Woolworths and ALDI lead in fight against deforestation—what about Coles?

As Australians, we deeply connect to our land and its unique wildlife. It's part of our identity, and we take pride in the natural beauty surrounding us.

However, our love for the environment is being tested as we face a critical issue: deforestation.

This environmental concern has recently taken centre stage in the supermarket industry, with major players like Woolworths and ALDI taking bold steps to address the problem. Coles is under scrutiny for not following suit.

Woolworths has pledged to source only deforestation-free products by 2025, aligning with the Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTi).

Environmental groups have hailed this move as a significant step towards preserving our forests and the wildlife that call them home.

Woolworths will go deforestation-free by 2025, joining ALDI’s commitment. Credit: Shutterstock

ALDI had previously announced a similar commitment, showcasing a growing trend in the retail sector towards sustainability.

Greenpeace Australia Pacific has quickly praised Woolworths for its decision, recognising the impact of such a commitment to curbing the destruction of our forests and protecting native species.

Woolworths' spokeswoman reinforced the company's dedication to sustainable beef sourcing, acknowledging most Australian producers' responsible land management practices and the positive influence their goal could have on the sustainability credentials of Australian red meat.

However, Coles has found itself in the hot seat, with environmental advocates calling them out for not having a strong deforestation-free policy.

Greenpeace has urged Coles to step up and join its competitors in making this crucial change.

Gemma Plesman, a senior campaigner at Greenpeace Australia Pacific, pointed out Australia's alarming deforestation rates, which harm millions of native animals annually and contribute to climate change.

‘The bulldozing and destruction of our forests is driven primarily by beef cattle production. As one of Australia’s biggest buyers of beef, Woolworths can make a considerable difference in helping end this destructive practice and set an example for others to follow suit,’ she emphasised.

On the other hand, Coles has responded by highlighting the issue's complexity.

‘As a food retailer, we understand the important connection between food and nature,’ A Coles spokesperson stated.

‘We are committed to protecting Australian nature and are engaging with a range of NGOs, including the Australian Conservation Foundation, Greenpeace and the Wilderness Society, on a broad range of nature-related issues.’

‘We recognise the complexity of addressing the nature challenge and are committed to working with our farmers, suppliers and industry partners to reduce our impact on the environment and help our customers to make more responsible choices.’

The statistics on Australia's deforestation are indeed concerning. Between 2000 and 2017, an area the size of Ireland was cleared, with the beef industry playing a significant role in this environmental degradation.

In Queensland, the beef sector has been responsible for destroying vast areas of forests and bushland, primarily to create pastures for livestock.

As consumers, we can influence the market through our purchasing decisions.

With sustainability becoming an increasingly important factor for shoppers, our supermarket choices can profoundly impact the environment.

It's clear that when it comes to protecting nature, we now face a critical decision at the checkout.
Key Takeaways
  • Woolworths has committed to sourcing only deforestation-free products by 2025, following ALDI's similar pledge.
  • Environmental advocates have criticised Coles for not having a strong deforestation-free policy like its competitors.
  • Greenpeace has highlighted the significant impact of deforestation on Australian wildlife and climate change, urging retailers to promote sustainable practices.
  • Coles recognises the issue's complexity and engages with various NGOs to address environmental challenges and make responsible choices.
Have you changed your shopping habits in light of these environmental concerns? Are supermarkets doing enough to address deforestation and promote sustainability? Join the conversation below.
An interesting article I read and must ask why ???
"China remains the biggest offshore investor in Australian farmland with a 2 per cent holding (7.8 million hectares), but investors from the Netherlands, the US and UK own more freehold land. Chinese investors own just 750,000 hectares of freehold farmland.1 Oct 2023"
deforestation beef and while we are at it why not have deforestation fruit and vegies, oh but wait that may offend those who choose not to eat meat. Surely we can stop deforestation without segregating and driving up the cost of staple in our diets. Land is cleared all the time for growing fruit and vegetables but I'm not hearing anyone yelling we need to support deforestation of those food sources. We are hearing all about solar and wind farming and the only people who seem to have anything to say about it are the farmers, and this is because those farms will take up valuable land space or maybe deforestation will have to happen in order to accommodate them, not to mention the deforestation that happens to build housing for humans to live in. I will wait to be proven wrong but I feel this is just another way the supermarkets are going to justify their high prices.
What Utter Rubbish!! "Greenpeace has urged Coles to step up and join its competitors in making this crucial change"!! Greenpeace has been Denounced by One of it's Founders as a Left-Wing Loony Influence in Politics!! It is Not a Crucial Change at All to "Save the Environment"!! No-one can Save the Environment because Nuclear War is Coming to this Planet RSN, Real Soon Now!! You can't Save the World unfortunately! Only The Gospel of Jesus Christ can Save Anyone from the Flames of Hell, Fire And Brimstone! Only by being Obedient to Him, His Gospel and Life can anyone be Saved When He comes Back Soon. My Statement Here is a Truth straight from the Pages of The Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth (BIBLE). If you want to see what the Gospel of Jesus Christ is, read the first 2 chapters of the Book of Acts of the Apostles for what was expected, What Actually Happened and How to get it. Hope you find Him in Truth. Take care. Thank you SDC.
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deforestation beef and while we are at it why not have deforestation fruit and vegies, oh but wait that may offend those who choose not to eat meat. Surely we can stop deforestation without segregating and driving up the cost of staple in our diets. Land is cleared all the time for growing fruit and vegetables but I'm not hearing anyone yelling we need to support deforestation of those food sources. We are hearing all about solar and wind farming and the only people who seem to have anything to say about it are the farmers, and this is because those farms will take up valuable land space or maybe deforestation will have to happen in order to accommodate them, not to mention the deforestation that happens to build housing for humans to live in. I will wait to be proven wrong but I feel this is just another way the supermarkets are going to justify their high prices.
I choose not to eat meat, I won't be offended.🍠🥒🍍🍊🍐🍎🍓🫐🥦 Bring it on.
It's not just the beef industry needing more room. What about the timber industry? They are still logging illegally in some areas. Also, these solar farms are the biggest occupiers of land that should be used for cattle farming and crop planting. Put the solar farms in the outback where there are few trees and too dry for cattle farming.
Deforestation occurred for grain crops and grazing sheep last century. In fact for most of our food crops land was and is cleared for growing food, it is not just cattle farmers. Deforestation occurs also where urban expansion is going on, particularly for Australians desire to hug the coastlines rather than live in the outback or in areas that have sparse vegetation..
I recall as 12 year old watching huge bulldozers with massive chains strung between them to knock down mallee scrub on Eyre Peninsula on my Uncles farm. It was to create more agricultural land for cropping grains and grazing sheep. At the time I was in awe watching it. Now I would feel sickened realising that native flora and fauna was being erased from this earth, simply to create further profits for farmers, and demand from us as consumers of grain foods and meat.
There are massive cattle stations in the outback..that is where most of our beef is produced..
It's not just the beef industry needing more room. What about the timber industry? They are still logging illegally in some areas. Also, these solar farms are the biggest occupiers of land that should be used for cattle farming and crop planting. Put the solar farms in the outback where there are few trees and too dry for cattle farming.
There is a difference between forests planted specifically for manufacture of packaging, furniture etc
than Native Forests. Woolworths and some other businesses are using paper bags for customers' groceries which I believe is either a high % or completely recycled paper etc.
Is Greenpeace going to object to timber being used for buildings, furniture etc??
Trees for Life is an organization that collects seeds from native trees, germinates them and re-vegetates areas. Some SA Govt. Depts do re-vegetation work too
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