These are the seven foods you should eat each day according to a scientist

We love when the internet is a force used for good, but when it comes to accurate and useful health information, this can be tricky to come by.

Unless you come across someone with actual health and science credentials sharing factual and helpful (fad-based) information. Enter Dr Dan Gubler, PhD organic chemist, podcaster, former professor, respected lecturer and medicinal plant researcher.

Gubler is 'unveiling health' via his TikTok account that has over 84,000 followers. One of his most popular videos has clocked over 1.1 million views and also caught our attention!

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What are the seven foods you should be eating every day? Image source: TikTok @drdangubler.

The topic? The seven foods you should eat each day for maximum health benefits. These are not supplements or ‘trendy’ and ‘expensive’ ingredients with 'superfood' cult status, nope! They are basic ingredients to incorporate into your daily life that you probably already have in your pantry or fridge, and if you don’t they are very easily accessed at any supermarket.

Not to mention, the seven foods are also very easy to include in your diet. As Gubler says himself, ‘this list of foods was based on looking at the scientific literature’. So let’s take a look:

According to Gubler, apples really do keep the doctor away, because they contain phytonutrients that you can't get anywhere else and aid in skin health, weight loss and the balancing of blood sugar.

We know they are an acquired taste, however in my experience, if you force yourself to eat them enough, you will end up loving them. Gubler explains that black and green are both good, but black is best. Olives contain homovanillic acid, which supports 'all aspects of mental health'.

First and foremost, both fresh and frozen broccoli is good. So if you don’t like buying a bunch because you can’t get through it all, just buy a packet of frozen broccoli to keep in your freezer. We know greens are good for us, but broccoli especially contains sulforaphane, which supports the biosignaling of the body. They are also a great antidepressant and protect the lungs from pollution.

Blackberries (or strawberries and raspberries)
We know berries are full of the good stuff, but blackberries, strawberries and raspberries in particular contain gallagic acid which aids in weight management, blood sugar control, insulin and more.

Fennel or capers
Gubler also explained that both fennel and capers contain high amounts of plant flavonol quercetin, which helps to maintain your blood sugar, brain health and helps with cholesterol control.

Dark chocolate
If you love dark chocolate as much as I do, then I hope this is brilliant news! We know dark chocolate is the ‘better chocolate’ for our health, but it turns out it’s because it contains anandamide, which is also known as 'the bliss compound', in other words, it stimulates a sense of happiness and assists with mental balance. The polyphenols in dark chocolate also help with gut health.

Now they aren’t for everyone, but there are many ways to sneak dates into your diet. You can do this by adding them to muffins, making bliss balls with them, and even adding them to summer salads and smoothies. Dates are good for your health because they contain ferulic acid and help to controlling your blood sugar and heart health, and also help regulate hormones.

If you’d like to watch Gubler talk about these seven foods himself, watch the video below!

The seven foods you should try to eat everyday. Video source: TikTok @drdangubler.

So what do you think, members? Will you be incorporating these seven foods into your daily diet? Or do you already include them? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below!
It's good to know that all of these foods are good for health. Dates are my secret vice and I use capers and olives to add flavour to pasta dishes.
I'm waiting for anchovies to show up on a list.

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