Well I've just done an hour's research into the Woolworths half price specials for this week. On their website, they have the provision to view all specials.
Here are my findings:-
The greatest percentage of half price discounts occur in the Cleaning and Maintenance category with 36.55% of all items offered at half price.
Next are Beauty and Health products coming in with 31.33%.
Rounding out the top three is Health and Wellness with 10.52%.
Surprisingly, Snacks and Confectionery rated only 5.72%
The other end of the scale is even more disturbing.
Poultry, Meat and Seafood rate only 0.07% with just one solitary item being offered at half price.
Bakery is at 0.57 % while Dairy, Milk and Eggs rates at 0.79%.
Fruit and Vegetables have NO half price specials.
As you can see, the top three are not products you would consider "for human consumption". Only 17.08% are edible or drinkable, including Snacks and Confectionery, which I don't consider as proper food.
Here are the full results.
Beauty & Personal Care 438 31.33%
Cleaning & Maintenance 511 36.55%
Pantry 62 4.43%
Freezer 29 2.07%
Dairy, Milk & Eggs 11 0.79%
Health and Wellness 147 10.52%
Snacks & Confectionery 80 5.72%
Home & Lifestyle 63 4.51%
Drinks 27 1.93%
Lunchbox 21 1.50%
Bakery 8 0.57%
Poultry, Meat & Seafood 1 0.07%
TOTAL 1398 100.00%
Please Note: The total number of half price (or more) items is 7708. The balance was removed from the study as the items were in the Home and Lifestyle category and sold by "Market Partner" online only and comprise of high end items such as laptops, cookware, gym equipment, manchester and furniture. These things not associated with your regular Woolworths Supermarket.
I hope this is interest to someone!