My, my... what a turn out! So many of you got this one correct! Really well done
As always, here's your shout-out!
docmark, gentlejack, Snug, Rob64EH, Skilly69, Buzzy, G Lockwood, Bazza boy, Aitchtee, Linfar23, grandjohno, HelenFJenkins, Bridiecat, M.Feast, susanamac, MCF, Maria Ceceovski, Fugly, Dinh Dung, steve.bryce, mercuryroze, HelenJo, Mollygirl, Stewart, Toppp, Suemalloo, Mrtnst, Maggie 2, Paul1951, Jill, IJH, Geoff01, lynstacker, Dragonladyg, pbattershill, AllenP, Janelles, Rose-Marie, Milliemaree, Beatie, SteveSzats, gabbymck, Sheriella, Remo53, Snowtiger, burlighs, Ray Black, Inot54, Annewithane, Gavcher, ChrisUren, Ivory, Charlotte59, "Flash", Jasmine, doglover, Magillypops, Anne Ros, annieaquilts, chezna, Dizzy, Nana Zorak, Jean M, Judy ABowser, CRY7043, mawalker, Bob Patterson, Helen171, Hazel John Gibson, Thr fonz, Mikev, Catherine, Jancgr, Dennis Cook, Jennylolo, Southmelbswans, darrellh, LuvlyK, JudyPR, GeeLee56, Glennbee, Clancieblue, JenSue, Drew62, catsclaws, Doug one, paliokas, Lowerchase, Rowntree!, Michael Binns, Sanchap, sweetscent62, pmboucher, Gus, Kombucha56, Still Ebby, Wendy§, SueH56, Goonta, LadyLi, cberk, Heather T2, Fisherman2320, Crewsy Kitty, KenBruce, Kezzal, CharlesAH, planesteam, jmarshall72, Gordon drake, midgemills, sreidkjc, Eunice Aldous, mitchell55, Ansylass, Viellarde, Grumpsinwa., Virgoros, Aylan, JTeyssier, Vlasta, Vickers, HappyPam, SandyM, Iggydi, Uncle G, Morebartalk, Nels, Lauza, DaveH59, mikewest, Vincenzo, Macdee, Mikeyboy2012, Jelp26, BJM, ozjp, Maureen S, Taurusgirl, PeakA, Max, FozzieFozz, Toby48, Luckyus, allroman, replic8, Single, rowanf, Kahlan28, sailerman, Stevie Zee, darrellkakoschke, Peterock, Jillnic, Shieldsy, Noel Greig
Please tune in to tomorrow's newsletter to see the answer reveal! Until the next riddle