What has happened to op shops? Have charity shops become greedy?

Charity shops (commonly known as op shops) used to be the choice for shoppers with tightened budgets. Others are simply looking for a bargain or trying to be more sustainable. But now, op shoppers are finding they’re no longer the soundest option, especially with rising costs that do not necessarily come with better items.

One op shopper took it to Reddit to vent. They said:

‘I was recently out and doing some browsing around the local op shops in the area and I was shocked by several things. First was the prices. Not going to name names, but I went to three of the "big name" op shops and a couple of local ones, and the prices on things were crazy. We are talking $30 for a pair of old jeans, t-shirts were all $10+, even the books were $10 for old paperbacks and kids' toys – they were asking $20 for a Thomas the tank engine plushie!

‘Seriously? For most of these things, you could get brand new for that price or not much more... I thought op shops were supposed to be a place for people facing financial issues to pick up some cheap donated products, not a second-hand up-market boutique store stocked by the charitable donations of the public.

‘And speaking of stock, every store I went to had the labels ripped off, not just the branding ones but the size tags too. I can only assume this is to prevent people buying "brand name" items and reselling them, but from what I could see, there were no "brand name items" there anyway.’

They also reminisced about the good old times: ‘I remember only a couple of years ago, going op shopping and coming away with a good size bag of clothes for the kids and myself that were good quality close to new looking. Now all that is on the floor seems to be close to being rags, and whatever was not was priced at ridiculous levels. Seriously, there were a couple of nice (though well-worn) dresses priced over $300! At an op shop!’

The Redditor shared the last straw: ‘The final cherry on top was that there was next to nothing in the ‘kids’ sections, the men's sections of all the stores consisted of a single rack and the majority of the stores’ floor space were dedicated to showcasing specialty women's wear or racks of women's clothing. Where are all the donations I see piled up in and around the bins going?’

Once considered a last resort, secondhand stores are seeing a boom in price-sensitive and eco-conscious customers. Credit: Unsplash

Other shoppers’ observations were not far off from the author’s. One said: ‘I’ve been op-shopping since the 1990s, and I’ve definitely noticed a change in pricing in the last few years. They’ve become terribly greedy and it’s rare to find a “good buy” now. Some things are more expensive than buying new!’

The commenter also noticed the shift in attitude regarding secondhand clothing. ‘It’s also a supply and demand thing. I think at the end of the 2000s and into the 2010s, with the hipster/retro boom, kitsch and vintage items increased in value (e.g. all things MCM) and op-shopping became a cool hobby or thing to do. My father told me that when he used to op-shop in the early 1980s, he was made to feel embarrassed by his middle-class peers, as it was considered the domain of poor people.’

Secondhand shopping is certainly becoming more appealing, and the numbers show that. The global ‘re-commerce’ market is expected to boom to 325 billion AUD in 2026, while already valued at 143 billion dollars in 2021.

Younger shoppers are also seemingly keener to buy pre-loved items than older generations. And while affordability remains the top reason for shoppers, others are motivated by their desire to curb the environmental effects of shopping for apparel. According to an eBay report, 34 per cent of consumers cited sustainability and reduced waste as reasons to shop secondhand.

It also doesn’t hurt pre-owned apparel shoppers are also seen as better dressers – a study found that people who rank higher on style consciousness are more likely to shop secondhand. The perception has somewhat changed, but the effects that came with it aren’t always desirable.

Another op-shopper chimed in: ‘op shops where you pay $5 for a leather jacket are few and far between. I miss finding cool bargains in op shops.’

A third said: ‘The standard of donations isn't what it used to be too, with much being cheap Kmart junk, to begin with. True quality items are rare, skimmed in sorting, or purchased quickly.’

A Redditor also commented: ‘The glory days are long behind us. Now, employees/volunteers are aware that many people buy just to flip for $$, so they price things higher accordingly.’

Someone who claimed to be working at Vinnies said it was the higher-ups responsible for the rising costs: ‘It's corporate that demands the prices go up. I can't stand it. They were selling a plastic toy car for $6!’

With inflation decreasing purchasing power, many Aussies are turning to thrift and secondhand stores for the first time. Shopping pre-loved has also become easier through online marketplaces. Platforms such as Gumtree, Facebook Marketplace, and eBay are all reporting a rise in secondhand listings and sales. But shopping for apparel can be tricky when you can’t try on items to determine fit, explaining the continuing appeal of op shops.

Recently, shoppers have called out op shops for their ‘ridiculous’ prices and charging ‘an arm and a leg for absolutely anything,’ however.

Like most businesses, charity op shops say they are struggling to strike a balance between good prices and revenue. Vinnies and Salvos refer to the price increase of goods for their pricing strategy, but they also have to cover operation costs and their charitable efforts.

Op shops maintain that they still are working to serve shoppers with different budgets. In an interview with The Guardian, Salvos’ General Manager for Customer and Strategy Edwina Morgan said: ‘Our prices are reflective of the Australian consumer market, and although perception is that inflation has had an impact on preloved or second-hand clothing prices broadly, we are continuing to focus on providing a diverse range of price points across our store network to cater to all types of needs and wants.’

So, what do you think, folks? Are you observing the same in your local op shops? How do you feel about the rising prices set by secondhand stores? Let us know in the comments!

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Totally agree - one of my local op shops in Kenmore has totally unrealistic prices. A friend and I visited there the other day just to check stuff out, and there is a notice outside saying "no more donations received as warehouse full". Can't say I'm surprised with the prices they charge.
I have to agree, they have become greedy and now they have adopted a business model and are run like a business where they are in it for profit. They best be careful as they rely on community generosity. Don't burn us or we vote with our feet and they may have to downsize or close.
I volunteer in a couple of Op shops and one of them is no longer about helping the needy, the poor or those living and struggling under the poverty line. It has now become a business and it's all about how much profit it can make each week. This store even sells the more expensive range of clothing etc online to make extra profit as they know they wouldn't be able to get those prices in their store.
The other Op shop had no choice but to put up the prices of everything in their store due to an increase in rent and electricity costs which they have to pay out of their profits.
I honestly find Kmart to be a lot cheaper in prices for most items of clothing in both these stores.
The thing that gets me with op shops is that I know of people who volunteer to work for them so they can cherry-pick the items coming in. One person I know told me that she donated a box full of expensive near-new shoes to a local op shop and the woman in attendance swooped on them. She later found out the woman bought them and then sold them on. For those of you who don't want to donate to this type of exploitative op shop, another way to make sure your unwanted items find a good home is to join your local "Buy Nothing" on Facebook. There are local "Buy Nothing" Facebook pages all over the world, I believe. They usually encompass an area of one or two suburbs and you have to live in those suburbs to join that chapter. (If your area does not have one, you might like to start one yourself but I've been told you have to take a short admin course to learn the rules). People then advertise their unwanted items on BN and other people apply by asking "May I please be considered?" The giver can then choose who gets the item - it isn't first come, first served. There's a bit more to it than that, so if you are interested, it is worth checking out. I have been giving and receiving for quite a while now and it has side benefits - I have made new friends in my neighbourhood, as well as re-connecting with old ones.
I had furniture I didn't need when I moved to a smaller unit, a leather day couch and arm chair and a 6 drawer chest of drawers, the day couch had been stored and my cat had scratched the underside of it but the rest was perfect, the chest of drawers had about 10cm of laminate loose the Salvation Army people said they weren't interested in them as they couldn't be re-sold, they took the arm chair. I fixed the chest of drawers with a little glue. I gave them away plus a lot of other items to a woman who had left her abusive husband and needed things for her family. I don't use the Salvos anymore, I thought they were a charity organisation?
Years ago, before there were bins outside the Op shops, I took my Mum's clothes to a chain my Mum supported.
I'd washed all her beautiful dresses, and folded them between layers of tissue paper.
I was quite destitute myself, really struggling.
My son needed a tennis racquet for school.
I didn't have the $2 it was marked at.
I asked the lady I'd given my Mum's beautiful clothes to if I could "have" the tennis raquet and pay the $2 the next week...on honour.
She flatly refused, saying it wasn't a swap shop.
The next week, I saw my Mum's dresses marked for $15 - $20 each.....there were 12 of them.
I was able to get my son a raquet from another Charity shop...gratis.
This really affected me at the time....I had "begged" for help, and was denied. I would have paid the following week.
I had furniture I didn't need when I moved to a smaller unit, a leather day couch and arm chair and a 6 drawer chest of drawers, the day couch had been stored and my cat had scratched the underside of it but the rest was perfect, the chest of drawers had about 10cm of laminate loose the Salvation Army people said they weren't interested in them as they couldn't be re-sold, they took the arm chair. I fixed the chest of drawers with a little glue. I gave them away plus a lot of other items to a woman who had left her abusive husband and needed things for her family. I don't use the Salvos anymore, I thought they were a charity organisation?
When we had to clear out my mother-in-law's house, we offered her furniture to a number of charities and found they were very fussy - e.g. nothing tall, no cupboards with glass in the doors, etc.

When a member of my family left her abusive husband, she walked away with only what she could fit in her car (so no furniture). She got a place to live and we furnished most of it for free from the local Buy Nothing Facebook page. She got a sofa, book cases, filing cabinet, washing machine, outdoor patio setting, dining suite etc. - all for free. Family members donated some other items and the only things we had to pay for were a fridge and microwave.
I have found our local op shops are much more picky with what they accept now. They want everything almost new, and we have 4 op shops in our town but only one accepts furniture, but not unless it is high class. I don’t believe people should just dump rubbish items at op shops but I don’t see an issue with clothes and goods that are still useable and that could be sold cheaply or given away if necessary. Our local op shops donate all their profits to local charitable organisations which is great, but I would still like to see them selling items cheaper or giving them away, especially now when so many people are struggling financially. Our local council run a shop at the garbage tip for pretty much anything except clothes, but they charge you a hefty fee to dump the items first, then retrieve them and sell them in their shop. Talk about ripping off the ratepayers and double dipping.
I have noticed this, and especially when a 'certain' brand of clothing is less expensive from the retailer NEW -than second-hand from the Op Shop - very same item - sports clothing very often falls in this category ! They are attempting to become 'boutique'. Imagine paying $7 for an old pillowcase, or up to $25 for a worn quilt cover. Can purchase new ones from K=Mart for $10-12 set.
The thing that gets me with op shops is that I know of people who volunteer to work for them so they can cherry-pick the items coming in. One person I know told me that she donated a box full of expensive near-new shoes to a local op shop and the woman in attendance swooped on them. She later found out the woman bought them and then sold them on. For those of you who don't want to donate to this type of exploitative op shop, another way to make sure your unwanted items find a good home is to join your local "Buy Nothing" on Facebook. There are local "Buy Nothing" Facebook pages all over the world, I believe. They usually encompass an area of one or two suburbs and you have to live in those suburbs to join that chapter. (If your area does not have one, you might like to start one yourself but I've been told you have to take a short admin course to learn the rules). People then advertise their unwanted items on BN and other people apply by asking "May I please be considered?" The giver can then choose who gets the item - it isn't first come, first served. There's a bit more to it than that, so if you are interested, it is worth checking out. I have been giving and receiving for quite a while now and it has side benefits - I have made new friends in my neighbourhood, as well as re-connecting with old ones.
I can't find a BN group in my area!
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Charity shops (commonly known as op shops) used to be the choice for shoppers with tightened budgets. Others are simply looking for a bargain or trying to be more sustainable. But now, op shoppers are finding they’re no longer the soundest option, especially with rising costs that do not necessarily come with better items.

One op shopper took it to Reddit to vent. They said:

‘I was recently out and doing some browsing around the local op shops in the area and I was shocked by several things. First was the prices. Not going to name names, but I went to three of the "big name" op shops and a couple of local ones, and the prices on things were crazy. We are talking $30 for a pair of old jeans, t-shirts were all $10+, even the books were $10 for old paperbacks and kids' toys – they were asking $20 for a Thomas the tank engine plushie!

‘Seriously? For most of these things, you could get brand new for that price or not much more... I thought op shops were supposed to be a place for people facing financial issues to pick up some cheap donated products, not a second-hand up-market boutique store stocked by the charitable donations of the public.

‘And speaking of stock, every store I went to had the labels ripped off, not just the branding ones but the size tags too. I can only assume this is to prevent people buying "brand name" items and reselling them, but from what I could see, there were no "brand name items" there anyway.’

They also reminisced about the good old times: ‘I remember only a couple of years ago, going op shopping and coming away with a good size bag of clothes for the kids and myself that were good quality close to new looking. Now all that is on the floor seems to be close to being rags, and whatever was not was priced at ridiculous levels. Seriously, there were a couple of nice (though well-worn) dresses priced over $300! At an op shop!’

The Redditor shared the last straw: ‘The final cherry on top was that there was next to nothing in the ‘kids’ sections, the men's sections of all the stores consisted of a single rack and the majority of the stores’ floor space were dedicated to showcasing specialty women's wear or racks of women's clothing. Where are all the donations I see piled up in and around the bins going?’

View attachment 10602
Once considered a last resort, secondhand stores are seeing a boom in price-sensitive and eco-conscious customers. Credit: Unsplash

Other shoppers’ observations were not far off from the author’s. One said: ‘I’ve been op-shopping since the 1990s, and I’ve definitely noticed a change in pricing in the last few years. They’ve become terribly greedy and it’s rare to find a “good buy” now. Some things are more expensive than buying new!’

The commenter also noticed the shift in attitude regarding secondhand clothing. ‘It’s also a supply and demand thing. I think at the end of the 2000s and into the 2010s, with the hipster/retro boom, kitsch and vintage items increased in value (e.g. all things MCM) and op-shopping became a cool hobby or thing to do. My father told me that when he used to op-shop in the early 1980s, he was made to feel embarrassed by his middle-class peers, as it was considered the domain of poor people.’

Secondhand shopping is certainly becoming more appealing, and the numbers show that. The global ‘re-commerce’ market is expected to boom to 325 billion AUD in 2026, while already valued at 143 billion dollars in 2021.

Younger shoppers are also seemingly keener to buy pre-loved items than older generations. And while affordability remains the top reason for shoppers, others are motivated by their desire to curb the environmental effects of shopping for apparel. According to an eBay report, 34 per cent of consumers cited sustainability and reduced waste as reasons to shop secondhand.

It also doesn’t hurt pre-owned apparel shoppers are also seen as better dressers – a study found that people who rank higher on style consciousness are more likely to shop secondhand. The perception has somewhat changed, but the effects that came with it aren’t always desirable.

Another op-shopper chimed in: ‘op shops where you pay $5 for a leather jacket are few and far between. I miss finding cool bargains in op shops.’

A third said: ‘The standard of donations isn't what it used to be too, with much being cheap Kmart junk, to begin with. True quality items are rare, skimmed in sorting, or purchased quickly.’

A Redditor also commented: ‘The glory days are long behind us. Now, employees/volunteers are aware that many people buy just to flip for $$, so they price things higher accordingly.’

Someone who claimed to be working at Vinnies said it was the higher-ups responsible for the rising costs: ‘It's corporate that demands the prices go up. I can't stand it. They were selling a plastic toy car for $6!’

With inflation decreasing purchasing power, many Aussies are turning to thrift and secondhand stores for the first time. Shopping pre-loved has also become easier through online marketplaces. Platforms such as Gumtree, Facebook Marketplace, and eBay are all reporting a rise in secondhand listings and sales. But shopping for apparel can be tricky when you can’t try on items to determine fit, explaining the continuing appeal of op shops.

Recently, shoppers have called out op shops for their ‘ridiculous’ prices and charging ‘an arm and a leg for absolutely anything,’ however.

Like most businesses, charity op shops say they are struggling to strike a balance between good prices and revenue. Vinnies and Salvos refer to the price increase of goods for their pricing strategy, but they also have to cover operation costs and their charitable efforts.

Op shops maintain that they still are working to serve shoppers with different budgets. In an interview with The Guardian, Salvos’ General Manager for Customer and Strategy Edwina Morgan said: ‘Our prices are reflective of the Australian consumer market, and although perception is that inflation has had an impact on preloved or second-hand clothing prices broadly, we are continuing to focus on providing a diverse range of price points across our store network to cater to all types of needs and wants.’

So, what do you think, folks? Are you observing the same in your local op shops? How do you feel about the rising prices set by secondhand stores? Let us know in the comments!
I have noticed the same, Vinnies on Central Coast had a second hand de longhi coffee maker for $150 and a second hand dress for $50,Staff told me that management need to balance their books, staff aren't happy and neither am I.Being elderly and on a paret pension with my sick husband It's not fair. Salvos are the same, they've just renovated Toukley shop and recently I bought a handbag from them and the next day the handle broke. They don't inspect the items and their prices are way to high for pensioners and also young families with a few children. Food and Power comes first!!
Charity shops (commonly known as op shops) used to be the choice for shoppers with tightened budgets. Others are simply looking for a bargain or trying to be more sustainable. But now, op shoppers are finding they’re no longer the soundest option, especially with rising costs that do not necessarily come with better items.

One op shopper took it to Reddit to vent. They said:

‘I was recently out and doing some browsing around the local op shops in the area and I was shocked by several things. First was the prices. Not going to name names, but I went to three of the "big name" op shops and a couple of local ones, and the prices on things were crazy. We are talking $30 for a pair of old jeans, t-shirts were all $10+, even the books were $10 for old paperbacks and kids' toys – they were asking $20 for a Thomas the tank engine plushie!

‘Seriously? For most of these things, you could get brand new for that price or not much more... I thought op shops were supposed to be a place for people facing financial issues to pick up some cheap donated products, not a second-hand up-market boutique store stocked by the charitable donations of the public.

‘And speaking of stock, every store I went to had the labels ripped off, not just the branding ones but the size tags too. I can only assume this is to prevent people buying "brand name" items and reselling them, but from what I could see, there were no "brand name items" there anyway.’

They also reminisced about the good old times: ‘I remember only a couple of years ago, going op shopping and coming away with a good size bag of clothes for the kids and myself that were good quality close to new looking. Now all that is on the floor seems to be close to being rags, and whatever was not was priced at ridiculous levels. Seriously, there were a couple of nice (though well-worn) dresses priced over $300! At an op shop!’

The Redditor shared the last straw: ‘The final cherry on top was that there was next to nothing in the ‘kids’ sections, the men's sections of all the stores consisted of a single rack and the majority of the stores’ floor space were dedicated to showcasing specialty women's wear or racks of women's clothing. Where are all the donations I see piled up in and around the bins going?’

View attachment 10602
Once considered a last resort, secondhand stores are seeing a boom in price-sensitive and eco-conscious customers. Credit: Unsplash

Other shoppers’ observations were not far off from the author’s. One said: ‘I’ve been op-shopping since the 1990s, and I’ve definitely noticed a change in pricing in the last few years. They’ve become terribly greedy and it’s rare to find a “good buy” now. Some things are more expensive than buying new!’

The commenter also noticed the shift in attitude regarding secondhand clothing. ‘It’s also a supply and demand thing. I think at the end of the 2000s and into the 2010s, with the hipster/retro boom, kitsch and vintage items increased in value (e.g. all things MCM) and op-shopping became a cool hobby or thing to do. My father told me that when he used to op-shop in the early 1980s, he was made to feel embarrassed by his middle-class peers, as it was considered the domain of poor people.’

Secondhand shopping is certainly becoming more appealing, and the numbers show that. The global ‘re-commerce’ market is expected to boom to 325 billion AUD in 2026, while already valued at 143 billion dollars in 2021.

Younger shoppers are also seemingly keener to buy pre-loved items than older generations. And while affordability remains the top reason for shoppers, others are motivated by their desire to curb the environmental effects of shopping for apparel. According to an eBay report, 34 per cent of consumers cited sustainability and reduced waste as reasons to shop secondhand.

It also doesn’t hurt pre-owned apparel shoppers are also seen as better dressers – a study found that people who rank higher on style consciousness are more likely to shop secondhand. The perception has somewhat changed, but the effects that came with it aren’t always desirable.

Another op-shopper chimed in: ‘op shops where you pay $5 for a leather jacket are few and far between. I miss finding cool bargains in op shops.’

A third said: ‘The standard of donations isn't what it used to be too, with much being cheap Kmart junk, to begin with. True quality items are rare, skimmed in sorting, or purchased quickly.’

A Redditor also commented: ‘The glory days are long behind us. Now, employees/volunteers are aware that many people buy just to flip for $$, so they price things higher accordingly.’

Someone who claimed to be working at Vinnies said it was the higher-ups responsible for the rising costs: ‘It's corporate that demands the prices go up. I can't stand it. They were selling a plastic toy car for $6!’

With inflation decreasing purchasing power, many Aussies are turning to thrift and secondhand stores for the first time. Shopping pre-loved has also become easier through online marketplaces. Platforms such as Gumtree, Facebook Marketplace, and eBay are all reporting a rise in secondhand listings and sales. But shopping for apparel can be tricky when you can’t try on items to determine fit, explaining the continuing appeal of op shops.

Recently, shoppers have called out op shops for their ‘ridiculous’ prices and charging ‘an arm and a leg for absolutely anything,’ however.

Like most businesses, charity op shops say they are struggling to strike a balance between good prices and revenue. Vinnies and Salvos refer to the price increase of goods for their pricing strategy, but they also have to cover operation costs and their charitable efforts.

Op shops maintain that they still are working to serve shoppers with different budgets. In an interview with The Guardian, Salvos’ General Manager for Customer and Strategy Edwina Morgan said: ‘Our prices are reflective of the Australian consumer market, and although perception is that inflation has had an impact on preloved or second-hand clothing prices broadly, we are continuing to focus on providing a diverse range of price points across our store network to cater to all types of needs and wants.’

So, what do you think, folks? Are you observing the same in your local op shops? How do you feel about the rising prices set by secondhand stores? Let us know in the comments!
I also agree that op shops are forgetting who they are meant to help. the prices a too high. there goods are donated to them so they pay nothing. They are adding more than100% 0n items ,what would happen if regular shops tried this? they don't pay wages either and reduced rent usually. yes it's greed.
If you can't find one, make a post on Facebook asking if anyone knows of one in your area and maybe someone can give you the name of the areas covered. Most places do have a local BN.
Type in BN group in Facebook for your area, someone should be able to help you.
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I had furniture I didn't need when I moved to a smaller unit, a leather day couch and arm chair and a 6 drawer chest of drawers, the day couch had been stored and my cat had scratched the underside of it but the rest was perfect, the chest of drawers had about 10cm of laminate loose the Salvation Army people said they weren't interested in them as they couldn't be re-sold, they took the arm chair. I fixed the chest of drawers with a little glue. I gave them away plus a lot of other items to a woman who had left her abusive husband and needed things for her family. I don't use the Salvos anymore, I thought they were a charity organisation?
I advertise mind for free on market place on Facebook.
I also agree that op shops are forgetting who they are meant to help. the prices a too high. there goods are donated to them so they pay nothing. They are adding more than100% 0n items ,what would happen if regular shops tried this? they don't pay wages either and reduced rent usually. yes it's greed.
Well said
I have been buying online from the Salvos & have found some great bargains, they offer money back if not happy . Average postage $5.50 Best bargain a pair of linen slacks an American designer brand tickets attached $15.00. Worth a look .They often have 1/2 price ticket sales takes time to look through the 300 pages of goods . Click onto the picture & all the information is there ( with tags, worn but good condition etc). Give it a try.
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Having recently down-sized and relocated, we found the opp shops to be very picky about the furniture they'd accept. Sure, it wasn't new, but it was well cared for, unblemished and let's face it, free to them! We lived near a major university and I was happy to donate what we didn't need, knowing students would be happy to acquire kitchen stools, bed heads & bases, dining chairs etc., but apparently they were below-par for our local opp shop! With no time to run around to there's, we listed all items for free, online. Three uni-students later, all gone, & they were so appreciative. I fear opp shops will become extinct, if they don't get a grasp on people's situations, and return to their original purpose - clean, affordable merch for those who are on lower incomes. That'd be just sad.

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