Alright, did you crack it?

The answer we were looking for is
Congratulations to these individuals who got it correct!
pgcb8186, elelover, ElizabethL, pip18249, Carleen, Sherill L., DebRaiw, Sezzy, gentlejack, harden, Deborah Crompton, Twinie, KellyHollander, Buzzy, Aussie all the Way, Suzanne rose, Railwaygirl, Mustang GT, sandylouise, pourme, Monks, Gfandj, Sue Cook, Hirst1, echrisdave, JollyDragon, AllenP, Jeanette22, Uncle G, Paul1951, LucieB, mitzi1460, Gunpark, Sengstock, Migjohn, VicRaws, Ellen F, pbattershill, Stphnfntn, STOKR, dabangler, Jancgr, jenally, Stewart, Jelp26, verbindi, Sheriella, Maria-Dolores, Suemalloo, Marybell, Celeste51, youngy650, katdragon2010, VanMary, Shifta, DaddyRon, Sally W, Janelles, Gary Sinclair, Charlie52, DLH, Gladys, HelenJo, Beatie, StarTrekker, letch, Stephen Franklin, Neumannsland, Shazann, sylfield, Jash, Ashke, ChrisUren, Robeo56, julie612765, BillyB, MCF, Drew62, AwesomeNana3, SandyA, Frog1958, Bianca, Highjackers, MIZMAC, OldBells, Gordon drake, cattell11, RoyE, CathyF115, Valerie Pollock, SonsofPlatinum, falconxt, craftannie, Inot54, Lily, 16Taker, Judio, tomaho, Glennbee, Big Buzz, LFKFAF1, Jasmine, BrendaO, Eljay22, nifty8753, Eunice Aldous, Lorinda, Brian.P, DasherD, Fisherman2320, Bob Kinzett, Luciemcm, Angel43, Beth71, Tom Grguric, celnikierd, richieben1, Reknaz, Mikev, Sanny, akp, Sandrah5, Sanderaesimmies, Pamela snedden, Maria Ceceovski, Robyn Silcock, leslie_may, Ritaandmac, Natale, Colleen Lomas, Winksie, barryditchfield4@bigpond., Cass3215, Aitchtee, BeautifulMousey, Carcum, sylvia, Roh, Be-a- woof, NotNats, Vlasta, Marilynne, DuckyD, Glenda48, Marwill, klowiesnana, Ray Black, marrels, Paxmas, GEX5564, Johno54, acostadc, "Flash", WendyW1954, Andyroo, Harvey35, janetteann, cberk, Muzza1966Harvs, Ladyjay, Grandma10, simongirl, Annewithane, darrellkakoschke, peterb6a, Will60, LEEANNE Emmett, Nana Zorak, Anne69, jonbiddell, NellieShaw, paliokas, 02bJax, margmck, Marab, Kirky57, Rity, Dynamo, Aggie, janj, Benny's Light, JenTh0rn, KerrieO, Kahlan28, catsclaws, jenny, steve.bryce, Leeann, kcsnowi, loraines, Helen171, GrannyJA!, Chrisaw14, chezna, MS081152, Monty, Pete .C, Blackdck, Bubby1810, PatriciaTilly, Nancye24, macca1952, Dianecary, Mosey, Jennifer grammer, Mummajos, Julie147, Jennylolo, doglover, JeffP, johndowling, Sunny's mom, NickyW, Bulyee, LadyLi, Rowiee, Mistymoonbeam, lynstacker, shazhy, Wendy§, Mags24, robertf039, Luckyus, Sykoz, loulou555, BigAl6164, Iggydi, Kayer02, gillianmg, Franno, Emz, CRY7043, TigerM54, Macca123, Jethrotull, Doug one, jaydee6033, mart0123, IJH, Joy1959, Joymg, DLHM, Dorothy Kay, Ricci, Gryphen, TSim, Michael Brogden, Bob Patterson, Jan A, Kaylenejoy, netter, MaralynMuir, Cora6, Scorpionkate, Jill, Kaleen15, Swizzle, Frankiegreen, Sockjoan, Grettat, TrishH, Disie, judyl45, Tigereyes, Rendrag, TheWad, AnnaP, PhilipM, 2OldDucks, KenE, DebbieTTaylor, BJM, Gus, Pamelagay, midgemills, Jillnic, Mr. Snow, Craftylady, 4Molly, Jamary, Pridar, tfours, Nanajane, Laurie53, Pam White, KenBruce, Snug, jeanbrowning, Laney68, Carol, tracymurry, M.Feast, Littleboy8, duckiedoodle, Gil, Daniella, mitchell55, venturis, ShezzieD, Jest, maryfern33, Sooty61, Ginny Burke, jmarshall72, DazzaJ, Charlotte59, Beatlesfab4, Victor Jackson, Tervueren, jono13, Mummanew, ronk, girliesony, Shieldsy, SandyM, Sue Thomas, darrellh, Virgoros, bjakes, FETCHAM, JTeyssier, Hewy57, cblayney, HappyPam, Sporteevee, msglenys, Blondie50, Tigerlily57, Maiyon, Julia TH, Thr fonz, Grannybronny11, FozzieFozz, georgem, kayc, ozjp, Snowtiger, Hartie, margaretritchie48@hotmail, jsan, Kittycat, mlou, Kaybee, Jo Piper3, KennyB, lyn Crooks, Leewood, DannyKaye, Winston Bryant, thomas, Canham, Isis, LJL1957, sreidkjc, CharlesAH, glenglen, Jillie, PeakA, Bridget Williams, DebbieMJ23, SandraD22, Chez1611, Terry-ann, Starry, Gerard auckett, violetsincas, vickydawn, O’Neill, Petalz, Kingoftheworld, Maggie1935, WayneOO, JoanFranklin, Alan W, gordon2066, longlegs1964, helencarl16@gmail, rowanf, Barb358, Omaopa, Joyhilda, Jodah, ROBDOWLEY, Deb, Marivig, CCC, derek hogben, Carolyn T, casperdcat, AxlNoir, Kab, Leoniey, Macdee, Irish Al, eviero, Vinylted, Max allsop, Roger Ebert, <Stephen>, PattiB, Urasaki, Gaena, ronald liddell, slusty, TrixieLovesTigers, Reaper123, Cairn, Helen Jeffery, Stevie Zee, larkin_lot, EllieN, Aunty Rolls, Keverall, KrisWontner, Jambo1874, Dinh Dung, Pammac, linmur57, Swan, Chris Hills, gail22$, HelenFJenkins, June E, Ripplechaser, Cathy 61

See you on the next one!
SHINGLE is also correct??
Alright, did you crack it?

The answer we were looking for is
Congratulations to these individuals who got it correct!
pgcb8186, elelover, ElizabethL, pip18249, Carleen, Sherill L., DebRaiw, Sezzy, gentlejack, harden, Deborah Crompton, Twinie, KellyHollander, Buzzy, Aussie all the Way, Suzanne rose, Railwaygirl, Mustang GT, sandylouise, pourme, Monks, Gfandj, Sue Cook, Hirst1, echrisdave, JollyDragon, AllenP, Jeanette22, Uncle G, Paul1951, LucieB, mitzi1460, Gunpark, Sengstock, Migjohn, VicRaws, Ellen F, pbattershill, Stphnfntn, STOKR, dabangler, Jancgr, jenally, Stewart, Jelp26, verbindi, Sheriella, Maria-Dolores, Suemalloo, Marybell, Celeste51, youngy650, katdragon2010, VanMary, Shifta, DaddyRon, Sally W, Janelles, Gary Sinclair, Charlie52, DLH, Gladys, HelenJo, Beatie, StarTrekker, letch, Stephen Franklin, Neumannsland, Shazann, sylfield, Jash, Ashke, ChrisUren, Robeo56, julie612765, BillyB, MCF, Drew62, AwesomeNana3, SandyA, Frog1958, Bianca, Highjackers, MIZMAC, OldBells, Gordon drake, cattell11, RoyE, CathyF115, Valerie Pollock, SonsofPlatinum, falconxt, craftannie, Inot54, Lily, 16Taker, Judio, tomaho, Glennbee, Big Buzz, LFKFAF1, Jasmine, BrendaO, Eljay22, nifty8753, Eunice Aldous, Lorinda, Brian.P, DasherD, Fisherman2320, Bob Kinzett, Luciemcm, Angel43, Beth71, Tom Grguric, celnikierd, richieben1, Reknaz, Mikev, Sanny, akp, Sandrah5, Sanderaesimmies, Pamela snedden, Maria Ceceovski, Robyn Silcock, leslie_may, Ritaandmac, Natale, Colleen Lomas, Winksie, barryditchfield4@bigpond., Cass3215, Aitchtee, BeautifulMousey, Carcum, sylvia, Roh, Be-a- woof, NotNats, Vlasta, Marilynne, DuckyD, Glenda48, Marwill, klowiesnana, Ray Black, marrels, Paxmas, GEX5564, Johno54, acostadc, "Flash", WendyW1954, Andyroo, Harvey35, janetteann, cberk, Muzza1966Harvs, Ladyjay, Grandma10, simongirl, Annewithane, darrellkakoschke, peterb6a, Will60, LEEANNE Emmett, Nana Zorak, Anne69, jonbiddell, NellieShaw, paliokas, 02bJax, margmck, Marab, Kirky57, Rity, Dynamo, Aggie, janj, Benny's Light, JenTh0rn, KerrieO, Kahlan28, catsclaws, jenny, steve.bryce, Leeann, kcsnowi, loraines, Helen171, GrannyJA!, Chrisaw14, chezna, MS081152, Monty, Pete .C, Blackdck, Bubby1810, PatriciaTilly, Nancye24, macca1952, Dianecary, Mosey, Jennifer grammer, Mummajos, Julie147, Jennylolo, doglover, JeffP, johndowling, Sunny's mom, NickyW, Bulyee, LadyLi, Rowiee, Mistymoonbeam, lynstacker, shazhy, Wendy§, Mags24, robertf039, Luckyus, Sykoz, loulou555, BigAl6164, Iggydi, Kayer02, gillianmg, Franno, Emz, CRY7043, TigerM54, Macca123, Jethrotull, Doug one, jaydee6033, mart0123, IJH, Joy1959, Joymg, DLHM, Dorothy Kay, Ricci, Gryphen, TSim, Michael Brogden, Bob Patterson, Jan A, Kaylenejoy, netter, MaralynMuir, Cora6, Scorpionkate, Jill, Kaleen15, Swizzle, Frankiegreen, Sockjoan, Grettat, TrishH, Disie, judyl45, Tigereyes, Rendrag, TheWad, AnnaP, PhilipM, 2OldDucks, KenE, DebbieTTaylor, BJM, Gus, Pamelagay, midgemills, Jillnic, Mr. Snow, Craftylady, 4Molly, Jamary, Pridar, tfours, Nanajane, Laurie53, Pam White, KenBruce, Snug, jeanbrowning, Laney68, Carol, tracymurry, M.Feast, Littleboy8, duckiedoodle, Gil, Daniella, mitchell55, venturis, ShezzieD, Jest, maryfern33, Sooty61, Ginny Burke, jmarshall72, DazzaJ, Charlotte59, Beatlesfab4, Victor Jackson, Tervueren, jono13, Mummanew, ronk, girliesony, Shieldsy, SandyM, Sue Thomas, darrellh, Virgoros, bjakes, FETCHAM, JTeyssier, Hewy57, cblayney, HappyPam, Sporteevee, msglenys, Blondie50, Tigerlily57, Maiyon, Julia TH, Thr fonz, Grannybronny11, FozzieFozz, georgem, kayc, ozjp, Snowtiger, Hartie, margaretritchie48@hotmail, jsan, Kittycat, mlou, Kaybee, Jo Piper3, KennyB, lyn Crooks, Leewood, DannyKaye, Winston Bryant, thomas, Canham, Isis, LJL1957, sreidkjc, CharlesAH, glenglen, Jillie, PeakA, Bridget Williams, DebbieMJ23, SandraD22, Chez1611, Terry-ann, Starry, Gerard auckett, violetsincas, vickydawn, O’Neill, Petalz, Kingoftheworld, Maggie1935, WayneOO, JoanFranklin, Alan W, gordon2066, longlegs1964, helencarl16@gmail, rowanf, Barb358, Omaopa, Joyhilda, Jodah, ROBDOWLEY, Deb, Marivig, CCC, derek hogben, Carolyn T, casperdcat, AxlNoir, Kab, Leoniey, Macdee, Irish Al, eviero, Vinylted, Max allsop, Roger Ebert, <Stephen>, PattiB, Urasaki, Gaena, ronald liddell, slusty, TrixieLovesTigers, Reaper123, Cairn, Helen Jeffery, Stevie Zee, larkin_lot, EllieN, Aunty Rolls, Keverall, KrisWontner, Jambo1874, Dinh Dung, Pammac, linmur57, Swan, Chris Hills, gail22$, HelenFJenkins, June E, Ripplechaser, Cathy 61

See you on the next one!
Can't find my name Narge61
Alright, did you crack it?

The answer we were looking for is
Congratulations to these individuals who got it correct!
pgcb8186, elelover, ElizabethL, pip18249, Carleen, Sherill L., DebRaiw, Sezzy, gentlejack, harden, Deborah Crompton, Twinie, KellyHollander, Buzzy, Aussie all the Way, Suzanne rose, Railwaygirl, Mustang GT, sandylouise, pourme, Monks, Gfandj, Sue Cook, Hirst1, echrisdave, JollyDragon, AllenP, Jeanette22, Uncle G, Paul1951, LucieB, mitzi1460, Gunpark, Sengstock, Migjohn, VicRaws, Ellen F, pbattershill, Stphnfntn, STOKR, dabangler, Jancgr, jenally, Stewart, Jelp26, verbindi, Sheriella, Maria-Dolores, Suemalloo, Marybell, Celeste51, youngy650, katdragon2010, VanMary, Shifta, DaddyRon, Sally W, Janelles, Gary Sinclair, Charlie52, DLH, Gladys, HelenJo, Beatie, StarTrekker, letch, Stephen Franklin, Neumannsland, Shazann, sylfield, Jash, Ashke, ChrisUren, Robeo56, julie612765, BillyB, MCF, Drew62, AwesomeNana3, SandyA, Frog1958, Bianca, Highjackers, MIZMAC, OldBells, Gordon drake, cattell11, RoyE, CathyF115, Valerie Pollock, SonsofPlatinum, falconxt, craftannie, Inot54, Lily, 16Taker, Judio, tomaho, Glennbee, Big Buzz, LFKFAF1, Jasmine, BrendaO, Eljay22, nifty8753, Eunice Aldous, Lorinda, Brian.P, DasherD, Fisherman2320, Bob Kinzett, Luciemcm, Angel43, Beth71, Tom Grguric, celnikierd, richieben1, Reknaz, Mikev, Sanny, akp, Sandrah5, Sanderaesimmies, Pamela snedden, Maria Ceceovski, Robyn Silcock, leslie_may, Ritaandmac, Natale, Colleen Lomas, Winksie, barryditchfield4@bigpond., Cass3215, Aitchtee, BeautifulMousey, Carcum, sylvia, Roh, Be-a- woof, NotNats, Vlasta, Marilynne, DuckyD, Glenda48, Marwill, klowiesnana, Ray Black, marrels, Paxmas, GEX5564, Johno54, acostadc, "Flash", WendyW1954, Andyroo, Harvey35, janetteann, cberk, Muzza1966Harvs, Ladyjay, Grandma10, simongirl, Annewithane, darrellkakoschke, peterb6a, Will60, LEEANNE Emmett, Nana Zorak, Anne69, jonbiddell, NellieShaw, paliokas, 02bJax, margmck, Marab, Kirky57, Rity, Dynamo, Aggie, janj, Benny's Light, JenTh0rn, KerrieO, Kahlan28, catsclaws, jenny, steve.bryce, Leeann, kcsnowi, loraines, Helen171, GrannyJA!, Chrisaw14, chezna, MS081152, Monty, Pete .C, Blackdck, Bubby1810, PatriciaTilly, Nancye24, macca1952, Dianecary, Mosey, Jennifer grammer, Mummajos, Julie147, Jennylolo, doglover, JeffP, johndowling, Sunny's mom, NickyW, Bulyee, LadyLi, Rowiee, Mistymoonbeam, lynstacker, shazhy, Wendy§, Mags24, robertf039, Luckyus, Sykoz, loulou555, BigAl6164, Iggydi, Kayer02, gillianmg, Franno, Emz, CRY7043, TigerM54, Macca123, Jethrotull, Doug one, jaydee6033, mart0123, IJH, Joy1959, Joymg, DLHM, Dorothy Kay, Ricci, Gryphen, TSim, Michael Brogden, Bob Patterson, Jan A, Kaylenejoy, netter, MaralynMuir, Cora6, Scorpionkate, Jill, Kaleen15, Swizzle, Frankiegreen, Sockjoan, Grettat, TrishH, Disie, judyl45, Tigereyes, Rendrag, TheWad, AnnaP, PhilipM, 2OldDucks, KenE, DebbieTTaylor, BJM, Gus, Pamelagay, midgemills, Jillnic, Mr. Snow, Craftylady, 4Molly, Jamary, Pridar, tfours, Nanajane, Laurie53, Pam White, KenBruce, Snug, jeanbrowning, Laney68, Carol, tracymurry, M.Feast, Littleboy8, duckiedoodle, Gil, Daniella, mitchell55, venturis, ShezzieD, Jest, maryfern33, Sooty61, Ginny Burke, jmarshall72, DazzaJ, Charlotte59, Beatlesfab4, Victor Jackson, Tervueren, jono13, Mummanew, ronk, girliesony, Shieldsy, SandyM, Sue Thomas, darrellh, Virgoros, bjakes, FETCHAM, JTeyssier, Hewy57, cblayney, HappyPam, Sporteevee, msglenys, Blondie50, Tigerlily57, Maiyon, Julia TH, Thr fonz, Grannybronny11, FozzieFozz, georgem, kayc, ozjp, Snowtiger, Hartie, margaretritchie48@hotmail, jsan, Kittycat, mlou, Kaybee, Jo Piper3, KennyB, lyn Crooks, Leewood, DannyKaye, Winston Bryant, thomas, Canham, Isis, LJL1957, sreidkjc, CharlesAH, glenglen, Jillie, PeakA, Bridget Williams, DebbieMJ23, SandraD22, Chez1611, Terry-ann, Starry, Gerard auckett, violetsincas, vickydawn, O’Neill, Petalz, Kingoftheworld, Maggie1935, WayneOO, JoanFranklin, Alan W, gordon2066, longlegs1964, helencarl16@gmail, rowanf, Barb358, Omaopa, Joyhilda, Jodah, ROBDOWLEY, Deb, Marivig, CCC, derek hogben, Carolyn T, casperdcat, AxlNoir, Kab, Leoniey, Macdee, Irish Al, eviero, Vinylted, Max allsop, Roger Ebert, <Stephen>, PattiB, Urasaki, Gaena, ronald liddell, slusty, TrixieLovesTigers, Reaper123, Cairn, Helen Jeffery, Stevie Zee, larkin_lot, EllieN, Aunty Rolls, Keverall, KrisWontner, Jambo1874, Dinh Dung, Pammac, linmur57, Swan, Chris Hills, gail22$, HelenFJenkins, June E, Ripplechaser, Cathy 61

See you on the next one!
It also spells shingle, as in a type of wooden roof tile.

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