night and thought about it and probably will never forget that experience with that poor guy.
Last time I was at Coles, the self check-out was constantly beeping at me. The staff told me that Coles has just recently upgraded all their software to be more sensitive for scanning items. The outcome is absolutely ridiculous, because I was scanning the correct item and the software still has issues.
Only yesterday, the local Woolies self serve checkout kept telling me I had an unscanned item in my backpack.

The culprit? A non barcoded metal drink container courtesy of Victoria's Metro staff.
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I agree about Coles on the
Coles at Maddington has gates on the self checkout and also on checkouts. My Support worker is always with me but i didnt feel well and I wanted to sit down but could not get out. I was told I had to wait till my groceries were done before being let out. I suffer severe Anxiety and PTSD and EUPD and have alot of problems dealing with crowds. This has happened since my work accident. people like me should be excused as all I wanted to do was sit down nearby and take a medication with my water to help me with my anxiety attacks but NO! These gates should never been introduced as many of us suffer some kind of medical issues. They use Security measures on meat so why not use it on other products to stop the thieves and also bring back HUMAN CHECKOUT OPERATOR!!! I used to be one and I loved serving them when I used to work for Coles. Come on COLES respect people with medical issues etc. You now treat EVERY ONE OF US AS THIEVES.
Coles at Maddington has gates on the self checkout and also on checkouts. My Support worker is always with me but i didnt feel well and I wanted to sit down but could not get out. I was told I had to wait till my groceries were done before being let out. I suffer severe Anxiety and PTSD and EUPD and have alot of problems dealing with crowds. This has happened since my work accident. people like me should be excused as all I wanted to do was sit down nearby and take a medication with my water to help me with my anxiety attacks but NO! These gates should never been introduced as many of us suffer some kind of medical issues. They use Security measures on meat so why not use it on other products to stop the thieves and also bring back HUMAN CHECKOUT OPERATOR!!! I used to be one and I loved serving them when I used to work for Coles. Come on COLES respect people with medical issues etc. You now treat EVERY ONE OF US AS THIEVES.
On the 23rd of January i was walking up the isle in Coles whith a trolleya large one as there never seems to be small ones when my knee gave way and i hit the floor.i am 80 years young i was crying ,felt like i was going to faint persperation running down my face .I struggled to pull myself up and the pain was unbearable .I used my big toe and the trolley to get me to the checkout as there were no staff around.A man behind me put my groceries onto the counter .I then proceeded to try and get to my entrance .An Employee on the service desk looked at me and turned away. A young lady asked if i was ok and took my trolley to my car . I ended in Hospital with a Medial Meniscus tear and a sprain .Iwas in Hospital for 7 days my knee was like a balloon.My Dr who does knee replacements said at the moment no Surgeon would touch my knee as it is so bad .He said i will hopefully recover in 3 months .The pain is unbearable. I sent a complaint to Head Office of Coles receiving a reply that they were looking into it .I told them they have cameras and if they had staff instead of those do it yourself checkouts maybe some one might have helped me .So good -bye Coles for me .
Mr Jones should take this very serious issue further… straight to court 😡😡😡
What a humiliating, disgraceful display of intimidation against a person who was simply going about his shopping. I really hope he walked out and left his goods there after that shocking intervention. The Coles employee in question should be moved on - out the back to the loading dock, if not let go completely. To add insult to injury the offering of a $100 gift card was demeaning and totally inappropriate. I’m devastated by this story and I really believe Mr Jones should find a lawyer - Shine Lawyers have a no-win no-fee policy and Coles need to be held accountable for their over the top filthy tactics against Mr Jones.
F**K Erin Brochovich and her ilk.
I feel very sorry for Mr. Jones, how terrible for him to go through this, sadly the younger members of coles are not taught manners, speak to customers like they are children and give you the, as they say now the stink eye if you call them on the way they speak. If I was accused I would tell this young person a, don't speak to me like that, and b, I have a medical condition call your store manager so we can speak about this quietly and with dignity. I would also write to head office about the incident.
Although I empathise with Mr Jones I believe this has been sensaltionalizedand was NOT as bad as it was made out to be the staff member did their that is how they are taught, I don't think they were being disrespectful but asked the question, and Although a lot of our youth do as you said I believe this is not the case here..he got an apology if you had read it but don't go off half cocked on a story where a staff member just did their job!
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Mr Jones should take this very serious issue further… straight to court 😡😡😡
What a humiliating, disgraceful display of intimidation against a person who was simply going about his shopping. I really hope he walked out and left his goods there after that shocking intervention. The Coles employee in question should be moved on - out the back to the loading dock, if not let go completely. To add insult to injury the offering of a $100 gift card was demeaning and totally inappropriate. I’m devastated by this story and I really believe Mr Jones should find a lawyer - Shine Lawyers have a no-win no-fee policy and Coles need to be held accountable for their over the top filthy tactics against Mr Jones.
Omg what planet DO YOU LIVE ON!! this is just about a staff member who asked the question as they were obviously have no idea and are just as bad as the authors here trying to go for sensationalism! Stop and think how the staff member felt they were NOT rude but doing their on the other hand are all for NOT SEEING A STAFF member doing their job...the are not mind readers nor do they have a crystal ball...but I'll bet my money YOU DO!!
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  • Wow
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These people are taught to treat everyone with suspicion. A shop assistant may ask, if they suspect anything, but any investigation MUST take place in a room separate from the public. If the person refuses and walks out, they cannot physically restrain anyone, unless they are Police. And why would someone put their life on the line to stop someone from stealing $15 worth of fatty chops? Some shoplifters are desperate and often affected by substances. If i was working in retail, i would be stepping to one side, and wishing them a good day. i want to go home to my family at the end of my working day.
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And…here is an alternate possibility.

Coles, being one of many, that have an inclusive policy, thus they employ many people with disabilities and I applaud them for it.

At my local Coles they have several employees, including checkout people with Autism. Can be a ‘silent’ or hard to identify disability. I have experienced one who appears quite rude and only sees black and white, hence if his training has been to ask customers if they suspect theft or such, they do not always have the social skills to exercise tack. This person has often been rude if I don’t load all the cold items together or such pedantic order as he sees it. It took a few encounters to realise he has a disability. This person could have answered without a drama if he considered this possibility.
While the staffer had obviously jumped to a (false) conclusion, that she acted on it with a “holier than thou” attitude was a very “beginner” mistake, and learning from that will be a significant step in continuing her career.

One factor almost completely absent from many public situations is empathy. Every person in this world is different to every other — the differences are not always obvious, yet they are always there.

This is not being helped by self-check-outs. From a human register operator, you often get quiet advice, compromises in difficult situations, questions answered, and so on; in contrast, a machine either works, or it doesn’t, end of story.

Our local KMart, a few years ago, was internally reorganised so the registers are now about in the middle of the store, very much blurring the physical boundary between “store owns” and “customer owns.”

To add to this collection of incoherence, being the “middle man” (shop assistant, whatever the gender) is not as easy as it may seem. People in remote offices — who don’t have to deal personally with the consequences of their actions — make decisions about how things are done, and often not even the store manager can override those. This includes arbitrarily deciding to rearrange everything in the store, so items which were once in known, familiar locations are suddenly in completely different areas.

If you think that is incoherent, at a local store last year my spouse — as she was walking in — watched a woman pushing a full shopping trolley out through the “entrance” to her car in the adjacent car-park, where she began transferring goods (unpaid for, of course).

She pointed this out to front desk — who were not allowed to intervene. A staffer unobtrusively took some phone-photos of the car (license plate showing), the woman, and the shopping, which they would then send off to the police.
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Wow and YOU seriously need some psych help with that ridiculous HAVE NO IDEA unless you have worked at Coles how the training goes...please think next time before you make wild accusations that could in all real terms be classified as slander!!
clThe Cole’s worker should have been fired. It’s about time this kind of person realises they are not Coles, they are servants of Coles and if their Company does not have sufficient security to stop theft then it’s the company’s problem. Good training in respect for the customer should be a pre-requisite for the job. I’m so sorry for this customer and wish him well in his recovery.
  • Haha
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I agree about Coles on the

On the 23rd of January i was walking up the isle in Coles whith a trolleya large one as there never seems to be small ones when my knee gave way and i hit the floor.i am 80 years young i was crying ,felt like i was going to faint persperation running down my face .I struggled to pull myself up and the pain was unbearable .I used my big toe and the trolley to get me to the checkout as there were no staff around.A man behind me put my groceries onto the counter .I then proceeded to try and get to my entrance .An Employee on the service desk looked at me and turned away. A young lady asked if i was ok and took my trolley to my car . I ended in Hospital with a Medial Meniscus tear and a sprain .Iwas in Hospital for 7 days my knee was like a balloon.My Dr who does knee replacements said at the moment no Surgeon would touch my knee as it is so bad .He said i will hopefully recover in 3 months .The pain is unbearable. I sent a complaint to Head Office of Coles receiving a reply that they were looking into it .I told them they have cameras and if they had staff instead of those do it yourself checkouts maybe some one might have helped me .So good -bye Coles for me .
Coles will look into it? May as well being self appointed gynaecologists. BOCs. Bunch of c**ts!

Coats, carts, take your pick....don't forget your shovel.
  • Haha
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The Cole’s worker should have been fired. It’s about time this kind of person realises they are not Coles, they are servants of Coles and if their Company does not have sufficient security to stop theft then it’s the company’s problem. Good training in respect for the customer should be a pre-requisite for the job. I’m so sorry for this customer and wish him well in his recovery.
Wow and YOU seriously need some psych help with that ridiculous HAVE NO IDEA unless you have worked at Coles how the training goes...please think next time before you make wild accusations that could in all real terms be classified as slander!!

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