The secret to unlocking extra storage space in your wardrobe

No matter how big or small your wardrobe is, the prospect of finding enough space to store all your clothes and accessories can be daunting.

It’s normal to feel like your wardrobe is bursting at the seams, especially when you look around and spot that pair of shoes or dress you haven't worn in months.

Members, it's time to get organised and start optimising your wardrobe storage with the help of these tips. You'll be surprised at how much room you can make with the smallest changes. So, are you ready to get your wardrobe organised? Let’s begin!


Organising your wardrobe can be a difficult task, but with a little bit of research, you can always turn your cramped space into a haven for your clothes. Credit: Pexels/Ketut Subiyanto.

1. Take everything out for a review

The first step is to empty your wardrobe and review each item. Make a donation/trash pile with items that no longer serve you - think pieces you haven’t worn in over a year, clothes that don’t fit and items with low sentimental value.

2. Change the direction of your hangers

This may sound strange, but trust us - it works! It's a simple trick but an effective one. After you wear an item, turn the hanger around. If you still haven’t worn an item after a month, that’s a good indicator that it’s now excess clutter.

3. Start a donation bin

It goes without saying that a lot of stuff you don't need would only be taking up precious space which could be better utilised by the clothing you do need (or love). Also, if you're having a hard time deciding whether you're willing to let go of an item, it's worth noting that if it took you several attempts to move that item from the wardrobe to the donation bin, it’s probably best to finally let it go!

So, keep a donation bin in the corner of your room and fill it up whenever you run across something that you don't have any use for!


Keeping a donation bin nearby can help you decide whether you're willing to let go of an item or not. Credit: Pexels/Julia M Cameron.

4. Invest in a hanging organiser

A hanging organiser is an invaluable tool for optimising your storage capacity. It provides much-needed structure and organisation while eliminating the confusion of sorting through all your items.

5. Add drawers

For a higher level of organisation, adding drawers to your wardrobe can be a game-changer. Not only can you fit more items by utilising the additional height that comes with drawers but they also provide great flexibility when organising different items.

6. Place your shoes in alternating positions when storing them in racks

If your shoes are taking over the space of your wardrobe, place the shoes in alternating positions. This method can help you save space.

By storing shoes this way, you can save up space in your wardrobe. Credit: TikTok/@problemsolved.

7. Utilise containers

Containers are a great accompaniment to taller shelves, as they make seamlessly organising your items much easier. Plus, containers will come in handy when you’re looking for a specific item.

Key Takeaways

  • Purge unworn clothes regularly
  • Invest in a hanging organiser or inexpensive drawers to optimise storage
  • Alternate shoes on the shoe rack so they nest and take up less space
  • Use storage containers for clothes, especially on taller shelves
  • If you haven't worn an item in a year, donate it

As you can see, with a little bit of organisation and creativity you can maximise the space of your wardrobe. Losing the excess clutter and doing an annual check-up of the items you do have can help you stay organised.

How do you maximise the space in your wardrobe? Share your thoughts and top tips in the comments below!

And for those of you who need some visual aid, here's a video detailing how to maximise the space in your wardrobe:

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I am in the process of sorting out every area of our home after helping sort out an older friends house after she passed away. The amount of stuff she fitted in her home was unreal, and it took 3 of us twelve months to sort, donate, discard. She also had several sheds full of stuff from her parents and grandparents she had kept. I have sorted my wardrobe and donated 4 bags of clothing to the op shop, it is amazing how much space I now have. Now I am tackling stored paperwork. I am keeping a copy of some old stuff like a pay envelope, a payslip, a group certificate, a car registration label, stuff the grandkids and sometimes the kids have never seen. I am putting it all in one box and will give it to them to have a look at before I get rid of it, unless they want to keep it to show the next generation. I have a box of childhood keepsakes for each of my 2 children, a lock of hair, christening cards, schoolwork etc. they can keep or discard when they get them. I have the love letters my husband and I wrote each other before we were married to show them, can’t wait for their reactions to those. So much to sort and decide to keep or discard, I’m sure the kids don’t want things like our engagement and wedding cards but I can’t bring myself to discard them just yet so I’m packing them into a box, maybe one day I will discard them too. But for now I sometimes like to sit and read them and reminisce. They will be useful to use as a reminiscing tool when we are in the nursing home with dementia anyway. If I remember we have them.
We downsized!!!! In honesty it was only by one bedroom but by jingo it got rid of a LOT of stuff. We have three kids and all out living their own lives. When we decided to make this change our weekly hello fresh boxes came in very handy. We labeled several with each childs name and started in a certain room placing anything that belonged to them that we had been hoarding for years or they conveniently left behind into the respective boxes.....worked a treat. They all ended up with a few boxes each, One son said don't bother just throw it all away, I said fine but you take it and throw it away in your own bin. I found out later that he and his fiancé had a few lovely afternoons going through the stuff and it didn't all end up in the bin. We still have some boxes that need going through but they are stored down in our lovely double lock up garage. We also found a great way to store all our old framed photos and certificates that just didn't make the cut to adorn our walls upstairs. My husband has grouped them on the walls of the garage and they look fantastic. He has made his space very noice indeed and even uses the lovely long handled duster I bought him

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