'Trapped in poverty'? New statistics reveal grim picture for Centrelink users

In a country as prosperous as Australia, it's a harsh reality that some of our fellow citizens struggle to make ends meet.

The latest findings from Anglicare Australia's 2024 cost of living index painted a grim picture for families and individuals relying on Centrelink payments.

The report's analysis prompted urgent calls for the government to increase JobSeeker payments and other income support forms, as the current Centrelink rates are insufficient to cover necessities.

The analysis compared essentials—rent, food, and transport—with Centrelink's current income support rates.

The results are alarming: a family of four, with both parents on JobSeeker, would fall short by $17—which may force some to live in unsuitable accommodation and cut back on essential household expenses.

Anglicare Australia's recent statistics stated that Centrelink payments are not enough to cover basic needs and necessities, which could trap users into debt. Image Credit: Shutterstock/Nils Versemann

The situation is slightly better for a single parent on the Parenting Payment, for they will have an extra $24 after covering rent, transport, and food—roughly $3 per day for additional expenses.

Meanwhile, a JobSeeker recipient sharing accommodation would have $18 left each day.

However, the report highlighted that this amount is insufficient to help them move into a rental on their own.

The housing market further exacerbates the cost-of-living crisis, as average rent costs have surged by more than 50 per cent since 2020.

The steep increase in housing costs made it difficult for those reliant on Centrelink payments to secure accommodation.

Anglicare Australia's Executive Director Kasy Chambers expressed concern, stating that it has 'never been harder to live on JobSeeker and other Centrelink payments'.

'That's why Anglicare Australia has been calling for years for the government to raise the rate of Centrelink payments above the poverty line,' Chambers said.

'These payments have been too low for too long, trapping people in poverty instead of helping them escape it.'

As Centrelink payments do not cover basic costs, individuals and families skip meals, forgo necessary medical care, and cram into overcrowded homes.

Some are pushed into debt cycles as they struggle to keep up with rising costs.

Anglicare Australia is not alone in its call for action.

Social justice and welfare advocates also agree on this and urged the government to raise the rate of Centrelink payments above the poverty line.

'These numbers show us that Australians doing it tough need real action and leadership. That means raising the rate of Centrelink payments, ending unlimited increases, and building more social housing,' Chambers stated.

'We must raise the rate of these payments. Without action, people will be pushed even deeper into hardship, poverty and homelessness.'

These measures are not just about providing financial relief; they are about upholding every Australian's dignity and ensuring everyone has the opportunity to live a stable and secure life.
Key Takeaways

  • Anglicare Australia's analysis indicates that families receiving Centrelink payments, such as JobSeeker, are struggling to afford essentials like rent, food, and transport.
  • A family of four with both parents on JobSeeker cannot meet these essential costs, falling short by $17, leading to unsuitable living conditions and insufficient food.
  • A single parent on the Parenting Payment would have only about $3 per day left after covering the cost of rent, transport and food, while JobSeeker recipients living in a shared house may have financial leeway.
  • Anglicare Australia urged the government to raise the Centrelink payments above the poverty line to prevent people from being trapped in poverty, debt, malnutrition, and housing stress.
How did Centrelink payments impact your life or the lives of your loved ones? What changes would you like to see in your payments? We invite you to share your thoughts and insights in the comments below.

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We are heading towards a Country full of people who get paid too much to sit on their backside and do NOTHING. All of these payments are plenty for people who don't squander their money on smokes, alcohol, tattoo's, drugs. It was NEVER meant to be enough to live on, it is just to get you enough to get a JOB, you know that thing that does pay the bills and give you a better lifestyle, but hey if you want to whinge do it quietly because we responsible people ar sick of hearing you say you don't have enough. I have just returned from a trip to Sth Africa, send the unemployed over there and they will be given one hell of a lesson in HUMILITY, they put Unemployed Australians to SHAME. If you are sick or have injuries, there are things for you as well to do.
When are aged pensions going to rise above the poverty line.. why does it seem like we are just forgotten all the time.. I didn’t have any super it was not compulsory for the employers to pay into a scheme .I’m so tired of being told that baby boomers had it easy. Especially us female ones who had to mostly find part time work as there was no such thing as assisted childcare, plus female wages were so far behind the male rate for exactly the same job…. So come on, give aged pensioners a go, give us a decent pension rate.
What a cruel, nasty and totally uneducated outlook. I worked in welfare for a couple of decades and I am sick to death of people like you who are silly enough to believe the media spin about the unemployed. The majority, the VAST majority, of those unemployed want to work and you choose to use the minority who do bludge as your measuring stick for welfare recipients. Employers won't look at most people over 40, and that is why the biggest group of those on Jobstart are 50 plus. Most of them are unable to do thew sort of work you recommend and deserve to be treated with respect.
Finally someone who can see the real picture
Sick to death of everyone demanding more money for job seekers!
Get out get a job. Any job.
There are plenty of jobs out there but many just simply don’t want a job because the payments and handouts are good.
I had three kids under the age of six when I got sacked from a job 45 years ago.
I did not get 1c of government handouts, it forced me to get another job.
My wife worked and I worked two jobs to afford to buy a house.
We worked for our money and didn’t demand handouts.
It amazes me how many of these so called jobless on jobseeking payments can still afford to drink, smoke and gamble.

The one thing that truly annoys me is the so called homeless beggars in the city.
If they are so desperate, how can they afford to smoke and have pets Dogs & Cats.

I offered to take one “begged” to buy him lunch once and he said he only wanted the money.
He didn’t get anything but I got abused.

Job seeker payments are not there to support the person for life, they are there to help them while looking for a job.

More than happy for working families to have financial support towards education and child care.
What a cruel, nasty and totally uneducated outlook. I worked in welfare for a couple of decades and I am sick to death of people like you who are silly enough to believe the media spin about the unemployed. The majority, the VAST majority, of those unemployed want to work and you choose to use the minority who do bludge as your measuring stick for welfare recipients. Employers won't look at most people over 40, and that is why the biggest group of those on Jobstart are 50 plus. Most of them are unable to do thew sort of work you recommend and deserve to be treated with respect.
I totally agree I've been on jobseeker since I was 49 but I could only get contract work which lasted only for between 2 - 8 weeks until I reached 55 years old did courses which didn't get me any jobs only interviews. I always got told that there looking for younger people so they can get larger amounts of money from the government then over 40's on would. So if you think you can survive on jobseeker in your 40's get of the age pension on go on jobseeker payments for a year.. I am know 60 years old trying to keep a roof over my head until someone will give me you I'm are not what I look like or how much money they can get from the government.
I would get a job if I could. I am in a nursing home not by choice. The f/n payment we pay out of the pension is a rip off & being in the middle of winter we don’t have any heating, but we still pay for it. Then you have your medication to pay for. I also pay for extras with a health fund $28 f/n I keep it going because I badly need some dental work done. Us pensioners live below the poverty line. I don’t go out anywhere & don’t have any visitors. I would not call it living we just exist.
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I totally agree with you, until you have experience it and what you have too go through plus the insults from the media and curtain politications from a curtain party (LNP) you shouldn't comment.
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There's an easy answer to this problem....anyone struggling and able to work....get a job !! 🤐😏
Not everyone can. I’m 65on a medical certificate still waiting to see a surgeon for my neck (not sure how much longer to wait) and a seperate surgeon tor my knee which he has told me he will replace in around 11 months. My flat mate (66)has been waiting to see a back surgeon (category 2) for 3 years and was recently told another 12 months to see a surgeon .
I contacted the minister and now thankfully has an appointment next week . But what about the other 50 people that were ahead of him that Havnt contacted the minister. Neither of us will be getting a job before pension age. We need help it’s so hard to afford living, our rent went up $65 a week this month. That moneys going to have to come from somewhere.
The Government will give millions to help over sea's wars but forget The Australia's that paid tax all there working life to be forgotten when they need help !!!
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I would get a job if I could. I am in a nursing home not by choice. The f/n payment we pay out of the pension is a rip off & being in the middle of winter we don’t have any heating, but we still pay for it. Then you have your medication to pay for. I also pay for extras with a health fund $28 f/n I keep it going because I badly need some dental work done. Us pensioners live below the poverty line. I don’t go out anywhere & don’t have any visitors. I would not call it living we just exist.
The unemployment is $300 a fortnight less than what you get. It’s dam hard to exist. At least you can’t get kicked out when the rent goes up next time. Here it will be a tent next rent increase.
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I would like to see some improvement to our health system. There is no u universal rule apparently for doctors bull billing. It’s up to each doctor apparently. I have been billed $40 when I see my doctor. That’s after Medicare rebate. And I’m an aged pensioner. I am contemplating going to another practice but my doctor knows my history and to transfer my full medical background will cost me $50. For me it spoils how I perceive my doctor’s reasons for practicing (not empethatic to my situation )
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My husband is on the DSP and I am on Carer's. Our daughter who is also on DSP lives with us. Dept of Housing Victoria has just put up our rent $50 per week. Even with 3 incomes there will have to some cutbacks. The problem is where. Medication which my daughter is on is not covered by PBS, husband is having cancer treatment so petrol is needed to go back and forward to the Cancer centre. None of us smoke or drink. So where will the extra money come from?
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I would get a job if I could. I am in a nursing home not by choice. The f/n payment we pay out of the pension is a rip off & being in the middle of winter we don’t have any heating, but we still pay for it. Then you have your medication to pay for. I also pay for extras with a health fund $28 f/n I keep it going because I badly need some dental work done. Us pensioners live below the poverty line. I don’t go out anywhere & don’t have any visitors. I would not call it living we just exist.
No heating in a nursing home? Pay for medications? Dental work needed? It seems you are in the wrong place. Heating is always on, medications are provided, that comes with the plan of the home, and dental should be under the Community health scheme. My father got everything provided in the nursing home.
Unless you know an individuals circumstances, then you cannot judge!

Life is way harder these days, it was better back in the day, you could walk out of one job, straight into another. Rents have sky rocketed, the cost of living has gone through the roof.

A lot of people have mental health issues, especially since the scamdemic!

Some are elderly and have injuries and cannot work. The younger one's need experience for most jobs so how do they get that if employers won't give them a chance?

Centrelink haven't the time to take everyone's personal situation into account, more's the pity! people are bundled into the one basket and judged, sure there are lazy people who will rort it, but it makes it harder for the genuine people who are in need.
Fat & fancy: I totally agree with you don't put everyone in the same basket just because media, the rich & some politications do in this day & age.
I am on jobseeker and am 63yrs old. I got a little more due to being over 55 or something like that but it honestly doesn't help with the cost of living. I also rent privately and receive the highest rent assistance that I can get.
Now this is the worst part . My rent goes up I still have to pay it or become homeless. I just signed a new lease on this house and my rent has gone up from $475 a week to $550 a week. So out of my Centrelink payments I have to find an extra $100 just for rent. I'm not complaining I have to live somewhere.
I am very lucky that my son is still at home and pays me board which covers the shortfall and electricity and some food shopping. Also my elderly Mum helps me with some food shopping, rego and fuel.
Like I said I'm not complaining. I still have food to eat and can fed my cat(Who is my therapy pet).
But I do think Centrelink should look at individual cases as not everyone is in the same situation.
Or the powers that be should live a month orso in our shoes whether it is aged pensioners or other recipients of Centrelink.
Sick to death of everyone demanding more money for job seekers!
Get out get a job. Any job.
There are plenty of jobs out there but many just simply don’t want a job because the payments and handouts are good.
I had three kids under the age of six when I got sacked from a job 45 years ago.
I did not get 1c of government handouts, it forced me to get another job.
My wife worked and I worked two jobs to afford to buy a house.
We worked for our money and didn’t demand handouts.
It amazes me how many of these so called jobless on jobseeking payments can still afford to drink, smoke and gamble.

The one thing that truly annoys me is the so called homeless beggars in the city.
If they are so desperate, how can they afford to smoke and have pets Dogs & Cats.

I offered to take one “begged” to buy him lunch once and he said he only wanted the money.
He didn’t get anything but I got abused.

Job seeker payments are not there to support the person for life, they are there to help them while looking for a job.

More than happy for working families to have financial support towards education and child care.
Oh blah blah blah
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