How did you do in our first Word Unscramble this year? Easy right?
Shout-out to the following individuals who started this year with a win!
Maria Ceceovski, schurch, Larby, Irishgirl, Wheels1963, Charlotte59, maxtyson, KellyHollander, Furbaby, Blackdck, Ray Black, janetteann, Jancgr, Paul1951, Geoff01, Ivory, Papabear, bobst, Jennylolo, Jelp26, Ellen F, HelenJo, MaralynMuir, Frankiegreen, Tigerman, katdragon2010, Dinh Dung, sonjapap, Stewart, Travelling4Taffy, Victor Jackson, Bazza boy, Luckyfoot, sylfield, pbattershill, Gradiv, DebbieTTaylor, KLB&JWB83, MCF, Tarzan1951, Joymg, Suemalloo, Drew62, AllenP, Rijan, Hirst1, Suemac, Daibhin, Southmelbswans, mitchell55, Johno54, Mikev, burlighs007, Jody Plecas, G Lockwood, champs, Beatie, Sanny, Snowtiger, Sheriella, RealityCheck, purukamu, GeeLee56, Jill, steve.bryce, HeatherS, Ricci, chezna, Nette Anne, Hewy57, hfwilson, Annewithane, Hazel John Gibson, Scotty89, Thr fonz, gabbymck, Rowiee, Jasmine, The winner is, Virgoros, jmarshall72, Wendy§, Clancieblue, Startrekker58, Doug one, Mindygirl12022, Helen171, Janet Blythman, Leeann, kayc, Viellarde, TrixieLovesTigers, Nellcor, YBowen, Morebartalk, Littleboy8, Colleen Lomas, Milliemaree, KenBruce, nannylyn, Thurston, dmst, OldBells, Still Ebby, Mustang GT, Sanchap, Tugnets37, Jan A, Jillnic, Macdee, tom.hunter, M.Feast, Higgero, Barbara Colla, rowanf, Jo Piper3, Herarip, Margwhit57, 52HHH, Noel Greig, Stevie Zee, Tony Woods, Peter Boyd, mikewest, Dawn Baker, Stever53, Marivig, midgemills, DannyKaye, DaveH59, FozzieFozz, Vido, Clymar, woodse, Nolaj
There's more of these coming so don't miss out! See you on the next one!