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The Scriptures
The young monk in the Catholic monastery had spent several years copying the scriptures by hand, and he began to have doubts about what he was doing. Finally he went to the abbot. "Father, I keep making copies, but they are just copies of old copies. How do we know we are not just repeating old errors?" The elderly abbot argued that there could never be errors in the Holy Scriptures, but the young monk kept questioning.
Finally the abbot snapped "Alright! We have the ancient originals in a vault in the cellars. I will go there and compare them to the copied texts."
Two days went past and there was no sign of the abbot, so finally all of the monks became so concerned that they risked entering the cellar to look for him. They found him seated before a pile of ancient manuscripts, with tears streaming down his wrinkled cheeks.
"Holy Father, what's wrong?" They pleaded.
He looked up at them with distraught sobbing eyes "The word was 'celebrate.'"