You Won't Believe How a Tradie's $9,600 Hole Fine Took an Unexpected Turn – Council Admits Mistake!

In a turn of events that reads like a David and Goliath story, a Melbourne tradie's fight against a hefty $9,600 fine has ended with a victory that not only saw the fine rescinded but also sparked a potential new chapter in his life as a community leader.

Adam Marsal, a 40-year-old landscaper and pool builder from Frankston, Melbourne, found himself in hot water with the local council after he took it upon himself to fill in a dangerous hole left by a fallen tree near his home. The hole, which was nearly two meters deep and located behind a bus stop, had become a hazard, with people tripping over it. Despite Marsal's repeated alerts to the council about the danger, no action was taken for months.

Driven by a sense of community spirit and safety, Marsal decided to address the issue himself. However, this act of goodwill quickly turned sour when he was slapped with two fines totalling almost $12,000. The fines were for unauthorised works and for 'depositing waste of more than 1000 litres,' a violation of the Environment Protection Act 2017.

Melbourne tradie was fined nearly $12,000 for filling a dangerous hole, but the council reduced the fine after a legal dispute. Credit: The Current Affairs / YouTube

The situation escalated when Marsal was summoned to the council headquarters for what he described as a 'police-style interrogation,' leaving him feeling like he was 'basically a murderer.'

But Marsal didn't back down. He sought legal advice, and after a drawn-out battle, the Frankston City Council had to admit there was 'no legal merit' to the larger fine and subsequently withdrew it. Despite this, Marsal was still out of pocket, having to pay the smaller $1,923 fine and legal costs, a situation he described as costing him 'thousands of dollars.'

The council's backflip came after Marsal had paid the individual fine against him, a move that Frankston City Council confirmed to A Current Affair.

The tradie's ordeal, however, did not go unnoticed by the local community. Marsal received an 'overwhelming' wave of support, which has inspired him to take his commitment to public service to the next level. He has decided to run for a seat on the local council in the upcoming October elections.

Marsal's campaign is built on promises to improve services, support mental health, and ensure a cleaner local government area (LGA). He also aims to review council transparency and how it engages with the community. His campaign material, shared on Facebook, has resonated with many locals who have shown their support for his cause.

This story is a testament to the power of community support and the impact an individual can have when they stand up for what they believe is right. It also reminds us of the importance of local councils being responsive and accountable to the residents they serve.

As seniors, many of us have seen our fair share of bureaucratic red tape and the frustration it can cause. It's refreshing to see someone like Adam Marsal, who not only took action to ensure the safety of his community but is also willing to step up and try to make a difference from within the system.

We at the Seniors Discount Club commend Adam Marsal for his actions and his willingness to serve his community. It's a story that shows it's never too late to fight for what's right and to make a change.
Key Takeaways
  • A Melbourne tradie was fined nearly $12,000 for filling in a dangerous hole, but the council revoked the larger fine after a legal battle.
  • Adam Marsal felt like he was treated like a criminal during an interrogation at council headquarters.
  • Frankston City Council withdrew one infringement after Marsal paid the individual fine and legal costs.
  • Marsal has received local community support and is now planning to run for a council seat to push for various community improvements.
What do you think about this tradie's battle with the council? Have you ever faced a similar situation? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below – we'd love to hear your stories of community spirit and action!
Just typical of Councils stupidity and greed. Great work from a concerned member of the public.
The other day I received a parking fine from the Stonnington council for overstaying the limit by exactly one minute.
The ban was from 11:00am - 12:00pm. We arrived back at our car at 11:01am to find a ticket for $99 on the window.
Somehow the parking Gestapo had booked 4 other cars and left the scene before we arrived back.
Yes we overstayed by a minute but how is it possible for him to book 4 cars and disappear in one minute.
When I spoke to council the only response I got was “you broke the law”!
No explanation as to how he could possibly book 4 cars and leave the area In one minute.
Council despera for money!
Be interested to know what instrument the Parking Inspector set his watch or other apparatus by that he/she would know people had parked overtime.
Certainly suspect that 4 cars could be booked & disappear just one minute late. 3 minutes for each car & then disappear = 15 minutes approx, even 10 minutes is too early. Perhaps this person wore a cape & flew away after booking 4 cars in grease lightning time? Bloody crook!
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Keep throwing paperwork at them, they find it all too hard, same with speeding fines, keep submitting paperwork and keep up the fight, the bureaucrats will find it all too difficult and time consuming and will give in. My brother in law has these letters you use to send to the bureaucraps that it is actually illegal to fined for speeding, you keep sending them these letters, they give up.
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Typical Government departments. Won't do anything until someone makes a fool of them, then charge them for doing a job they should have done themselves.
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Just goes to show how bureaucratic heavy-handed attitude. The council should be on notice from the day a issue is brought to the council's attention. The council should be forced to act or give notice for action within a given time frame (two weeks) or face disciplinary action.
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Bloody self-important, petty bureaucratic local government desk jockeys. These mongrels need to get off their fat arses and have a look around and see what need to be done. They are extremely lucky that no one was injured as as a result of their procrastination.
How difficult should it have been for council workers to deal with this in the first place. I think this Tradie is amazing and the council should refund any monies he had to pay in fines plus his legal costs and they also should pay him some compensation for both his time and stress, He should also bill them for filling in their hole.

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