My love story starts 1975 when I met my first love Mark
We dated on and off from 1975 -1980
We both drifted apart I moved back to my home town in England . I met some one had My son in 1988
One day I was waiting to crossed the road when both of us saw each other .1994 we started dating again mark got close to my son taking him fishing etc .one day mark took my son to marks family bbq .
Where his brother said to mark oh you don't want to be tired down with someone else kid .
After about 3 months mark just up and left didn't see him for dust

The years went by I often thought of mark I heard through the grape vine mark got married and living in Australia.
I got on with my life being a single parent .
Then turned to 2019 marks name popped up on my Facebook I thought mm I wonder if that's my sparky marks

So I messaged him withing 10 min I was on the phone to him we chatted for 2 hours. Mark said he became a widower in 2018 . We chatted like about life then mark said ild love you to come over
I said .yes ild love to come over I looked at flights and then bang covid hit uk so I wasn't going anywhere we chatted every day for 4 weeks then it went to every day .then .Australia locked all there borders in the mean time over 3 years are conversation was like we never been apart .2022 western Australia opened the boarders I booked a flight for June came over for 3 weeks it was love at first sight again we laughed so much I had a perinatal grin .Time come foe me to go back to the UK .I know I would be back as I was waiting for my inheritance to come through July I got my money I said to mark I want to come and live there as I felt so happy and well there .mark said come live here mark said will you Marry me I said yes of courseso I booked a one way flight in the September.
We got on like we never been apart we are like a couple kids
We got married lin secret in November 2022 applied for my visa .
But we still kept the other wedding date 14th Jan 2023 so we had a pretend wedding in Jan 2023 which was a small do my son gave me away .

It was a lovely day
I got my resident's visa with in 7 months .I'm not going any where with out my mark .
He always tells me he loves me more then anything
So that was my love story we still laugh and muck around
From carol


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My love story starts 1975 when I met my first love Mark
We dated on and off from 1975 -1980
We both drifted apart I moved back to my home town in England . I met some one had My son in 1988
One day I was waiting to crossed the road when both of us saw each other .1994 we started dating again mark got close to my son taking him fishing etc .one day mark took my son to marks family bbq .
Where his brother said to mark oh you don't want to be tired down with someone else kid .
After about 3 months mark just up and left didn't see him for dust

The years went by I often thought of mark I heard through the grape vine mark got married and living in Australia.
I got on with my life being a single parent .
Then turned to 2019 marks name popped up on my Facebook I thought mm I wonder if that's my sparky marks

So I messaged him withing 10 min I was on the phone to him we chatted for 2 hours. Mark said he became a widower in 2018 . We chatted like about life then mark said ild love you to come over
I said .yes ild love to come over I looked at flights and then bang covid hit uk so I wasn't going anywhere we chatted every day for 4 weeks then it went to every day .then .Australia locked all there borders in the mean time over 3 years are conversation was like we never been apart .2022 western Australia opened the boarders I booked a flight for June came over for 3 weeks it was love at first sight again we laughed so much I had a perinatal grin .Time come foe me to go back to the UK .I know I would be back as I was waiting for my inheritance to come through July I got my money I said to mark I want to come and live there as I felt so happy and well there .mark said come live here mark said will you Marry me I said yes of courseso I booked a one way flight in the September.
We got on like we never been apart we are like a couple kids
We got married lin secret in November 2022 applied for my visa .
But we still kept the other wedding date 14th Jan 2023 so we had a pretend wedding in Jan 2023 which was a small do my son gave me away .

It was a lovely day
I got my resident's visa with in 7 months .I'm not going any where with out my mark .
He always tells me he loves me more then anything
So that was my love story we still laugh and muck around
From carol
😮 love is in the air💖congratulations to you both.
As a teenager in a small coastal town in NSW in the early 70s, there were very few places to hang out with the opposite sex...except at the local movie theatre.

On a warm Saturday night in early autumn, when aged 15 years and 11 months, my parents dropped me and a girlfriend around the corner from the theatre to watch yet another second-rate western.

To our great delight two nice guys from school in the year above us were standing outside the theatre. Without needing any encouragement, the four of us started chatting.

The boys had tickets for the movie too, so we all walked in together - downstairs in the stalls of course!

Luckily for me, my girlfriend sat next to the guy I wasn't interested in, and I sat next to the better looking of the two - the tall guy with the deep voice, longish blond hair, olive sun-tanned skin and sparkling green eyes.

It was love at first sight!

We were married 4 years later; I was 19 and he was 20. Five and half years later our first child arrived, shortly followed by two more.

Now, after 47 happy years of marriage, we have retired in Victoria, to be close to our three married children and seven gorgeous 'grandies'.

Ever since that warm evening in 1973, my husband and I often return to the now, not-so-small, coastal town where we met. At every visit we stand outside the same movie theatre and reminisce about the night we met and fell head-over-heels in love.

That chance meeting resulted in a lifetime of happiness and the everlasting romance of two teenagers in love.

Attached photos:
1. High school sweethearts - 1974
2. Movie theatre - 1970s
3. Refurbished theatre - 2024
4. Still in love - February 2024


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As a teenager in a small coastal town in NSW in the early 70s, there were very few places to hang out with the opposite sex...except at the local movie theatre.

On a warm Saturday night in early autumn, when aged 15 years and 11 months, my parents dropped me and a girlfriend around the corner from the theatre to watch yet another second-rate western.

To our great delight two nice guys from school in the year above us were standing outside the theatre. Without needing any encouragement, the four of us started chatting.

The boys had tickets for the movie too, so we all walked in together - downstairs in the stalls of course!

Luckily for me, my girlfriend sat next to the guy I wasn't interested in, and I sat next to the better looking of the two - the tall guy with the deep voice, longish blond hair, olive sun-tanned skin and sparkling green eyes.

It was love at first sight!

We were married 4 years later; I was 19 and he was 20. Five and half years later our first child arrived, shortly followed by two more.

Now, after 47 happy years of marriage, we have retired in Victoria, to be close to our three married children and seven gorgeous 'grandies'.

Ever since that warm evening in 1973, my husband and I often return to the now, not-so-small, coastal town where we met. At every visit we stand outside the same movie theatre and reminisce about the night we met and fell head-over-heels in love.

That chance meeting resulted in a lifetime of happiness and the everlasting romance of two teenagers in love.

Attached photos:
1. High school sweethearts - 1974
2. Movie theatre - 1970s
3. Refurbished theatre - 2024
4. Still in love - February 2024
😮 what a beautiful love 💖 story congratulations hope you have many more to come.😊
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I remember it as if it was yesterday. Sitting in dark in the Clayfield picture theatre with my foster sister, Lea and over he came. He looked like Cliff Richards and, amazingly, sounded just him! He asked if he could sit with me and we exchanged names. My heart was racing and I nearly fainted when Billy gently placed his left arm over my shoulders in a nice cuddle. Two minutes later he leant in for a kiss. I am not sure if time stopped, fireworks sounded or the earth was still But, suffice to say, my first love had entered my young life. (This a brief story of my first love. Innocent, pure and never-forgotten). A wonderful summer eternally remembered. Memory shared by Carla Argus.
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We saw each other nine times before my husband of 58 years proposed. Had he asked the day we met, my answer would have been,” yes” and he felt the same. Yes, there have been many gifts, holidays and the joy of children and grandchildren, but nothing equals the joy of our love. We have a date every week.
Janette Thomas
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Many years ago we got our first dog. She was a tiger brindle and white boxer. Her name was Mindy and she was a breeder's dog which he no longer wanted. She was 4 years old and the most placid dog you could wish for. She was very smart. When she was cold she'd lie Infront of the heater. When it was hot she'd sit by the fridge. She knew that's where the icecream was kept . At 15 she had a stroke and we had to be cruel to be kind. We had her cremated, and buried her in her favourite spot in the garden, under a tree.
A special Valentines day for me was when my grandies (I have custody of) came into my room at 4:45am (they know I get up at 5am every day) with a cuppa and home made bread with Nan we love you written with jam. Then we spent the day playing so many quick games (minute to win it games) laughing so much that they nearly peed themselves
and enjoying the day after having so much trauma in our lives
A special Valentines day for me was when my grandies (I have custody of) came into my room at 4:45am (they know I get up at 5am every day) with a cuppa and home made bread with Nan we love you written with jam. Then we spent the day playing so many quick games (minute to win it games) laughing so much that they nearly peed themselves
and enjoying the day after having so much trauma in our lives
😮 they sound like such cutie pies I hope life gets better for you all you deserve it.💖
I saw a letter in a magazine from a young lady seeking a traveling companion for a big trip. As I was already planning to travel to the same sorts of places I wrote to her and suggested we meet up and see if it would work for us. We spent the afternoon having lunch and discussing itineraries and it all fell into place. We hit it off straight away as friends, but I didn't dare to imagine she would be interested in me romantically. Still, the more I got to spend time with her, the thought of sharing my life with her grew until I had to ask. When I finally plucked up the courage to ask it turned out she felt the same way. We married and spent 7 weeks going around the world on our honeymoon. 35 years on we have 2 grown up kids and are still together and still in love.
1978, 1st year at Uni, in the library studying for a psychology exam.
This guy comes up to me ( I'd never met him before but I had seen him around) gets down on bended knee and asks me to marry him. My answer..... perhaps.
The rest of our conversation, as he helped me study for the open book exam which he'd already sat, had me answering all his questions with either perhaps, maybe or we'll see.
We will have been married for 42 years in May.
P.S. He failed the exam, I got a High Distinction.
What a wonderful story. Thank you for sharing.
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I don’t recall ever celebrating Valentine’s Day back in the day but I have a funny courting story. I was 16 at the time and my parents had started to let me go out but only double dating so my best friend and her boyfriend along with mine went to the movies in his old Morris Minor. On the way back we broke down. The guys got out to push, luckily we were at the start of a long hill. My friend and I sat in the car but the car didn’t seem to be moving. I thought ok I’ll just get out and help…but the car was moving and when my feet hit the ground I went head over heels…55 years later and I’m still head over heels. He’s often said over the years anyone who would help him and his prized Morrie was a keeper 🤣
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I don’t recall ever celebrating Valentine’s Day back in the day but I have a funny courting story. I was 16 at the time and my parents had started to let me go out but only double dating so my best friend and her boyfriend along with mine went to the movies in his old Morris Minor. On the way back we broke down. The guys got out to push, luckily we were at the start of a long hill. My friend and I sat in the car but the car didn’t seem to be moving. I thought ok I’ll just get out and help…but the car was moving and when my feet hit the ground I went head over heels…55 years later and I’m still head over heels. He’s often said over the years anyone who would help him and his prized Morrie was a keeper 🤣
🤣🤣55years congratulations wow💖that’s definately 💖
I was teaching at a local country high school in SA, I was keen to get a transfer as the social life in the area where i was teaching was not there if you did not play sport. It was the start of the next year and new teachers came of staff .I met the new Agriculture teacher at the BBQ before school started . We go on so well that I went back to his home for coffee. I would either to to his home for dinner or he would come to mine . This went on all year. In the first holidays in May we took a road trip to to WA and in Esperance we became engaged and by 1st January the next year we were married. We had 2 lovely sons and were married for 25 years. during this time he was my best friend as well as my husband
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I was 16, he was 17 in a combined school drama club. In one play he played Hamlet and I played Ophelia! We have been together ever since and married 43 years. ❤️
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