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Aug 14, 2022
Why retire?

A group of us have been discussing events in OZ and one of the items that keeps coming up in the news is that we have a massive shortage of workers. We feel that this can be easily rectified by adopting the pension scheme enjoyed in NZ where one receives the pension and its benefits but can continue working without affecting your entitlements.
This system would add thousands of extra bodies to the workforce as well as extra tax. There is talk about increasing the amount of hours before it affects your pension but it will not go far enough. Why import workers when we already have them.
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A group of us have been discussing events in OZ and one of the items that keeps coming up in the news is that we have a massive shortage of workers. We feel that this can be easily rectified by adopting the pension scheme enjoyed in NZ where one receives the pension and its benefits but can continue working without affecting your entitlements.
This system would add thousands of extra bodies to the workforce as well as extra tax. There is talk about increasing the amount of hours before it affects your pension but it will not go far enough. Why import workers when we already have them.
Hello, @dukeofwindsor ! Welcome to the forum :) We're glad to have you. This is quite interesting! I would love to hear what the other seniors think about this.

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