These are the strange things people around the world THINK Aussies keep in their homes! Do you agree?
- Replies 24
If we had a dollar for every time someone from overseas asked us whether or not we all keep pet koalas or kangaroos in our backyards, we'd be pretty rich by now! (Though April did have a resident koala in her backyard growing up…)
It's easy to guess what other people have in their homes based on where they come from. For example, it makes sense that most Canadians have a stash of maple syrup in their cupboards, and the English probably never run out of tea.
But what about Australia? What do our international friends think we keep in our homes? To find out, one Reddit user asked: 'Non-Australians of Reddit, what is something you think every Australian household has?' They received hundreds of different responses!
Without further ado, here are just some things people believe every Aussie has hidden away somewhere in their home… from the surprisingly accurate to the wildly impossible. Do you have any of these? Let us know down below!

Native animals
One person from Reddit said that when they were younger and visiting family in Australia, they found out that their auntie had a koala living in her backyard. They assumed that meant all Aussies had pet koalas…
Other users believe that every Aussie household has a kangaroo somewhere on the property, either in the yard or hopping around inside the house. We wish! (We have to admit, though, that they can also be very dangerous, so we have to be careful when we're near one.)
Snakes and other things that could kill us
Aside from native animals, some people abroad also believe that Australians keep dangerous animals as pets, namely spiders, snakes and other large critters.
However, there is a grain of truth to this one – many of us do have to deal with pests and insects in and around our homes, especially during the hotter months.
Protection against the above
Of course, if you're going to keep dangerous animals as pets, you need to be prepared with the right tools to deal with them…
That's why some Reddit users believe that Australians have all sorts of things in their homes to protect themselves from harm, including serums and anti-venoms, flamethrowers, and even Crocodile Dundee knives!
Delicious food
Apparently, our international friends think that Australians always have a jar of Vegemite in the pantry, as well as pavlova and Tim Tams, for whenever we get a sweet craving. They’re not too far from the truth!
Others even thought we were always up in the yard having a barbeque.
The greatest seasoning of all time
Chicken salt is a beloved Aussie seasoning, and one Reddit user claimed that every Aussie household has a shaker of it in the kitchen. Well… do you agree, folks? (We're guilty.)
The height of fashion
When it comes to fashion, our international friends think that Aussies are partial to two things – flip flops (thongs to us!) and a corked hat. We're not sure about the corked hat, but the thongs are definitely accurate!
Sports paraphernalia
Reddit users believe that every Australian home has at least two rugby jerseys and a flat ball. We can't speak for every Aussie, but a lot of us are definitely into our sports!
Something for the thirsty
Apparently, people around the world think Australians are a thirsty bunch because one user said that every Aussie household has a beer fridge. We can definitely get behind that one!
Excellent music
And finally, one Reddit user suggested that every Australian household has the complete Men At Work discography on original vinyl pressings. Well, we do love our fair share of 80's nostalgia!
So, there you have it – a snapshot of what the rest of the world thinks we Aussies keep in our homes! Did any of these surprise you? And which of these do you think they got right? Let us know in the comments below!
It's easy to guess what other people have in their homes based on where they come from. For example, it makes sense that most Canadians have a stash of maple syrup in their cupboards, and the English probably never run out of tea.
But what about Australia? What do our international friends think we keep in our homes? To find out, one Reddit user asked: 'Non-Australians of Reddit, what is something you think every Australian household has?' They received hundreds of different responses!
Without further ado, here are just some things people believe every Aussie has hidden away somewhere in their home… from the surprisingly accurate to the wildly impossible. Do you have any of these? Let us know down below!

People from other countries guessed which items could be found in every Australian home. Credit: 9Honey.
Native animals
One person from Reddit said that when they were younger and visiting family in Australia, they found out that their auntie had a koala living in her backyard. They assumed that meant all Aussies had pet koalas…
Other users believe that every Aussie household has a kangaroo somewhere on the property, either in the yard or hopping around inside the house. We wish! (We have to admit, though, that they can also be very dangerous, so we have to be careful when we're near one.)
Snakes and other things that could kill us
Aside from native animals, some people abroad also believe that Australians keep dangerous animals as pets, namely spiders, snakes and other large critters.
However, there is a grain of truth to this one – many of us do have to deal with pests and insects in and around our homes, especially during the hotter months.
Protection against the above
Of course, if you're going to keep dangerous animals as pets, you need to be prepared with the right tools to deal with them…
That's why some Reddit users believe that Australians have all sorts of things in their homes to protect themselves from harm, including serums and anti-venoms, flamethrowers, and even Crocodile Dundee knives!
Delicious food
Apparently, our international friends think that Australians always have a jar of Vegemite in the pantry, as well as pavlova and Tim Tams, for whenever we get a sweet craving. They’re not too far from the truth!
Others even thought we were always up in the yard having a barbeque.
The greatest seasoning of all time
Chicken salt is a beloved Aussie seasoning, and one Reddit user claimed that every Aussie household has a shaker of it in the kitchen. Well… do you agree, folks? (We're guilty.)
The height of fashion
When it comes to fashion, our international friends think that Aussies are partial to two things – flip flops (thongs to us!) and a corked hat. We're not sure about the corked hat, but the thongs are definitely accurate!
Sports paraphernalia
Reddit users believe that every Australian home has at least two rugby jerseys and a flat ball. We can't speak for every Aussie, but a lot of us are definitely into our sports!
Something for the thirsty
Apparently, people around the world think Australians are a thirsty bunch because one user said that every Aussie household has a beer fridge. We can definitely get behind that one!
Excellent music
And finally, one Reddit user suggested that every Australian household has the complete Men At Work discography on original vinyl pressings. Well, we do love our fair share of 80's nostalgia!
So, there you have it – a snapshot of what the rest of the world thinks we Aussies keep in our homes! Did any of these surprise you? And which of these do you think they got right? Let us know in the comments below!