This Queensland mum's inventive tip will have you raising chickens in your backyard in no time!
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This Queensland mum's inventive tip will have you raising chickens in your backyard in no time!
With the price of groceries soaring, more and more Aussies are finding ways to save on their supermarket bills. One obvious solution that we've written about recently is starting your own veggie garden, but how does the idea of fresh, organic eggs on demand sound?
Backyard chicken raising is becoming a popular activity among homeowners as the looming price hikes and the push for sustainable urban gardening have urged many people to pursue alternative food sources.
However, it can't be denied that one of the most difficult aspects of raising chickens in your backyard is finding or building a chicken coop that fits your needs.
Chicken coops come in all shapes and sizes, and there is no one “perfect” coop for everyone. However, there are some general things to consider when choosing one.
First, you need to decide how many chickens you want to keep. This will determine the size of the coop you need. Chickens need about 4 square feet of space each, so a coop that is 2.5x2.5 meters would be suitable for up to 16 chickens.
Next, you need to consider the location of the coop. It is important to choose a location that is level, well-drained, and sheltered from the wind. The coop should also be close to a water source, such as a garden hose or faucet.
Once you have chosen a location, you need to decide what type of coop you want to build. There are many different plans available online or in-store. You can also build a coop from scratch, using your own designs.
Fortunately, there are alternatives that you can do to make this task easier for you if you're thinking of getting chickens.
A great option is to repurpose a cat litter tray – they're easy to clean and spacious enough for up to 2 chickens.
Yes, no need to do a double take, folks! This hack comes courtesy of a Facebook user, who shared that they use cat litter trays for their chickens.
A Queensland mum has shared an inventive hack to keep chooks in her backyard using an unconventional material.
The mum confessed that wooden boxes were her previous option, but they rotted in the rain and needed to be painted or varnished every year. This ongoing struggle resulted in her having a ‘lightbulb moment’ of using the cat litter trays from Kmart, which she later realised was a much better solution.
“For anyone who has chooks. These cat litter trays are the best. We used wooden boxes before that rotted with the rain and needed painting/varnish every year until we went to Kmart and bought these,” she wrote along with a photo of her chooks nesting in the cat litter trays.
The mum received praise for her inventive tip. Credit: Facebook/Kmart Mums Australia.
“The girls love them and are very easy to clean. They are also very spacious, I have found 2 chooks in 1 tray before.”
The post has gone viral, racking up more than 2,000 likes and over 700 comments, with many users praising the mum for her “genius” tip.
One user wrote: “What a great hack!!! This is my favourite of all time.”
“This is the greatest hack ever! Thanks for sharing!” another exclaimed.
A third chimed in: “That's a great idea! I'm definitely doing this.”
A number of users mentioned their family and friends in the comments, suggesting that they should try the hack for their chooks in their backyard.
Meanwhile, others expressed their keenness to try the tip themselves.
One comment read: “Thank you! I’m thinking of getting chickens but was unsure on what boxes to use.”
“This is just perfect! I have one that my 19-year-old cat refused to use, she just likes her plain trays,” another shared.
“I had only just bought it a few weeks back, literally picking it up this morning thinking I would give it away as it's not going to be used. We have been planning to get some chooks soon, so happy I saw your post, they will be very happy chooks thank you.”
There are some other great ideas in the comments too. One user says that one of their chickens likes to lay her eggs in the dog kennel.
She wrote: “One of our chooks heads up the stairs & lays her eggs in the dog kennel!”
The Kmart Cat Litter Tray is spacious enough for one chicken to nest. Credit: Kmart
The $29 Kmart Cat Litter Tray is made from polypropylene and crylonitrile styrene resin material, which means they can withstand harsh weather unlike more traditional coops made from cartons and wooden boxes.
The litter tray also measures 42cm (H) x 44cm (W) x 58cm (D) - a size that is large enough for one chicken to nest.
So if you're thinking of getting chickens, be sure to check out this great hack. You'll save yourself a lot of time and effort – and your chickens will be very happy!
We also want to take this opportunity to remind everyone who is thinking of raising chickens in their backyard to check whether your council's by-laws allow chickens to be raised in a residential backyard.
Most local councils will allow a small flock of hens (usually up to six) but not a rooster. Hens will lay eggs without a rooster. If you want to keep a rooster, then you'll most likely need to obtain a permit.
We also recommend checking out this video for more information on how you can choose the right breed of chicken to raise in your backyard:
Credit: YouTube/Gardening Australia
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