Do you think it's okay to smack children/grandchildren?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 70.1%
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My great grandchildren don’t get smacked , they have to go
to time out, depending what they have done how long it lasts for
one dad,uncle only has to say right your in time out it can be sitting
in a corner or having a toy taken away ,they then have to. Tell whoever
they did something to ,they are sorry n big cuddle given to the one that’s been
hurt ,parent child ,even me if shown disrespect to ages 3,5,6,6,8 years
Exactly 💯 % and that us how you show a child what they did wrong
Rubbish! The majority of my generation and older received regular corporal punishment and we turned out much better than the majority of spoilt brats nowadays. Quoting fancy expert snowflakes means nothing at all. It is because of those pie in the sky philosophies that there is no respect from kids these days. The softly softly approach is why we have so many criminals and delinquents. Not interested in any psychological clap trap with trumped up statistical analysis to satisfy new age agendas.
Growing up one of the worst phrases I remember is Children should be seen and not heard.

I've got 13 kids and no smacking but plenty of punishment.
Out of 13 kids I only have 1 child who got into trouble and became a heroin addict, after 2 years he got clearned and hasn't looked back.
Where as I have friends who had 3 and 5 kids and both would hit them and most of those kids who are all in their 30s and 40s now are not good parents, either on drugs or alcoholics.

I agree there are parents who let their kids run wild but there have been parents over all time that has done this.

The secret is you need to punish them not abuse them
A friend of a friend had a 16 years old son that wanted to do whatever he wanted to. Father said that he had to live by the rules at home. He did something wrong and dad smacked him. He went to the authorities and police went around the place and warned him (the father) of the consequences of doing that.
Some time passed and the son was on the wrong path and did something not accepted by the law and was arrested. There goes the police telling the father what happened and they told him he had to go, get him and look after him. So the man told them “ Well, you stopped me of doing what was right to teach my son the lesson of bad actions. Now he is in trouble for doing bad, you look after him, because I certainly won’t”.
The police left without any more talk.
Authorities and all the so called experts try to tell parents what to do about educating their children, but who knows better, those on the outside or those who gave birth to them??
I hate the thought of abuse, but a little smack on the bottom, never hurt anyone. We discipline our children because we love them and want them to be responsible adults. A smack does not give traumas to children or make them bad people. But coming home from school and not having ANYONE to listen to them, cherish and love them when they need the most, do.
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Death penalty is a difficult one. If somebody is wrongfully convicted and suffers the death penalty, it is too late. In SA the former chief forensic pathologist (Colin Manock) got it wrong numerous times and convictions have been overturned because he perverted the course of justice. There was one such case where the accused was sentenced to death (Fritz Van Beelen) but it was commuted. Imagine if all the cases where folk were convicted based on manock's evidence were sentenced to death, how many would have been hanged because of a maniac's incompetence. Incidentally, manock has never been called to account for his evil but there are legal experts building a case against him.
In fact, the problem I acknowledge is that there is no DETERRENT! Even if the death penalty is mot imposed, it remains as a deterrent, the eventual punishment for committing serious crime. As is currently, there is no DETERRENT, and majistrates have their hands tied.
It is a DETERRENT that will make criminals think twice. The same begins in the home with parents and children. If the kids know that a ‘severe’ punishment awaits them if they break the ‘rules’., they will tend to think twice. Disciplining children when required (within certain boundaries) is NOT corporal punishment! Let’s sit back and think about what we are saying here, and consider the big picture. Social media is compounding the problem, as the tendency is there to promote SELF, not others, which in turn engenders disrespect and eventually lawlessness.

Yes, judges do get it wrong SOMETIMES, but it doesn’t remove that DETERRENT. The DETERRENT must remain in place, and teach us that if we do the wrong thing, the changes are very high that we will pay the price.
I grew up in the age of belting, not smacks. My father had a razor strap he used, mum used a wooden spoon or hairbrush, she broke many of both. I was one of ten so life was tough. My brothers copped far more than us girls, even got belted with a whip on the dairy farm. I decided never to do the same with my children, I gave them a smack sometimes, only ever with my hand on the bottom. Only ever one smack if they were really naughty. I have never had a reason to smack my grandchildren, if they do something they shouldn’t we sit down and have a conversation about it. My son used to smack his children but now uses other forms of punishment which he finds just as effective. In saying this I don’t believe one smack ever has or will harm a child. Lack of any sort of discipline by anyone is, I believe, a big part of the problems we have in society now, but no one is game to hand out discipline for fear of being sued, even parents.
The dreaded razor strop used to hurt like a bastard?
It is a DETERRENT that will make criminals think twice. The same begins in the home with parents and children. If the kids know that a ‘severe’ punishment awaits them if they break the ‘rules’., they will tend to think twice. Disciplining children when required (within certain boundaries) is NOT corporal punishment! Let’s sit back and think about what we are saying here, and consider the big picture. Social media is compounding the problem, as the tendency is there to promote SELF, not others, which in turn engenders disrespect and eventually lawlessness.

Yes, judges do get it wrong SOMETIMES, but it doesn’t remove that DETERRENT. The DETERRENT must remain in place, and teach us that if we do the wrong thing, the changes are very high that we will pay the price.
A curious thing many years ago my friend's parents used to say that I would end up in jail, so far they have been in and out while I had phony trumped charge of D&D. Just as well we don't the Yankee three strikes rule.
Growing up one of the worst phrases I remember is Children should be seen and not heard.

I've got 13 kids and no smacking but plenty of punishment.
Out of 13 kids I only have 1 child who got into trouble and became a heroin addict, after 2 years he got clearned and hasn't looked back.
Where as I have friends who had 3 and 5 kids and both would hit them and most of those kids who are all in their 30s and 40s now are not good parents, either on drugs or alcoholics.

I agree there are parents who let their kids run wild but there have been parents over all time that has done this.

The secret is you need to punish them not abuse them
@ Suzanne Rose: punishment is NOT abuse! In fact, letting kids run riot IS however abuse. Clearly unpunished kids grow up not knowing boundaries, nor having a clear structure in knowing RIGHT from WRONG. Ever heard the expression: ‘spare the rod, spoil the child’? I’m not advocating beating kids up or abusing them, but they must learn the difference between good and evil.

This is not about punishing parents! As parents, we should already know good from bad. We know, from the Scriptures, that the wages of sin is death, but we also know that our Lord Jesus died on the cross, to save us from that terrible punishment. By and large we deserve that punishment, since we have turned our collective backs on God and ignored and despised His commandments. However He still loves us, so much so that he sent His only Son to die for us (see John 3:16). He awaits us as individuals to accept Christ as our Saviour, and turn back to God before it’s too late.

Interestingly, if you turn to God you can talk to Him anytime, and ask His guidance in how to discipline our children.

Food for thought, lots of thought. I’m not in favour of knee-jerk reactions, without first engaging the brain!
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@ Suzanne Rose: punishment is NOT abuse! In fact, letting kids run riot IS however abuse. Clearly unpunished kids grow up not knowing boundaries, nor having a clear structure in knowing RIGHT from WRONG. Ever heard the expression: ‘spare the rod, spoil the child’? I’m not advocating beating kids up or abusing them, but they must learn the difference between good and evil.

This is not about punishing parents! As parents, we should already know good from bad. We know, from the Scriptures, that the wages of sin is death, but we also know that our Lord Jesus died on the cross, to save us from that terrible punishment. By and large we deserve that punishment, since we have turned our collective backs on God and ignored and despised His commandments. However He still loves us, so much so that he sent His only Son to die for us (see John 3:16). He awaits us as individuals to accept Christ as our Saviour, and turn back to God before it’s too late.

Interestingly, if you turn to God you can talk to Him anytime, and ask His guidance in how to discipline our children.

Food for thought, lots of thought. I’m not in favour of knee-jerk reactions, without first engaging the brain!
So very well said and punishment isn't abuse , it's when parents beat their kids it's abuse

Jesus loved children

At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, ‘Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?’ And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, ‘Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven

Death penalty is a difficult one. If somebody is wrongfully convicted and suffers the death penalty, it is too late. In SA the former chief forensic pathologist (Colin Manock) got it wrong numerous times and convictions have been overturned because he perverted the course of justice. There was one such case where the accused was sentenced to death (Fritz Van Beelen) but it was commuted. Imagine if all the cases where folk were convicted based on manock's evidence were sentenced to death, how many would have been hanged because of a maniac's incompetence. Incidentally, manock has never been called to account for his evil but there are legal experts building a case against him.
Death penalty is a whole New topic in it self.
Death penalty should never have been allowed and never should it make a comeback.

Firstly how many people were put to death when they were innocent.

Secondly the 5th COMMANDMENT states Though Shall Not Kill
This includes death penalty, thus includes taking a life including your own.

Adults who commit crime needs to be punished and that is hard jail time with counselling
Best way to teach children that there are hard consequences for wrong actions from wrong thoughts is a firm painful spanking that leaves no welts or bruises
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I don't think there is anything wrong with a smack if the occasion calls for it. Sometimes when all else fails this is the only way to get a message across to the child that their behaviour is inappropriate.
Death penalty is a whole New topic in it self.
Death penalty should never have been allowed and never should it make a comeback.

Firstly how many people were put to death when they were innocent.

Secondly the 5th COMMANDMENT states Though Shall Not Kill
This includes death penalty, thus includes taking a life including your own.

Adults who commit crime needs to be punished and that is hard jail time with counselling
A high percentage of "Adults who commit crime needs to be punished and that is hard jail time with counselling" would not be in that situation if they had their bums tanned when they were kids. Then they would have known right from wrong. A good hiding is NOT abuse. Failure to be taught right from wrong and ending up in prison IS abuse. Don't care if you disagree.

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