Can Dreams Predict the Future?

Note from the Editor:
This article was written for the SDC by psychologist and member Jan A. Jan works on a part-time basis, taking on clients under the Medicare Mental Health Care Plans. She works with all ages, from children to seniors!

Those who remember their dreams will know that dreams are strange images that play in our minds at night, somewhat like a movie. While modern psychology tells us that dreams are products of our own mind, people of the ancient world saw dreams as supernatural beings bringing revelations from the divine realm. Because dreams were thought to convey the knowledge of the gods, they were also believed to predict the future.

To the modern scientific intellect, aware that dreams arise from our own mind, the belief in dreams as predictive appears irrational. However, there may be room for reality and dreams to coexist.

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Can dreams and reality coexist? Image Credit: Shutterstock

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Note from the Editor:
This article was written for the SDC by psychologist and member Jan A. Jan works on a part-time basis, taking on clients under the Medicare Mental Health Care Plans. She works with all ages, from children to seniors!

Those who remember their dreams will know that dreams are strange images that play in our minds at night, somewhat like a movie. While modern psychology tells us that dreams are products of our own mind, people of the ancient world saw dreams as supernatural beings bringing revelations from the divine realm. Because dreams were thought to convey the knowledge of the gods, they were also believed to predict the future.

To the modern scientific intellect, aware that dreams arise from our own mind, the belief in dreams as predictive appears irrational. However, there may be room for reality and dreams to coexist.

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Can dreams and reality coexist? Image Credit: Shutterstock

Thank you Jan A for such an interesting article. I have always been wary of other people attempting to interpret other people's dreams. To me, dreams are a very personal issue and while I believe we can be assisted in our own interpretations by others asking questions that enable us to more deeply consider our dream experience, I feel we can only truly interpret our dreams ourselves. What is your experience in this regard?
Great point, @upmack!
The night before the. Melbourne cup in 2012 I had put my bets on and that night I dreamt that green moon won the Melbourne cup I had not picked it so I thought I would go and put some money on It and it won the Melbourne cup
Back in the 1980s, I had a dream about the Melbourne Cup winner being Number 9. It was Foxseal, the Winner of the Brisbane Cup earlier that year over the same distance which I backed. Come the first Tuesday in November, subsequently plonked my money on Foxseal only to see it greet the judge....stone motherless last! 😀
Interesting article. I have had some nightmares where I have woken up with one and it was so frightening. But I also have ridiculous dreams like recently. I had a dream about my former boss who was moving house and I was trying to organise him. It is about 30 years since I worked for this man. When I was recalling this in the morning. I put two and two together and realised a couple of things had happened recently that involved the dream. My boss of the time did not move either.
A few years back, I dreamt that I was speaking to an old friend who was the Manager of the Op-Shop where I volunteered. I hadn't been in touch with her for many years. In the dream I was telling her about my son and his daughter who has Rett Syndrome. I had just bought my Granddaughter a cabbage-patch doll for her birthday. On opening the box, the doll's adoption certificate had this friend's name. This friend had especially liked my son. The following morning, I read her obituary in the morning paper.
The dream was so vivid, it gave me goose-bumps.
A few years back, I dreamt that I was speaking to an old friend who was the Manager of the Op-Shop where I volunteered. I hadn't been in touch with her for many years. In the dream I was telling her about my son and his daughter who has Rett Syndrome. I had just bought my Granddaughter a cabbage-patch doll for her birthday. On opening the box, the doll's adoption certificate had this friend's name. This friend had especially liked my son. The following morning, I read her obituary in the morning paper.
The dream was so vivid, it gave me goose-bumps.
Oh wow, the part about the day after gave me chills. It's so weird how the details all seem to align, isn't it?
Interesting article thanks Jan. I rarely remember dreaming, but often wake up thinking my late husband was here.
As a child I dreamt my Mum and I hid in the oven because a wolf was after us. Stupid but never forgotten. LOL
My eldest sister has a crippling fear of little people that she says came from a nightmare back when she was a kid of being chased by them. Decades on and she still gets anxious and feels so mean about it 😅
I am intrigued by the usually misguided interpretations of dreams. Some "experts" align a certain symbol or entity as having a particular meaning such as a tree denoting strength or a snake meaning sexual masculinity.

Well, I have been having dreams for over 55 years, sometimes up to 5 a night, most nights of the week with most of them remembered in 4K high definition, usually waking right after the dream. They are not fleeting images but rather a mini movie that may be up to an hour in duration. Or feels that way!

My mind is a non stop pain in the arse, operating 30 hours a day, 10 days a week, 100 weeks a year.

My undiagnosed condition called hyperthermsia is probably to blame. Being an extremely rare condition, without formal diagnostic tests, the two psychiatrists I have consulted have put me in the "too hard basket". As a result, there is hardly anything I have experienced in my life that I don't remember since the age of four.
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October 1981, I had a dream that someone in the family died, the next night I dreamt it was my husband then the next it was me, then hubby then me.
I would wake up feeling it was real.
I was 4 months pregnant and was told by others that it was my hormones, others said maybe it ment our lives would be disruptive.

These dreams became apart of my life and every night as the sunset started to set and darkness came , along came the dreaded feeling of not wanting to sleep. Sure enough as I slept the dream appeared. It vecame so controlling of me I thought I was going crazy.

This went on for 8 weeks until the morning of the 25th December , we were woken by the phone ringing . We were told that my brother inlaw was killed in a motor bike accident. As soon as I heard this the feeling I had with me for the past 8 weeks was lifted and the dreams completely stopped.

Over the next 6 months our lives were put on hold due to hubby needing to look after his sister and jump to her every wimp .
I was lucky to have him with me when I gave birth.
Other dreams I have had is one of my daughters as a baby , then I find out with in a week the one I dreamt of is pregnant .
Only happens with my daughters
Could explain how l knew each time 3 of our daughters became pregnant weeks before we were told, even knowing (without telling them), what sex the babies were.
A great article which l would like to read more about please.

Especially impressed about the story from Abe Lincoln.

As a young lad & up until my teens l regularly had a dream about falling on my back, down a well while slowly spinning anti- clockwise. Put this down now to unsettling influences of my parents. Just a guess.

Now on a fairly regular basis, my wife will wake me. I have been flinging my arms & legs about apparently. The recent one when this happened l told her, 'l was stomping on the Deputy (Sheriff).' l remember nothing else but l think we were having an argument & he came on a bit strong. This could relate to a matter where people from my City Council lied about me & had me dismissed as a volunteer & now l wish to appeal against this to a higher source in the Council, having already consulted the Mayor about this.

I am regularly reminded about childhood events but more recently about my Apprenticeship days between 1982 & 1988. Worse years of my life l think.
My eldest sister has a crippling fear of little people that she says came from a nightmare back when she was a kid of being chased by them. Decades on and she still gets anxious and feels so mean about it 😅
My 38 year old son has this same fear. When he was maybe 8, I took him to a friend of a friend's house to help move some things and the friend of the friend was a little person , she was actually shorter than my son at the age of 8.
That night he had a dream about little people and ever since he has had thus fear he can't shake. If he sees a little person he turns and goes another way.

One of his groom's men was going to arrange a little person stipper for my sons bucks party and thank goodness the best man, whom he went to school with since kindy wouldn't allow it
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I can only remember 2 dreams which were sort of significant for me.

The first was when a gent l did gardening for died. I woke abruptly, not knowing why & looked at the clock. It was later revealed that that was the time he passed.

The second was more vivid. A dear friend from Church was in a Hospice & not doing well. I saw him in a dream, healthy & dressed in his Salvation Army Soldiers uniform. He smiled at me & vanished. Waking l looked at the time. A few days later after l related this to the congregation his daughter told me this was the exact time he died.

(I cannot be sure if he knew what the future held for him when he happily told me he had cancer in the lymph gland. The thought at the time was, 'you poor man').

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