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Jarred Santos

Jarred Santos

Staff member
Oct 10, 2022
What’s an urban legend or rumour you heard growing up?

I’m sure most of you know one or two urban legends you’ve picked up over the years.

One I often heard growing up was that the land my primary school once stood on was a graveyard, which was why it was allegedly haunted. I thought that was quite terrifying — I don’t think my mind would’ve been prepared for ghosts in between classes! But alas, the illusion broke when I noticed other friends and some cousins started claiming their schools were also former graveyards. My young mind put two and two together, and I realised I was terrified of nothing.

In the picture is a (very cute) drop bear on its day off. What? Even fictional monsters need rest. Image Credit: Flickr

Still, I think it’s rumours and urban legends like this that add a bit of spice to the tedium of daily life, so let it be known that I’m not a total critic (staunch believer of drop bears over here 😉 Kidding)!

Australia is such a huge place, so I’m sure there are tons of stories out there I have yet to hear. So, dear members, what’s an urban legend or rumour you heard growing up that you’d like to share?

Feel free to post here, no matter how outlandish or bizarre it is!
When I was a teenager There was a story going around and it goes like this.

There was suppose to be a mental asylum in an area close to The Royal National Park Sydney.

Alot of people would drive through The National Park at night ( me and my friends included) and head to places like Gairie Beach , or drive through Lady Carrington Drive.

Well it is said that a couple on their honeymoon decided to stay overnight in their Panel van at Gairie Beach.

In the middle of the night the husband needed to use the bathroom . After a short ammount of time the wife started wondering why he hadn't come back and her concern grew.
Then she heard thumping on the top of their car , when she called out there was no reply.
She slowly got out of the car and when she looked up there was a person , who had broken out of the asylum sitting on top of the car holding her husbands head abd the tapping was the person knocking her husbands head on the roof of the car.

There was also stories going around that said on a number of times there were body parts found at Garie Beach but was always kept quiet. As well as logs falling on the road at Lady Carrington Drive where people had gotten out to remove these logs to only be attacked by this person but were lucky to escape

If you have ever driven through The national park at night you would have gotten goosebumps without even hearing this Story

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One of the scariest Urban Legends I've heard is The most haunted road in Sydney and some say Australia and I knew someone who drove down this road one night and not only saw a vision on the road but also appeared on the back-seat for a minute or too and I'm talking about The Wakehurst Parkway .

It is popularly known as Australia’s most haunted road. Surprisingly when you visit it during the day, you wouldn’t associate it with anything out of the ordinary.

And yet over the years several creepy stories about the road have done the rounds. The most famous one being the apparition of a ghostly female figure in the middle of the road which has been reported by a number of bikers and motorists over the years. The locals have even nicknamed her ‘Kelly’. Another popular story revolves around the ghost of a young girl who hops into unsuspecting cars on the Parkway.

When I was young, I lived in Murchison ( Victoria) . I was attending primary school in Dhurringil. When I heard rumours that a UFO had landed in one of the fields. They even showed me the spot.
When I was growing up I was told this story
A woman died and she was very quickly buried as per normal
A day later her sister had this dream over and over that her sister was alive and calling her. Eventually it bothered her so much that she got permission to exhume her sisters body
When they opened the coffin they found the sisters dream was accurate
Turns out her sister had eaten her shoulder to try and stay alive
Now that I write this I realise how ridiculous the story was,but at a very young age I decided I was being cremated due to this story.
One of the scariest Urban Legends I've heard is The most haunted road in Sydney and some say Australia and I knew someone who drove down this road one night and not only saw a vision on the road but also appeared on the back-seat for a minute or too and I'm talking about The Wakehurst Parkway .

It is popularly known as Australia’s most haunted road. Surprisingly when you visit it during the day, you wouldn’t associate it with anything out of the ordinary.

And yet over the years several creepy stories about the road have done the rounds. The most famous one being the apparition of a ghostly female figure in the middle of the road which has been reported by a number of bikers and motorists over the years. The locals have even nicknamed her ‘Kelly’. Another popular story revolves around the ghost of a young girl who hops into unsuspecting cars on the Parkway.

View attachment 18031
When I was growing up I was told this story
A woman died and she was very quickly buried as per normal
A day later her sister had this dream over and over that her sister was alive and calling her. Eventually it bothered her so much that she got permission to exhume her sisters body
When they opened the coffin they found the sisters dream was accurate
Turns out her sister had eaten her shoulder to try and stay alive
Now that I write this I realise how ridiculous the story was,but at a very young age I decided I was being cremated due to this story.
When I was young, I lived in Murchison ( Victoria) . I was attending primary school in Dhurringil. When I heard rumours that a UFO had landed in one of the fields. They even showed me the spot.
SPOOKY ALRIGHT! Now I know what to scare my niece with someday... (Kidding!)
As children, we were told when you pulled a face, that if the wind changed while you were pulling the face, you would stay that way!
I vaguely remember being told this too! Must be a cheeky way of keeping rather expressive kids in check, in hindsight :LOL:
An old lady who had a huge fig tree encouraged us to eat as many as we liked but told us to peel them as eating the skin would give us warts on our lips. :)
Oh wow, this is new to me! Another fruit-related thing I remember is not to swallow seeds as they would grow inside the stomach :LOL:
All I can say is "The Lithgow Panther" - the legend is very well documented. Google it - it's great reading.
Worth every minute spent reading. What a nice recommendation, @NotNats! I was kidding about the drop bears, but this one...
What’s an urban legend or rumour you heard growing up?

I’m sure most of you know one or two urban legends you’ve picked up over the years.

One I often heard growing up was that the land my primary school once stood on was a graveyard, which was why it was allegedly haunted. I thought that was quite terrifying — I don’t think my mind would’ve been prepared for ghosts in between classes! But alas, the illusion broke when I noticed other friends and some cousins started claiming their schools were also former graveyards. My young mind put two and two together, and I realised I was terrified of nothing.

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In the picture is a (very cute) drop bear on its day off. What? Even fictional monsters need rest. Image Credit: Flickr

Still, I think it’s rumours and urban legends like this that add a bit of spice to the tedium of daily life, so let it be known that I’m not a total critic (staunch believer of drop bears over here 😉 Kidding)!

Australia is such a huge place, so I’m sure there are tons of stories out there I have yet to hear. So, dear members, what’s an urban legend or rumour you heard growing up that you’d like to share?

Feel free to post here, no matter how outlandish or bizarre it is!
For my era it was when girls have their period, they should not wash their hair because they could go
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For my era it was when girls have their period, they should not wash their hairere because they could go mad whilst menstruating. Of course the correct terms were never used or taught, that was too open about normal bodily function. It was also a major way women and girls were controlled. The other was not to make faces in the wind, or you could stay that way. Thankfully I forgot them in the hustle and bustle of growing up.
Those stories about panthers and pumas are not fiction.

Records prove that American army forces stationed here in the second world war had them as mascots. At wars end they were told to destroy them due to American Quarantine laws. The consensus is they let them go.

I was travelling from Perth to Airlie Beach a few years back and got diverted to an inland road around Mt Magnet? by the SES due to major flooding.

I still had a half-drunk cup of coffee nestled in my lap because I had stopped at a roadhouse about half an hour earlier when I came around a bend and saw something pretty weird in front of my blocking the entire road.

I remember how I slowed down to about 5 miles an hour as about a hundred or more sheep where swirling not making a sound packed in tightly in the middle of the road.

It was a totally clear moonlight night, I waited for a farmer but couldn't see one, so I pushed through the sheep slowly. It was the strangest thing. Then I saw it, an American mountain lion. It was in the shadow at first, but I moved so slowly that it pretty much ignored my vehicle. I recall that it was longer than the sheep it passed, but lower than they were. It was very muscular with a tawny brown body and a flat looking face.

It had a black patch over the left side of its face and tufts of hair pointing up out of its ears. I saw it clearly because it passed about three feet away from me and I looked down at it from out of my driver's side window. I couldn't turn my car around with all the sheep, so I scrambled over my things with my instamatic camera tipping over my coffee in the rush and took a flash photo of what turned out to be only the inside of my van and blackened windows.

I wasn't going to open my car door or wind my window down to take a photo as it felt dangerous to do this. For years, I tried to recount the story, but nobody believed me, till a woman who recounted that she had one fall asleep on her verandah in a hut up in the hills one freezing cold night in Victoria a few years later, hugged me.

She said that nobody had believed here either. The thing is her cat was a big black one and I saw a tawny brown one we argued about it until we agreed they were two different animals.

Uban legends? There may be truth to some of them.

Australia can be pretty wild out there...
In the Hills around the Valley ( Latrobe Valley- Victoria) it has been rumoured that a Black Panther roams the hills, several sitings have been made, even Photos of the beast have appeared in the local paper, - anyone in. the Valley believe in this rumour? Respond if you’re a believer 🙃. 🐸🍀🤗🐶🫶🏼🫢
Read my post I made earlier I think, the woman I mentioned in it was a VERY nuggety strong minded gay woman, who lived in a single room hut by herself, after she had a falling out with her partner. I think she had said that her hut was somewhere up in the latrobe valley about ten years back I heard her story.
She said it was freezing cold night, so she lit a big fire and then late in the night, she heard a growl sound that scared the beezesuss out of here and her old black lab.

She said, 'I only had a flimsy door with flyscreen on it, draped with curtains and it was right there on my porch just behind my door, I could hear it moving'. She said, 'I grabbed the biggest knife I had and backed squatted into the corner near the firewood, with my dog laying weeing on me whimpering, and I told that cat, if it comes inside, I'm going to ram this knife into you and throw your dead body into the fire!'

She said she was so terrified, that she thought her eyes would pop out of her head, because its purring was making the timber shack resonate. The scariest thing she said was she actually went to sleep and woke up in the morning to find the cat had gone.

There were pad marks on the ground and on her verandah but not many believed her. like not many believed my story. SHE WAS THERE ALL RIGHT... you can tell when someone has been scared shitless, it stays in their voice when they recall what happened to them...
I remember hearing a female friend a few years back tell her very young children, that if they told a lie their tongues would turn black.

She said laughing all I have to do now is say OPEN YOUR MOUTH AND LET ME SEE YOUR TONGUE and if they wouldn't she knew...

It seems like a good trick.
Those stories about panthers and pumas are not fiction.

Records prove that American army forces stationed here in the second world war had them as mascots. At wars end they were told to destroy them due to American Quarantine laws. The consensus is they let them go.

I was travelling from Perth to Airlie Beach a few years back and got diverted to an inland road around Mt Magnet? by the SES due to major flooding.

I still had a half-drunk cup of coffee nestled in my lap because I had stopped at a roadhouse about half an hour earlier when I came around a bend and saw something pretty weird in front of my blocking the entire road.

I remember how I slowed down to about 5 miles an hour as about a hundred or more sheep where swirling not making a sound packed in tightly in the middle of the road.

It was a totally clear moonlight night, I waited for a farmer but couldn't see one, so I pushed through the sheep slowly. It was the strangest thing. Then I saw it, an American mountain lion. It was in the shadow at first, but I moved so slowly that it pretty much ignored my vehicle. I recall that it was longer than the sheep it passed, but lower than they were. It was very muscular with a tawny brown body and a flat looking face.

It had a black patch over the left side of its face and tufts of hair pointing up out of its ears. I saw it clearly because it passed about three feet away from me and I looked down at it from out of my driver's side window. I couldn't turn my car around with all the sheep, so I scrambled over my things with my instamatic camera tipping over my coffee in the rush and took a flash photo of what turned out to be only the inside of my van and blackened windows.

I wasn't going to open my car door or wind my window down to take a photo as it felt dangerous to do this. For years, I tried to recount the story, but nobody believed me, till a woman who recounted that she had one fall asleep on her verandah in a hut up in the hills one freezing cold night in Victoria a few years later, hugged me.

She said that nobody had believed here either. The thing is her cat was a big black one and I saw a tawny brown one we argued about it until we agreed they were two different animals.

Uban legends? There may be truth to some of them.

Australia can be pretty wild out there...
Wow that was very interesting reading . Thank you for sharing
Those stories about panthers and pumas are not fiction.

Records prove that American army forces stationed here in the second world war had them as mascots. At wars end they were told to destroy them due to American Quarantine laws. The consensus is they let them go.

I was travelling from Perth to Airlie Beach a few years back and got diverted to an inland road around Mt Magnet? by the SES due to major flooding.

I still had a half-drunk cup of coffee nestled in my lap because I had stopped at a roadhouse about half an hour earlier when I came around a bend and saw something pretty weird in front of my blocking the entire road.

I remember how I slowed down to about 5 miles an hour as about a hundred or more sheep where swirling not making a sound packed in tightly in the middle of the road.

It was a totally clear moonlight night, I waited for a farmer but couldn't see one, so I pushed through the sheep slowly. It was the strangest thing. Then I saw it, an American mountain lion. It was in the shadow at first, but I moved so slowly that it pretty much ignored my vehicle. I recall that it was longer than the sheep it passed, but lower than they were. It was very muscular with a tawny brown body and a flat looking face.

It had a black patch over the left side of its face and tufts of hair pointing up out of its ears. I saw it clearly because it passed about three feet away from me and I looked down at it from out of my driver's side window. I couldn't turn my car around with all the sheep, so I scrambled over my things with my instamatic camera tipping over my coffee in the rush and took a flash photo of what turned out to be only the inside of my van and blackened windows.

I wasn't going to open my car door or wind my window down to take a photo as it felt dangerous to do this. For years, I tried to recount the story, but nobody believed me, till a woman who recounted that she had one fall asleep on her verandah in a hut up in the hills one freezing cold night in Victoria a few years later, hugged me.

She said that nobody had believed here either. The thing is her cat was a big black one and I saw a tawny brown one we argued about it until we agreed they were two different animals.

Uban legends? There may be truth to some of them.

Australia can be pretty wild out there...
Read my post I made earlier I think, the woman I mentioned in it was a VERY nuggety strong minded gay woman, who lived in a single room hut by herself, after she had a falling out with her partner. I think she had said that her hut was somewhere up in the latrobe valley about ten years back I heard her story.
She said it was freezing cold night, so she lit a big fire and then late in the night, she heard a growl sound that scared the beezesuss out of here and her old black lab.

She said, 'I only had a flimsy door with flyscreen on it, draped with curtains and it was right there on my porch just behind my door, I could hear it moving'. She said, 'I grabbed the biggest knife I had and backed squatted into the corner near the firewood, with my dog laying weeing on me whimpering, and I told that cat, if it comes inside, I'm going to ram this knife into you and throw your dead body into the fire!'

She said she was so terrified, that she thought her eyes would pop out of her head, because its purring was making the timber shack resonate. The scariest thing she said was she actually went to sleep and woke up in the morning to find the cat had gone.

There were pad marks on the ground and on her verandah but not many believed her. like not many believed my story. SHE WAS THERE ALL RIGHT... you can tell when someone has been scared shitless, it stays in their voice when they recall what happened to them...
I remember hearing a female friend a few years back tell her very young children, that if they told a lie their tongues would turn black.

She said laughing all I have to do now is say OPEN YOUR MOUTH AND LET ME SEE YOUR TONGUE and if they wouldn't she knew...

It seems like a good trick.
Wow that was very interesting reading . Thank you for sharing
Agreed 100% @Suzanne rose! @Pink lion's posts had me glued to my screen :eek:
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When I was a teenager There was a story going around and it goes like this.

There was suppose to be a mental asylum in an area close to The Royal National Park Sydney.

Alot of people would drive through The National Park at night ( me and my friends included) and head to places like Gairie Beach , or drive through Lady Carrington Drive.

Well it is said that a couple on their honeymoon decided to stay overnight in their Panel van at Gairie Beach.

In the middle of the night the husband needed to use the bathroom . After a short ammount of time the wife started wondering why he hadn't come back and her concern grew.
Then she heard thumping on the top of their car , when she called out there was no reply.
She slowly got out of the car and when she looked up there was a person , who had broken out of the asylum sitting on top of the car holding her husbands head abd the tapping was the person knocking her husbands head on the roof of the car.

There was also stories going around that said on a number of times there were body parts found at Garie Beach but was always kept quiet. As well as logs falling on the road at Lady Carrington Drive where people had gotten out to remove these logs to only be attacked by this person but were lucky to escape

If you have ever driven through The national park at night you would have gotten goosebumps without even hearing this Story

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I remember being told this, around a campfire on a beach with friends, telling ghost stories, years back. A highly animated guy holding a torch told this one in a way to mostly frighten his girlfriend, He did a good job. it was a scary story when told well.

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