Woman’s ‘brilliant’ anti-theft butter hack divides the internet

Have you ever had someone at home start using some of your utensils or dishes without asking for permission? You bought everything, so why can't you decide who uses what?

For example, food. We all know how important food is; it's a basic human need! So, it stands to reason that we would get pretty upset if someone helped themselves to our groceries without asking first (especially if it’s a roommate and not a family member).

Finding out that someone has eaten something you were saving for yourself can be frustrating. But we think this woman’s unusual ‘anti-theft’ hack may be the best solution of all.

The hack in question wasn’t posted by the woman herself – rather it was her roommate. In the now-viral post on the popular social media site, Reddit, the man attached an image of a block of butter…with bite marks on it. Well, that’s certainly one way to deter kitchen thieves…

Yep, those are definitely teeth marks. Credit: Reddit

The roommate was stunned when he discovered the food item atop their shared kitchen table. ‘My roommate bites her butter then drops it on the pan when she cooks,’ the roommate captioned in the post.

The thread has garnered nearly 3,000 comments, with many users defending the woman’s actions and laughing with each other.

The top comment read: ‘I feel like someone may have been stealing her butter at some point.’ While another joked and said ‘Haha. She’s just marking her property.’

Someone else agreed and said that the poster ‘is mildly infuriated he can’t steal the good butter’. And they do have a point here.

A fourth wrote: ‘Brilliant. I’ve probably had more butter stolen by roommates than any other food item. I bet this is a great deterrent.’

‘This is interesting if it’s her butter, and a crime if it’s shared butter,’ a user mused.

This bizarre way of ‘setting boundaries’ sparked a discussion in the thread, with many relaying their own experiences with kitchen thieves.

One woman said: ‘When I worked in an office, people would help themselves to my coffee creamer. I started putting on bright pink lipstick and putting my mouth over the spout so it looked like I drank straight from the container. The cream thievery stopped after that.’

Another wrote about their almond and soy milk being stolen by their lactose-intolerant roommate some years ago. ‘It stopped when I started filling the containers with regular milk.’

Now, these stories just seem diabolical, don’t they?

Remember to set boundaries with your housemates in a civilised manner. Credit: RODNAE Productions in Pexels

Others don’t seem to care that much about the woman’s odd way of marking her territory. ‘Yeah, who cares, it’s her butter,’ someone said.

‘Whatever it takes to keep you from eating her groceries and leftovers,’ another wrote.

Key Takeaways

  • A woman's method of ‘marking her property’ has divided the internet.
  • Her housemate shared a picture of the butter with what appeared to be teeth marks on top.
  • The Reddit thread received thousands of reactions, with many defending the woman's action.
In the end, the consensus is that it's relatively harmless, and as long as the butter is not being shared among the household, there's not much of a problem. What are your thoughts, folks? Let us know in the comments!
My pet hate (when working) was in the communal frige for our tea/coffee breaks, the milk was supplied for all to use, including the couple of people who drank it straight form the carton then return it to frige.... eventually caught in the act only to protest that they'd been doing it for months! :sick:
  • Wow
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At one time I was subletting two bedrooms in a home we lived in for two professional male radiologists from the hospital across the road. They were fine and tidy enough in the communal areas, not too noisy and respectful. But one of the girlfriends was the opposite. She would come and stay over more than not and use all my household items (except the vacuum cleaner,) help herself to my food in the fridge, freezer or cupboards, leave unwashed dishes pots etc and a mess I was forced to clean up as she would leave before it was done. She would come in later at night and park in the driveway preventing me from being able to get my car out. She would sleep in late and stay in the only bathroom twice as long as anyone else and never wiped or cleaned anything.
The only thing I was pleased about was, unknowingly she would eat her cereal in the plastic (washed) cat's dishes, she had no idea.
I asked them to leave as they were not prepared to pay extra for the power and water bills that were three times more than usual, despite actually being four extra, not two as arranged. The plan was for 4 people in the home, not six. I never sublet again.
I heard they married( both boys did marry the girls that they had home often )
I hope they lived in their own place or a commune. Cheap rent.
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Many years ago when I was working, I used to take a bottle with cordial in it. I would leave it in the communal fridge. There was a water bottle which anyone could use, but mine was different. I discovered someone was taking a cupful every day. The last straw was one very hot day I was looking forward to the final cold drink. When I went to the fridge my bottle was empty! When I told my husband, he commented to not get angry, get even. So I made up a salt solution with the cordial. Next day, I kept checking but nothing taken during the day. However, after work, I discovered a cupful was missing. Never did find the culprit, but my drink stayed intact after that.
My pet hate (when working) was in the communal frige for our tea/coffee breaks, the milk was supplied for all to use, including the couple of people who drank it straight form the carton then return it to frige.... eventually caught in the act only to protest that they'd been doing it for months! :sick:
Still not acceptable. Just think if that person had a cold or worse, covid & they were drinking from the carton of milk other people use!!!
Many years ago when I was working, I used to take a bottle with cordial in it. I would leave it in the communal fridge. There was a water bottle which anyone could use, but mine was different. I discovered someone was taking a cupful every day. The last straw was one very hot day I was looking forward to the final cold drink. When I went to the fridge my bottle was empty! When I told my husband, he commented to not get angry, get even. So I made up a salt solution with the cordial. Next day, I kept checking but nothing taken during the day. However, after work, I discovered a cupful was missing. Never did find the culprit, but my drink stayed intact after that.
Love your style!
Have you ever had someone at home start using some of your utensils or dishes without asking for permission? You bought everything, so why can't you decide who uses what?

For example, food. We all know how important food is; it's a basic human need! So, it stands to reason that we would get pretty upset if someone helped themselves to our groceries without asking first (especially if it’s a roommate and not a family member).

Finding out that someone has eaten something you were saving for yourself can be frustrating. But we think this woman’s unusual ‘anti-theft’ hack may be the best solution of all.

The hack in question wasn’t posted by the woman herself – rather it was her roommate. In the now-viral post on the popular social media site, Reddit, the man attached an image of a block of butter…with bite marks on it. Well, that’s certainly one way to deter kitchen thieves…

View attachment 7946
Yep, those are definitely teeth marks. Credit: Reddit

The roommate was stunned when he discovered the food item atop their shared kitchen table. ‘My roommate bites her butter then drops it on the pan when she cooks,’ the roommate captioned in the post.

The thread has garnered nearly 3,000 comments, with many users defending the woman’s actions and laughing with each other.

The top comment read: ‘I feel like someone may have been stealing her butter at some point.’ While another joked and said ‘Haha. She’s just marking her property.’

Someone else agreed and said that the poster ‘is mildly infuriated he can’t steal the good butter’. And they do have a point here.

A fourth wrote: ‘Brilliant. I’ve probably had more butter stolen by roommates than any other food item. I bet this is a great deterrent.’

‘This is interesting if it’s her butter, and a crime if it’s shared butter,’ a user mused.

This bizarre way of ‘setting boundaries’ sparked a discussion in the thread, with many relaying their own experiences with kitchen thieves.

One woman said: ‘When I worked in an office, people would help themselves to my coffee creamer. I started putting on bright pink lipstick and putting my mouth over the spout so it looked like I drank straight from the container. The cream thievery stopped after that.’

Another wrote about their almond and soy milk being stolen by their lactose-intolerant roommate some years ago. ‘It stopped when I started filling the containers with regular milk.’

Now, these stories just seem diabolical, don’t they?

View attachment 7947
Remember to set boundaries with your housemates in a civilised manner. Credit: RODNAE Productions in Pexels

Others don’t seem to care that much about the woman’s odd way of marking her territory. ‘Yeah, who cares, it’s her butter,’ someone said.

‘Whatever it takes to keep you from eating her groceries and leftovers,’ another wrote.

Key Takeaways

  • A woman's method of ‘marking her property’ has divided the internet.
  • Her housemate shared a picture of the butter with what appeared to be teeth marks on top.
  • The Reddit thread received thousands of reactions, with many defending the woman's action.
In the end, the consensus is that it's relatively harmless, and as long as the butter is not being shared among the household, there's not much of a problem. What are your thoughts, folks? Let us know in the comments!
I used to have problems with people using my butter, vegemite , jam or biscuits and not replacing them when they used the lot. Since I was a kitchen hand I was a low paid staff member, while the ones helping themselves were highly paid professionals.
I used to drink a lot of Coke and when my sister and her family would visit her hubby would sneak a mouthful now and then but when I asked (even after watching him do it) he would say he didn't drink it. My dad said to drink some myself and then add a good half a cup of brown vinegar so I did and left it in the fridge. Only thing is, it was my dad who got caught LOL So did my B-I-L the next day tho and he never touched it again!
  • Haha
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