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Wrong Spot
There was this small village in Rural Ireland, wherein lived a poor homeless old man who lived in a dilapidated caravan in a field. One day he died, and the village was overcome with remorse that they had not done more to help him. It was decided that they would give him a proper Christian burial, and they hired a piper from Dublin to play a lament as he was lowered into his grave.
The piper set off and promptly became lost in the hinterland but, at last, he came upon what seemed like the right church yard. There was a group of grave diggers standing around a mound of earth, so he was obviously too late for the funeral. Even so, he felt that he should carry out the task asked of him, so he shouldered his pipes and he played his heart out for the poor homeless man.
The situation was so emotional that as he finished playing he cried. The grave diggers cried. Every one cried.
Then, as he was loading his pipes back into his car, he heard one of the grave diggers say "Jesus, I've been installing septic tanks for twenty years, but I never saw the likes of that before!"