Word puzzle claims to REVEAL your character – which word do you spot first?
There is a new personality test that has been making its rounds on social media, claiming to reveal a person's character type based on the first word that they see amongst a jumble of letters.
Created by the science website FactFactories, the word puzzle involves looking at a picture made up of jumbled letters. Inside, there are six hidden words that you can look for.
And apparently, the first word you find determines which set of personality traits you have.
So are you ready to take the test? Just take a look at the picture below!
What is the first word you see?
Credit: FactFactories.
If you saw the word TASK, which is located at the top row of the image and is spelt backwards, it means that your dedication and commitment are your two most important traits.
According to the website, you are most likely an efficient and hardworking person that is known to be dedicated to your job and hobbies. You make sure not to let your friends and colleagues down, and if you're the boss of a workplace yourself, you make sure your employees are valued and well taken care of.
However, you can also come across as stubborn and close-minded – someone who is obstinate and unlikely to change their mind once they've decided on something.
If you saw the word POWER, which is located at the rightmost part of the puzzle, spelled upwards, it means you feel at your best when taking responsibility and having things under your control.
You're the type of person who doesn’t mind operating in stressful environments, and you actually do better under pressure than most people do. You're also extremely goal-oriented and don't leave anything up to faith.
However, this also means that you don’t like to lose, which can see you acting quickly in order to take control of the situation before others.
If you saw the word HOME which is located in the fourth column from the right, spelled downwards, it means you are a loving and caring person, who is considered a friend by everyone.
You are calm and reserved, which makes you oftentimes the mediator in situations of conflict.
You also like spending time with people you love and respect, and you see family and human connection as the most important aspect of your life.
If you saw the word ANIMAL which is located in the fourth row, it means you are an outdoor person. You love nature, you care for the environment, and most of all – you love animals.
The website says only 4 per cent of the players pick the word "animal" first, which means there are only a few people out there who think the same way you do.
You are a caring and shy person but can also tend to come off as awkward and antisocial at times. But the truth is you just like to spend time with like-minded individuals, and others might not understand that.
If you saw the word LOVER located in the second row, spelled backwards, it means that your personality type makes you stand out in a group.
You are a very energetic and charming person, and you always leave a positive impact on others. People also love you for your honesty and sense of humour!
However, you may also come off as blunt and too straightforward.
If you saw the word TEAM located in the middle of the puzzle, it means you possess the qualities of being a good co-worker – you're a total team player!
You're a highly likeable person and you don't close your mind to new changes. You also make sure that everyone in your team feels appreciated, and that their opinions are valued.
So, what word did you pick, members? And was the result accurate for you?
Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!