What does a grocery basket worth $100 look like these days? Aussie man's grocery bill shocks the internet

What does a grocery basket worth $100 look like these days?

One man has taken to Reddit to share what his weekly shop of almost $100 looks like given that cost of living in the country is soaring.

In his post, the man shared a photo of a "near-empty shopping trolley" along with the caption: "This was $84.90 without the milk (that wouldn't scan)."


The man shared a photo of his “almost $100” grocery haul. Credit: Reddit.

The Sydney Reddit user also claimed that his basket only included essentials such as soap, mouthwash, butter, and tomatoes, highlighting that he noticed a sharp rise in his usual "middle of the road" groceries at Woolworths.

The post has captured the attention of other Aussie Reddit users, with many expressing their shock over the reduced number of goods you can purchase with a $100 budget.

However, not everyone was convinced that the man did not "overspend", with some pointing out that the man's brand choices are quite "luxurious".

The users said that the items that the man purchased were pricier compared to other similar products from other brands like purchasing Lurpak Spreadable Butter for $6.50.

Other items in his haul include a tray of extra-large free-range eggs for $10 and gourmet tomatoes for $12.20.


The shopper’s grocery bill. Credit: Reddit.

The Sydneysider defended himself, claiming that the bulk of his haul was "modest" and insisting that he observed a sharp increase in prices in the past few months.

He said: "I've got to be honest, apart from some eggs which are more ethical and butter that's about a dollar more than standard, what in this cart is luxury?"

"I know there are cheaper options. I haven't changed what I'm buying and it's far more expensive than it used to be and that's the point of this."

Australia's cost of living has increased significantly over the past year, with transport and education being the hardest hit sectors.

Food and non-alcoholic beverages have also seen a sharp rise, by 4.3 per cent when compared to last year's March quarter.

Interestingly, Sydney has been the least affected city, with a cost of living increase of just 1.7 per cent.

This is in contrast to Perth, which has seen a 3.3 per cent increase - the highest of all the capital cities.

Inflation rates in other major cities are as follows: Adelaide at 1.9 per cent, Hobart at 2 per cent, Darwin and Brisbane at 2.1 per cent, Canberra at 2.2 per cent, Melbourne at 2.3 per cent, and Perth at a whopping 3.3 per cent.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you think the man just opted for pricier items or is he in the right by claiming that you cannot purchase as much goods for $100? Let us know your opinions in the comments below.
The poor bloke...... he reckons it cost him $84.90, when clearly the docket shows $84.60.????
The devil is in the detail folks.........
He has WASTED .30cents on 2 shopping bags..... this he could easily have saved by bringing a bag from home, or even popping the small amount of shopping in his pockets......
Waste not, want not as mum would say.....
What does a grocery basket worth $100 look like these days? Aussie man's grocery bill shocks the internet

What does a grocery basket worth $100 look like these days?

One man has taken to Reddit to share what his weekly shop of almost $100 looks like given that cost of living in the country is soaring.

In his post, the man shared a photo of a "near-empty shopping trolley" along with the caption: "This was $84.90 without the milk (that wouldn't scan)."


The man shared a photo of his “almost $100” grocery haul. Credit: Reddit.

The Sydney Reddit user also claimed that his basket only included essentials such as soap, mouthwash, butter, and tomatoes, highlighting that he noticed a sharp rise in his usual "middle of the road" groceries at Woolworths.

The post has captured the attention of other Aussie Reddit users, with many expressing their shock over the reduced number of goods you can purchase with a $100 budget.

However, not everyone was convinced that the man did not "overspend", with some pointing out that the man's brand choices are quite "luxurious".

The users said that the items that the man purchased were pricier compared to other similar products from other brands like purchasing Lurpak Spreadable Butter for $6.50.

Other items in his haul include a tray of extra-large free-range eggs for $10 and gourmet tomatoes for $12.20.


The shopper’s grocery bill. Credit: Reddit.

The Sydneysider defended himself, claiming that the bulk of his haul was "modest" and insisting that he observed a sharp increase in prices in the past few months.

He said: "I've got to be honest, apart from some eggs which are more ethical and butter that's about a dollar more than standard, what in this cart is luxury?"

"I know there are cheaper options. I haven't changed what I'm buying and it's far more expensive than it used to be and that's the point of this."

Australia's cost of living has increased significantly over the past year, with transport and education being the hardest hit sectors.

Food and non-alcoholic beverages have also seen a sharp rise, by 4.3 per cent when compared to last year's March quarter.

Interestingly, Sydney has been the least affected city, with a cost of living increase of just 1.7 per cent.

This is in contrast to Perth, which has seen a 3.3 per cent increase - the highest of all the capital cities.

Inflation rates in other major cities are as follows: Adelaide at 1.9 per cent, Hobart at 2 per cent, Darwin and Brisbane at 2.1 per cent, Canberra at 2.2 per cent, Melbourne at 2.3 per cent, and Perth at a whopping 3.3 per cent.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you think the man just opted for pricier items or is he in the right by claiming that you cannot purchase as much goods for $100? Let us know your opinions in the comments below.
He shouldn’t have to buy cheaper brands like ‘mouth wash’ or butter (I wouldn’t) cheaper brands are not good quality.
This trolly looks like a shop my daughter would do, and being on a modest wage (being a nurse) it’s expensive to do a shop these days even for one person, this man is making a good point
I am in the process of preparing an online order with Woolies. So far I have 18 items in my shopping cart and the cost is $55.54. It is mainly made up of things on "special" as that's the only way I can afford them and my "savings" is $27.91. By the time I have finished I would imagine the cost will be not far off $100 and will be just a drop of what I would really like to buy, but needs must.:(
Clearly this poor man does not know how to shop savvy!! I would not have paid the price for half the stuff in his trolley, let alone bought it!
I never pay full price for anything, except when the pandemic was in full swing and believe you me, it killed me when I had no choice but to pay full price on items that I would have normally bought in bulk, when on special!
I always buy toiletries, laundry products, coffee, cleaning gear, etc., when they are on special and then they usually see me through until they come on special again! I also keep an eye on general groceries too and I also think ahead for birthdays and christmas!
We are on a fixed income in my household, so I have to make the dollar stretch, as far as it possibly can and that includes shopping around for utilities, insurances, phone/internet, clothing, etc., etc.
What does a grocery basket worth $100 look like these days? Aussie man's grocery bill shocks the internet

What does a grocery basket worth $100 look like these days?

One man has taken to Reddit to share what his weekly shop of almost $100 looks like given that cost of living in the country is soaring.

In his post, the man shared a photo of a "near-empty shopping trolley" along with the caption: "This was $84.90 without the milk (that wouldn't scan)."


The man shared a photo of his “almost $100” grocery haul. Credit: Reddit.

The Sydney Reddit user also claimed that his basket only included essentials such as soap, mouthwash, butter, and tomatoes, highlighting that he noticed a sharp rise in his usual "middle of the road" groceries at Woolworths.

The post has captured the attention of other Aussie Reddit users, with many expressing their shock over the reduced number of goods you can purchase with a $100 budget.

However, not everyone was convinced that the man did not "overspend", with some pointing out that the man's brand choices are quite "luxurious".

The users said that the items that the man purchased were pricier compared to other similar products from other brands like purchasing Lurpak Spreadable Butter for $6.50.

Other items in his haul include a tray of extra-large free-range eggs for $10 and gourmet tomatoes for $12.20.


The shopper’s grocery bill. Credit: Reddit.

The Sydneysider defended himself, claiming that the bulk of his haul was "modest" and insisting that he observed a sharp increase in prices in the past few months.

He said: "I've got to be honest, apart from some eggs which are more ethical and butter that's about a dollar more than standard, what in this cart is luxury?"

"I know there are cheaper options. I haven't changed what I'm buying and it's far more expensive than it used to be and that's the point of this."

Australia's cost of living has increased significantly over the past year, with transport and education being the hardest hit sectors.

Food and non-alcoholic beverages have also seen a sharp rise, by 4.3 per cent when compared to last year's March quarter.

Interestingly, Sydney has been the least affected city, with a cost of living increase of just 1.7 per cent.

This is in contrast to Perth, which has seen a 3.3 per cent increase - the highest of all the capital cities.

Inflation rates in other major cities are as follows: Adelaide at 1.9 per cent, Hobart at 2 per cent, Darwin and Brisbane at 2.1 per cent, Canberra at 2.2 per cent, Melbourne at 2.3 per cent, and Perth at a whopping 3.3 per cent.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you think the man just opted for pricier items or is he in the right by claiming that you cannot purchase as much goods for $100? Let us know your opinions in the comments below.
No, I would believe every bit of it, I live in Far North Queensland and I think his increases are reasonably modest, we just get ripped off up here because that is what the super markets do!!
I am in the process of preparing an online order with Woolies. So far I have 18 items in my shopping cart and the cost is $55.54. It is mainly made up of things on "special" as that's the only way I can afford them and my "savings" is $27.91. By the time I have finished I would imagine the cost will be not far off $100 and will be just a drop of what I would really like to buy, but needs must.:(
I would never do an online order.
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I would never do an online order.
Whyever not. I find it the best way to go, also with my back problems I can't walk far enough to go round the shop. I get everything I need from the comfort of my lounge chair, delivered free at a time convenient to me and put inside my front door. The delivery drivers are courteous and if there are any problems (rarely) then a refund is instantaneous. What's not to like?
I buy from Aldi for everything the things I can’t buy there I go to the other supermarkets. Butter I buy from Aldi at $3.60 whic the same butter but branded different is over $5 at other suoermarkets
Same here. First stop Aldi, then Coles or Woolworth depending which had the items I need in special
The only time I would buy Lurpak butter is if it was a massive special price. Otherwise I buy whatever is the cheapest or on special. He also bought a lot of other things that are way too expensive and could have saved a lot by choosing cheaper brands. I would say he is not short of money or has very expensive tastes
What does a grocery basket worth $100 look like these days? Aussie man's grocery bill shocks the internet

What does a grocery basket worth $100 look like these days?

One man has taken to Reddit to share what his weekly shop of almost $100 looks like given that cost of living in the country is soaring.

In his post, the man shared a photo of a "near-empty shopping trolley" along with the caption: "This was $84.90 without the milk (that wouldn't scan)."


The man shared a photo of his “almost $100” grocery haul. Credit: Reddit.

The Sydney Reddit user also claimed that his basket only included essentials such as soap, mouthwash, butter, and tomatoes, highlighting that he noticed a sharp rise in his usual "middle of the road" groceries at Woolworths.

The post has captured the attention of other Aussie Reddit users, with many expressing their shock over the reduced number of goods you can purchase with a $100 budget.

However, not everyone was convinced that the man did not "overspend", with some pointing out that the man's brand choices are quite "luxurious".

The users said that the items that the man purchased were pricier compared to other similar products from other brands like purchasing Lurpak Spreadable Butter for $6.50.

Other items in his haul include a tray of extra-large free-range eggs for $10 and gourmet tomatoes for $12.20.


The shopper’s grocery bill. Credit: Reddit.

The Sydneysider defended himself, claiming that the bulk of his haul was "modest" and insisting that he observed a sharp increase in prices in the past few months.

He said: "I've got to be honest, apart from some eggs which are more ethical and butter that's about a dollar more than standard, what in this cart is luxury?"

"I know there are cheaper options. I haven't changed what I'm buying and it's far more expensive than it used to be and that's the point of this."

Australia's cost of living has increased significantly over the past year, with transport and education being the hardest hit sectors.

Food and non-alcoholic beverages have also seen a sharp rise, by 4.3 per cent when compared to last year's March quarter.

Interestingly, Sydney has been the least affected city, with a cost of living increase of just 1.7 per cent.

This is in contrast to Perth, which has seen a 3.3 per cent increase - the highest of all the capital cities.

Inflation rates in other major cities are as follows: Adelaide at 1.9 per cent, Hobart at 2 per cent, Darwin and Brisbane at 2.1 per cent, Canberra at 2.2 per cent, Melbourne at 2.3 per cent, and Perth at a whopping 3.3 per cent.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you think the man just opted for pricier items or is he in the right by claiming that you cannot purchase as much goods for $100? Let us know your opinions in the comments below.
A case for think before you post on a web site perhaps? He has admitted he could have bought cheaper brands but wanted to make a point about how much the cost of his weekly shop had risen. What has he paid in the past for a comparison? Do away with a few of those luxuries & convert to cheaper brands of similar products.
He shouldn’t have to buy cheaper brands like ‘mouth wash’ or butter (I wouldn’t) cheaper brands are not good quality.
This trolly looks like a shop my daughter would do, and being on a modest wage (being a nurse) it’s expensive to do a shop these days even for one person, this man is making a good point
That is a personal opinion and in no way is it "Fact" or "True"
Many (not all), cheaper brands and some home brands are made on the same production line as the more "expensive" name brands. They simply finish a run of packaging and change to new packaging. This has been happening for years.

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