Tired of Folding Laundry? Try This Clever Tip!
At some point in our lives, finding the energy or willpower to do chores can become quite challenging.
But we believe that with the right mindset and an arsenal of savvy life tips, you can turn these years into a time of joy and efficiency.
One such tip has been passed down for generations, and it's all about—wait for it—folding laundry!
What's laundry got to do with making the most of life, you ask? Don't dash off just yet.

This isn't your typical how-to-fold laundry tutorial. Rather, it's an age-old wisdom from the time when automatic washing machines were still a thing of the future.
Who doesn't dread seeing that mountain of laundry on the lounge, feeling like it's silently judging you as you pass by?
Confession time: we’ve all let that pile go untouched for days, secretly hoping there's a magical solution to fold it all perfectly.
But what if there was a simple, almost effortless way to prevent the laundry mountain from ever forming and, with it, the guilt?
Here's a gem of advice shared by Rachael Gavin of 9Honey, whose Nana tipped her off to the ultimate laundry advice.
'I don't remember her exact words, but she mentioned how much easier it is to do the washing if you fold your clothes straight into the basket. So from the day I moved out of home, I have made it a habit to fold each item of clothing as I take it off the clothesline.' she shared.
Yes, it might add a few extra minutes to the task, but it's all about taking it slow and steady.
Isn't it better to bask in the sunshine, fold a little laundry and prevent the dreaded lounge room pile-up in the process?
Gavin learned the importance of this golden rule the hard way.
Due to unexpected strong winds, she had to remove her laundry from the line in a rush and was left with an unfolded mess that stayed in her lounge room for four days!
We've all walked past that growing pile of guilt-ridden laundry and said, 'I'll fold that later.' Maybe we even hoped our partner or family would fold it for us.
But with this nifty trick, later never comes, and the dreaded task of folding is already done before you step back inside.

This isn't a fool-proof plan—as with most good intentions, real-life circumstances like unexpected weather or uncooperative bedsheets (we know exactly how unruly they can be!) can throw us off track.
'Now I'm working on putting washing away sooner rather than later. Recently, I've been putting towels away the very next time I walk up the stairs, and I tend to put clothes away before I get ready for bed.’ Gavin added.
Gavin loves efficiency and has taken her passion for organising laundry to another level.
She not only folds clothes carefully but also sorts them on the line based on where they should go in the wardrobe and drawers, although she knows that some people might consider this a bit too much.
Let's learn from the wisdom of our elders, adopt their tried and tested tips, and make time for enjoyable activities.
With these small changes, you may find you have extra time to savour the sunset from your back porch. Amid the hustle and bustle of life, simple tasks like folding laundry become meditative rituals.
So, let's celebrate simplicity, enjoy our days, and make life easier in any way we can!
Members, have you ever tried folding clothes straight off the clothesline into your laundry basket? If so, what are your thoughts on its effectiveness in preventing a pile-up of unfolded laundry?
But we believe that with the right mindset and an arsenal of savvy life tips, you can turn these years into a time of joy and efficiency.
One such tip has been passed down for generations, and it's all about—wait for it—folding laundry!
What's laundry got to do with making the most of life, you ask? Don't dash off just yet.

Folding laundry helps maintain a tidy and orderly living space while ensuring that clothing remains wrinkle-free and ready to wear. Image by towfiqu999999 from unsplash
This isn't your typical how-to-fold laundry tutorial. Rather, it's an age-old wisdom from the time when automatic washing machines were still a thing of the future.
Who doesn't dread seeing that mountain of laundry on the lounge, feeling like it's silently judging you as you pass by?
Confession time: we’ve all let that pile go untouched for days, secretly hoping there's a magical solution to fold it all perfectly.
But what if there was a simple, almost effortless way to prevent the laundry mountain from ever forming and, with it, the guilt?
Here's a gem of advice shared by Rachael Gavin of 9Honey, whose Nana tipped her off to the ultimate laundry advice.
'I don't remember her exact words, but she mentioned how much easier it is to do the washing if you fold your clothes straight into the basket. So from the day I moved out of home, I have made it a habit to fold each item of clothing as I take it off the clothesline.' she shared.
Yes, it might add a few extra minutes to the task, but it's all about taking it slow and steady.
Isn't it better to bask in the sunshine, fold a little laundry and prevent the dreaded lounge room pile-up in the process?
Gavin learned the importance of this golden rule the hard way.
Due to unexpected strong winds, she had to remove her laundry from the line in a rush and was left with an unfolded mess that stayed in her lounge room for four days!
We've all walked past that growing pile of guilt-ridden laundry and said, 'I'll fold that later.' Maybe we even hoped our partner or family would fold it for us.
But with this nifty trick, later never comes, and the dreaded task of folding is already done before you step back inside.

Folding laundry can be a therapeutic task for some, providing a sense of accomplishment as clothes are transformed from a jumbled pile into neatly folded stacks, ready to be put away. Image by sweetpagesco from unsplash
This isn't a fool-proof plan—as with most good intentions, real-life circumstances like unexpected weather or uncooperative bedsheets (we know exactly how unruly they can be!) can throw us off track.
'Now I'm working on putting washing away sooner rather than later. Recently, I've been putting towels away the very next time I walk up the stairs, and I tend to put clothes away before I get ready for bed.’ Gavin added.
Gavin loves efficiency and has taken her passion for organising laundry to another level.
She not only folds clothes carefully but also sorts them on the line based on where they should go in the wardrobe and drawers, although she knows that some people might consider this a bit too much.
Key Takeaways
- Rachael Gavin shares a useful laundry tip she learnt from her Nana—folding clothes straight off the clothesline before putting them in the laundry basket.
- This tip can save time and help prevent procrastination, despite it adding a few extra minutes to the task of removing clothes from the clothesline.
- There are exceptions to using this tip, such as in strong winds or impending rain, where it is more important to get the washing in quickly.
- Gavin also suggests grouping clothing on the line based on where they are stored in the wardrobe, though she acknowledges this might be a step too far for some.
Let's learn from the wisdom of our elders, adopt their tried and tested tips, and make time for enjoyable activities.
With these small changes, you may find you have extra time to savour the sunset from your back porch. Amid the hustle and bustle of life, simple tasks like folding laundry become meditative rituals.
So, let's celebrate simplicity, enjoy our days, and make life easier in any way we can!
Members, have you ever tried folding clothes straight off the clothesline into your laundry basket? If so, what are your thoughts on its effectiveness in preventing a pile-up of unfolded laundry?