The potential dangers of instant noodles: Surge in school holiday hospital visits forces doctors to raise alarms

Instant noodles are a popular snack for many people—it’s convenient to prepare and tasty, and you can find them almost everywhere. For some, they are a quick and easy solution to hunger pangs, especially considering their affordability.

However, doctors warn of the potential dangers associated with the snack following an uptick in hospitalisations.

The Children’s Hospital at Westmead has seen an increase in patients with most of them sent to the hospital because of instant noodles.

Last September, ten children were treated for scald burns, with one of them sustaining 1.5-degree burns to their torso and thigh. Doctors claimed the burns could have been worse for this child had their mum not contained the scalds with cool running water.

Ten children were treated for scald burns at the Children’s Hospital at Westmead last September. Credit: Erik Mclean/Pexels

According to the Head of the Burns Unit at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Dr Torey Lawrence, children have a high risk for these kinds of burns due to their comparatively thinner skin.

‘Boiling water in hot noodle containers can take an hour to cool down to a safe temperature after cooking,’ he said. ‘This means accidents like spilling the hot water of instant noodles can cause long-lasting injuries and life-long scarring for children.’

He continued: ‘It is important to remember hot food and drink that may be a good temperature for an adult can cause a significant burn to a child. Children’s skin is comparatively thinner than adults, and even a small amount of hot liquid can cause deeper, more extensive, and more severe burns.’

Common injury sites include the thighs and genital areas when children accidentally spill the noodles while carrying the cup or eating on their laps.

They also warned that younger children, like toddlers, could be at risk, too. They may unknowingly pull the container down from a table or a kitchen bench when instant noodles are left to cool.

Dr Lawrence advised that close adult supervision is the best preventive measure for any harmful accidents caused by instant noodles.

‘Simple measures such as always having an adult remove the container from the microwave, draining the hot water from the noodles before serving, ensuring children eat noodles at the table instead of on their lap, and using non-stick placemats can make a huge difference,’ he explained.

Let’s not forget that while health officials raise the alarm for children, they’re not the only ones at risk. Seniors who consume instant noodles are at risk, too.

According to the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission, older people are vulnerable to burn injuries as their skin is also thinner and more prone to tearing.

Seniors also have a lower perception of heat, and they may not be as quick to move themselves away from a heat source.

While scald burns from showering and bathing are the most common among adults aged 80 years and above, it is still important to be careful around other heat sources, like instant noodles.

If someone sustained burns from the mentioned snack—or any other sources—it is recommended to immediately provide first aid to reduce the severity of the injury.

This includes placing the burn under cool running water for 20 minutes and removing clothing or jewellery around the affected areas.

People should also avoid ice, iced water, cream, gel, toothpaste or butter. Doctors advised that cool running water is enough as first aid treatment.

For severe burns or if it involves the person’s airway or breathing, call triple zero (000).

You can check out St. John Ambulance Australia’s First Aid Fact Sheet for Burn or scald here.

You can also watch this video for burn first aid tips:

Key Takeaways
  • Increased hospitalisations prompted health officials to warn people about the dangers of instant noodles.
  • Ten children were treated for scald burns in September caused by the hot water used in instant noodle preparation.
  • Head of the Burns Unit at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Dr Torey Lawrence, stated that boiling water in hot noodle containers can take an hour to cool down to a safe temperature and can cause severe burns and scars in children.
  • Dr Lawrence advised close adult supervision and recommended steps such as draining the hot water from the noodles before serving, eating noodles at the table, and using non-stick placemats to prevent accidents.
  • In case of burns, parents are recommended to put the affected area under cool running water for 20 minutes.

Members, it’s important to maintain vigilance when cooking hot food and drinks. If you have grandchildren living with you, it’s best to ensure they are given adult supervision when handling food.

What do you think of this story, members? Do you eat instant noodles? Let us know in the comments below!
Instant noodles are a popular snack for many people—it’s convenient to prepare and tasty, and you can find them almost everywhere. For some, they are a quick and easy solution to hunger pangs, especially considering their affordability.

However, doctors warn of the potential dangers associated with the snack following an uptick in hospitalisations.

The Children’s Hospital at Westmead has seen an increase in patients with most of them sent to the hospital because of instant noodles.

Last September, ten children were treated for scald burns, with one of them sustaining 1.5-degree burns to their torso and thigh. Doctors claimed the burns could have been worse for this child had their mum not contained the scalds with cool running water.

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Ten children were treated for scald burns at the Children’s Hospital at Westmead last September. Credit: Erik Mclean/Pexels

According to the Head of the Burns Unit at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Dr Torey Lawrence, children have a high risk for these kinds of burns due to their comparatively thinner skin.

‘Boiling water in hot noodle containers can take an hour to cool down to a safe temperature after cooking,’ he said. ‘This means accidents like spilling the hot water of instant noodles can cause long-lasting injuries and life-long scarring for children.’

He continued: ‘It is important to remember hot food and drink that may be a good temperature for an adult can cause a significant burn to a child. Children’s skin is comparatively thinner than adults, and even a small amount of hot liquid can cause deeper, more extensive, and more severe burns.’

Common injury sites include the thighs and genital areas when children accidentally spill the noodles while carrying the cup or eating on their laps.

They also warned that younger children, like toddlers, could be at risk, too. They may unknowingly pull the container down from a table or a kitchen bench when instant noodles are left to cool.

Dr Lawrence advised that close adult supervision is the best preventive measure for any harmful accidents caused by instant noodles.

‘Simple measures such as always having an adult remove the container from the microwave, draining the hot water from the noodles before serving, ensuring children eat noodles at the table instead of on their lap, and using non-stick placemats can make a huge difference,’ he explained.

Let’s not forget that while health officials raise the alarm for children, they’re not the only ones at risk. Seniors who consume instant noodles are at risk, too.

According to the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission, older people are vulnerable to burn injuries as their skin is also thinner and more prone to tearing.

Seniors also have a lower perception of heat, and they may not be as quick to move themselves away from a heat source.

While scald burns from showering and bathing are the most common among adults aged 80 years and above, it is still important to be careful around other heat sources, like instant noodles.

If someone sustained burns from the mentioned snack—or any other sources—it is recommended to immediately provide first aid to reduce the severity of the injury.

This includes placing the burn under cool running water for 20 minutes and removing clothing or jewellery around the affected areas.

People should also avoid ice, iced water, cream, gel, toothpaste or butter. Doctors advised that cool running water is enough as first aid treatment.

For severe burns or if it involves the person’s airway or breathing, call triple zero (000).

You can check out St. John Ambulance Australia’s First Aid Fact Sheet for Burn or scald here.

You can also watch this video for burn first aid tips:

Key Takeaways

  • Increased hospitalisations prompted health officials to warn people about the dangers of instant noodles.
  • Ten children were treated for scald burns in September caused by the hot water used in instant noodle preparation.
  • Head of the Burns Unit at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Dr Torey Lawrence, stated that boiling water in hot noodle containers can take an hour to cool down to a safe temperature and can cause severe burns and scars in children.
  • Dr Lawrence advised close adult supervision and recommended steps such as draining the hot water from the noodles before serving, eating noodles at the table, and using non-stick placemats to prevent accidents.
  • In case of burns, parents are recommended to put the affected area under cool running water for 20 minutes.

Members, it’s important to maintain vigilance when cooking hot food and drinks. If you have grandchildren living with you, it’s best to ensure they are given adult supervision when handling food.

What do you think of this story, members? Do you eat instant noodles? Let us know in the comments below!

That happened to me when a devil wind gusted up all of a sudden and blew the noodles off the table onto my leg.lots of cold water then lots of milk on the leg did the trick. Still scarred from it though and looks horrible. So be careful happens to anyone not just kids.😁
Why would people want to eat this junk food anyway? Especially giving it to kids with all the additives in it which doesn't do them any good.:rolleyes:

This is the ingredients of chicken instant noodles.....It's never seen a chicken!!!!
Noodles: Wheat Flour (Gluten), Vegetable Oil (Antioxidant (320)), Salt. Flavour Sachet: Salt, Flavour Enhancers (621, 635), Flavours (Flavour Enhancers (621, 635), Wheat (Gluten), Soy), Sugar, Maltodextrin, Onion Powder, Herbs, Yeast Extract, Colour (Curcumin). (621 is Monosodium Glutamate)
Why would people want to eat this junk food anyway? Especially giving it to kids with all the additives in it which doesn't do them any good.:rolleyes:

This is the ingredients of chicken instant noodles.....It's never seen a chicken!!!!
Noodles: Wheat Flour (Gluten), Vegetable Oil (Antioxidant (320)), Salt. Flavour Sachet: Salt, Flavour Enhancers (621, 635), Flavours (Flavour Enhancers (621, 635), Wheat (Gluten), Soy), Sugar, Maltodextrin, Onion Powder, Herbs, Yeast Extract, Colour (Curcumin). (621 is Monosodium Glutamate)
That’s all I could afford at the time😁I was so broke,so don’t judge because a lot of people could be in the same situation as I was😢rent and bills and my cat came before me🙀
That’s all I could afford at the time😁I was so broke,so don’t judge because a lot of people could be in the same situation as I was😢rent and bills and my cat came before me🙀
Maybe in your circumstances, but still don't agree with them. :)
hi i/m a retired chef ex merchant navy when you get scolds re any one get egg s and separarte the yolks from the whites and place this over the burn and rub in jently yes it does work it allso takes away the pain i was the chef at j.h.h. for telve years before thay went cook chill one day a young girl was helping me we pork roast in the boven she slid the tray of pork out and it went all over here chest i undressed here and smothered here chest with egg yolks this caused a big row in the hospital but when that saw it worked two weeks latter she bcame back to work and imediatelt showed me see no scars want more pombob1313@gmail or my phone nu is 0249324845 thankyou
Common sense not to give any sort of food, especially with hot liquids in it, to any child until it is cool enough for them to eat. My 8 year old granddaughter is staying with me at the moment, she wanted some 3 minute macaroni and wanted to cook it herself. I explained it wasn’t safe for her to do that, she could put the macaroni and cold water in a dish and put it in microwave and turn it on. Then grandma takes over, getting it out and adding the cheese sauce mix and stirring it in. Then when it is cool enough she gets to eat it sitting at the table. I get the feeling she does it all at her mothers house but she wouldn’t say for sure as mummy tells her not to discuss anything that happens at her house with dad or grandma and poppy. Sometimes she forgets and lets something slip.
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Once again, the alarmist headline suggests a danger, inferring the food is the danger. This has nothing to do with the food and is all about supervision and common sense (or lack of it)
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hi i/m a retired chef ex merchant navy when you get scolds re any one get egg s and separarte the yolks from the whites and place this over the burn and rub in jently yes it does work it allso takes away the pain i was the chef at j.h.h. for telve years before thay went cook chill one day a young girl was helping me we pork roast in the boven she slid the tray of pork out and it went all over here chest i undressed here and smothered here chest with egg yolks this caused a big row in the hospital but when that saw it worked two weeks latter she bcame back to work and imediatelt showed me see no scars want more pombob1313@gmail or my phone nu is 0249324845 thankyou
really🙀that’s interesting must remember that. Problem is we don’t always have eggs on hand🙀that’s why I used milk on my burn.😸
Why would people want to eat this junk food anyway? Especially giving it to kids with all the additives in it which doesn't do them any good.:rolleyes:

This is the ingredients of chicken instant noodles.....It's never seen a chicken!!!!
Noodles: Wheat Flour (Gluten), Vegetable Oil (Antioxidant (320)), Salt. Flavour Sachet: Salt, Flavour Enhancers (621, 635), Flavours (Flavour Enhancers (621, 635), Wheat (Gluten), Soy), Sugar, Maltodextrin, Onion Powder, Herbs, Yeast Extract, Colour (Curcumin). (621 is Monosodium Glutamate)
Another killjoy🙀
Another killjoy🙀
So how good for you is all this? Not exactly a healthy meal is it?

Wheat Flour (Gluten), Vegetable Oil (Antioxidant (320)), Salt. Flavour Sachet: Salt, Flavour Enhancers (621, 635), Flavours (Flavour Enhancers (621, 635), Wheat (Gluten), Soy), Sugar, Maltodextrin, Onion Powder, Herbs, Yeast Extract, Colour (Curcumin). (621 is Monosodium Glutamate)
So how good for you is all this? Not exactly a healthy meal is it?

Wheat Flour (Gluten), Vegetable Oil (Antioxidant (320)), Salt. Flavour Sachet: Salt, Flavour Enhancers (621, 635), Flavours (Flavour Enhancers (621, 635), Wheat (Gluten), Soy), Sugar, Maltodextrin, Onion Powder, Herbs, Yeast Extract, Colour (Curcumin). (621 is Monosodium Glutamate)
😋😋 It is when your broke and it’s all you can afford to eat😢

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