I think it's a great idea... I suppose it may be dependent on the Coles/Woolies? But maybe if we got enough support (i.e. a petition) we could get them to implement an Australia wide policy.
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I'm in a wheelchair most of the time and despite what different organisations say, there isn't a lot of support for people with disabilities. Our shopping centres here, and I daresay in other cities, have very low benches in their malls and anyone with a problem can't use them as they can't get up again.
My other pet peeve is the NDIS...if you are over 65, you aren't allowed to be disabled in Australia..:(
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Having recently been laid up, having to use a wheelchair to get around Coles and WW's wouldn't be nice, if they had one or two Senior's benches only for people to sit on anyone know why they don't?
At present we are in Lockdown and stay at home orders are in place. In a lot of areas in shopping centres the tables and chairs have been removed. I have a little red line under centre. Are we now to spell it center. Take a good look. No red line under center. For the time being you cannot gather in these places everything is take away. For the last two years I have been using a mobility walker. I have arthritis in both knees. I do not own a motor vehicle, never owned one in my life. I had an unfortunate accident. That laid me up in hospital for 8 weeks. 4 weeks getting around in a wheel chair. I use my mobility walker every day when I go shopping. I have noticed that certain chairs have been removed. I am waiting until October 12 when the lockdown will cease. I cannot sit down in a chair unless it has arm rest known as a carver chair. So I use my mobility walker to sit down at a table. So far I have not been questioned as to why I do this.
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This is quite common with people with mobility walkers John, my wife uses one all the time indoors & out, and it's the only seat available most places unless, as you say a carver or tub style of reasonable height is available. She uses a lift chair at home. As Ron said, over 65 you get forgotten commercially. :(
I use a mobility scooter to get around my village and only use the car for longer distances, however I can't take my scooter with me. I have been looking for a fold up travel scooter to put in the car but it's impossible. They are available but weigh between 25 and 30kgs. How are we expected to lift them up? That's a two (healthy and fit) person lift. I have spinal problems and walking any distance is impossible for me so my options for getting out and about are much reduced.
G'day Ricci, I have similar problems and have investigated mobility scooters a while ago and came to much the same conclusion. The closest to my needs appeared to be a model called "The Rabbit" which came apart in 3 pieces, but I would have struggled with the heaviest component the battery & motor section, I think at about 15kg, too much for me currently.. I just did a quick internet search and found one that splits in two and heaviest piece is 11kg.... progress. Total weight was under 22kg. :D
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G'day Ricci, I have similar problems and have investigated mobility scooters a while ago and came to much the same conclusion. The closest to my needs appeared to be a model called "The Rabbit" which came apart in 3 pieces, but I would have struggled with the heaviest component the battery & motor section, I think at about 15kg, too much for me currently.. I just did a quick internet search and found one that splits in two and heaviest piece is 11kg.... progress. Total weight was under 22kg. :D
Wow, thanks for that. I'm off to do an internet search!!
Having recently been laid up, having to use a wheelchair to get around Coles and WW's wouldn't be nice, if they had one or two Senior's benches only for people to sit on anyone know why they don't?
Probably because of Covid 19 and they haven't any area to be made safe for a bench.
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