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Maddison Dwyer

Staff member
Aug 20, 2021
URGENT: WhatsApp Scam

Good Morning members!

It breaks my heart doing these posts, but I know they are for the greater good.

One of our members has been scammed via a WhatsApp scam. The scam is quite unbelievable and it just proves that scammers are getting smarter by the day so PLEASE read this carefully, because member Gillian S. the poor member who was scammed by this has provided the following information so no one else becomes victim of this disgusting scam:

The scam message was disguised as a message from her daughter. It had her number, it was identical to her number and the scammer was chatting similarly to what her daughter would talk like. The scammers told Gillian that "she was changing to a work phone" so seeing that wasn't anything out of the ordinary, Gillian believe this.

After a few short engages, to which seemed extremely similar to how Gillian and her daughter would normally exchange, her "daughter" said she had a problem and couldn't get into her online banking. Gillian assumed she was at work and just couldn't get into her account due to her work computer etc. Her "daughter" aka. the scammer went on to say that she had to pay a bill, an email style bill. Gillian then tried to pay the bill via email BUT ACTUALLY COULDN'T. So the scammer eventually asked her to put her details into HER OWN banking site because she knew how to do it, so Gillian gave the scammer her login details.

Unfortunately, one of Gillan's good friends was also scammed in the EXACT same. She believes the scammer was so successful because the scammers must be able to access previous messages between you and the person they claim to be, so they are able to speak like the person would normally speak, they call each other the same nicknames etc.

This is honestly the worst scam we have heard of SO PLEASE if anyone, even your loved ones ask you for money via WhatsApp just ask them a question that only the real person would know the answer to OR call them just to confirm the money request is legitimate and not a scam.

We just want to take a moment to thank member Gillian S. for sharing all of this information with us. We know how heartbreaking it is getting scammed, but the fact Gillian has taken the time and effort to share her story means that we could potentially stop other members from being scammed the exact same way.

Be careful members!
Good Morning members!

It breaks my heart doing these posts, but I know they are for the greater good.

One of our members has been scammed via a WhatsApp scam. The scam is quite unbelievable and it just proves that scammers are getting smarter by the day so PLEASE read this carefully, because member Gillian S. the poor member who was scammed by this has provided the following information so no one else becomes victim of this disgusting scam:

The scam message was disguised as a message from her daughter. It had her number, it was identical to her number and the scammer was chatting similarly to what her daughter would talk like. The scammers told Gillian that "she was changing to a work phone" so seeing that wasn't anything out of the ordinary, Gillian believe this.

After a few short engages, to which seemed extremely similar to how Gillian and her daughter would normally exchange, her "daughter" said she had a problem and couldn't get into her online banking. Gillian assumed she was at work and just couldn't get into her account due to her work computer etc. Her "daughter" aka. the scammer went on to say that she had to pay a bill, an email style bill. Gillian then tried to pay the bill via email BUT ACTUALLY COULDN'T. So the scammer eventually asked her to put her details into HER OWN banking site because she knew how to do it, so Gillian gave the scammer her login details.

Unfortunately, one of Gillan's good friends was also scammed in the EXACT same. She believes the scammer was so successful because the scammers must be able to access previous messages between you and the person they claim to be, so they are able to speak like the person would normally speak, they call each other the same nicknames etc.

This is honestly the worst scam we have heard of SO PLEASE if anyone, even your loved ones ask you for money via WhatsApp just ask them a question that only the real person would know the answer to OR call them just to confirm the money request is legitimate and not a scam.

We just want to take a moment to thank member Gillian S. for sharing all of this information with us. We know how heartbreaking it is getting scammed, but the fact Gillian has taken the time and effort to share her story means that we could potentially stop other members from being scammed the exact same way.

Be careful members!
Thank you Gillian - I hope you are okay now. Being scammed is quite demoralising (been there a few years ago). Sending hugs 🤗

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