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There'll be A Welcome in the Valley
An English bloke went for a drive into Wales. Cruising through lush green farmland, down a quiet country lane, he spots a quaint little pub. Being thirsty, he pulls up and walks in. Someone is banging away on a piano and rich Welsh voices are raised in song.
Going up to the bar, he is spotted by the patrons who instantly stop singing and stare at him.
"Good morning, sir, what can I get you?" asks the barman.
"I'd like a pint of your best Welsh beer, please."
"Not from around here then, are you?" looking up from pulling the pint.
"No, I'm from London."
"What're you doing in this part of Wales then?" the barman asks as the other patrons look on suspiciously.
"Well, to be honest, I'm looking for subjects for my hobby."
"What's your hobby?"
"Taxidermy," says the Englishman with a smile.
"Wassat then?" asks the curious barman.
"Well, I stuff animals in my spare time."
"It's ok, lads," said the barman, turning to the others,
"He's one of us!" and the beautiful singing continued on to raise the rafters...