The free photo app that can save you from paying endless cloud storage fees just had a new update

In a world where convenience and digital domination is taking over, we sometimes find ourselves surrendering to the inevitable side effects: monthly subscription fees, less control over our personal data, and a toe-curling reliance on a stable internet. But are they truly inevitable?

While storing our photos and other digital media in the Cloud can feel inevitable, there is another option out there*.

Recently, we wrote about the benefits of Mylio Photos*, a free photo app designed specifically for those of us who value our privacy and may be put off by the idea of every photo we take being stored by third-party companies.

Since writing about Mylio Photos* for the first time, there has been an exciting update.

Never lose your beloved photos again! Image Credit: Mylio Photos

On September 28, 2023, an updated version of Mylio Photos became available*, along with some notable new features. And the best part? It’s still free*!

When it comes to our memories, we want them stored somewhere safe and easily accessible no matter where we go. But many of us also want more out of our photo-storing experience.

With large photo libraries built over the years, picture organisation can become overwhelming, and manual shifting, transferring, and syncing between devices like smartphones, cameras, and tablets is time-consuming and often leads to library and file gaps. Plus, the threat of these digital devices being lost, broken, or stolen can make us panic! I know I’ve lost countless photos in the past from inadequate cloud storage and an unfortunate situation with a broken phone that wasn’t backed up.

You likely already use the Cloud for storage, and while it comes with its own set of benefits, like ubiquity, collaboration and automatic backups, it doesn't come without risks. Your personal data is stored by third-party companies that are at risk of security breaches, and the lack of stable internet in some locations can render cloud-only solutions ineffective. Then, there’s the cost—fees can quickly add up as your storage needs increase.

That’s where the new version of Mylio Photos* comes in—to help you keep pace with the ever-increasing amount of digital data and liberate you from endless storage fees.

How can Mylio Photos help?

Mylio Photos allows users to merge images* and videos from multiple sources, offers unlimited online storage, and provides device-to-device syncing, automatic back-ups, essential photo editing, and much more.

Here’s what you need to know about the new version of Mylio Photos*:

It’s easy to find the photos you’re looking for! Image Credit: Mylio Photos

Other new features in the update* include:

Key Takeaways
  • Mylio Photos* released a new app version on September 28, 2023.
  • The app aims to overcome challenges such as photo volume overload, multiple devices, safety concerns, access & organisation and internet dependency.
  • Features in the new version include shared albums, dynamic search, unlimited storage and backup, and the ability to add media in various ways.
  • Mylio Photos* addresses cloud reliance issues such as lack of flexibility, privacy concerns, cost considerations and downtime.

At the Seniors Discount Club, we’re big believers in the adage 'a picture is worth a thousand words'—and those memories should stay safe, no matter what. Mylio Photos* is a clever new way to organise photos, videos, and documents with privacy, performance, and full control over your own files and precious memories—so why not give it a try today? I’m glad I did!

Have you tried Mylio Photos* yet? How has your experience been? We would love to hear from you.

*Please note, members, that this is a sponsored article. All content of ours that has an asterisk next to it means we may get a commission to write an article or post a deal. We do this to assist with the costs of running the SDC. Thank you!

In a world where convenience and digital domination is taking over, we sometimes find ourselves surrendering to the inevitable side effects: monthly subscription fees, less control over our personal data, and a toe-curling reliance on a stable internet. But are they truly inevitable?

While storing our photos and other digital media in the Cloud can feel inevitable, there is another option out there*.

Recently, we wrote about the benefits of Mylio Photos*, a free photo app designed specifically for those of us who value our privacy and may be put off by the idea of every photo we take being stored by third-party companies.

Since writing about Mylio Photos* for the first time, there has been an exciting update.

View attachment 31398
Never lose your beloved photos again! Image Credit: Mylio Photos

On September 28, 2023, an updated version of Mylio Photos became available*, along with some notable new features. And the best part? It’s still free*!

When it comes to our memories, we want them stored somewhere safe and easily accessible no matter where we go. But many of us also want more out of our photo-storing experience.

With large photo libraries built over the years, picture organisation can become overwhelming, and manual shifting, transferring, and syncing between devices like smartphones, cameras, and tablets is time-consuming and often leads to library and file gaps. Plus, the threat of these digital devices being lost, broken, or stolen can make us panic! I know I’ve lost countless photos in the past from inadequate cloud storage and an unfortunate situation with a broken phone that wasn’t backed up.

You likely already use the Cloud for storage, and while it comes with its own set of benefits, like ubiquity, collaboration and automatic backups, it doesn't come without risks. Your personal data is stored by third-party companies that are at risk of security breaches, and the lack of stable internet in some locations can render cloud-only solutions ineffective. Then, there’s the cost—fees can quickly add up as your storage needs increase.

That’s where the new version of Mylio Photos* comes in—to help you keep pace with the ever-increasing amount of digital data and liberate you from endless storage fees.

How can Mylio Photos help?

Mylio Photos allows users to merge images* and videos from multiple sources, offers unlimited online storage, and provides device-to-device syncing, automatic back-ups, essential photo editing, and much more.

Here’s what you need to know about the new version of Mylio Photos*:

View attachment 31399
It’s easy to find the photos you’re looking for! Image Credit: Mylio Photos

Other new features in the update* include:

Key Takeaways

  • Mylio Photos* released a new app version on September 28, 2023.
  • The app aims to overcome challenges such as photo volume overload, multiple devices, safety concerns, access & organisation and internet dependency.
  • Features in the new version include shared albums, dynamic search, unlimited storage and backup, and the ability to add media in various ways.
  • Mylio Photos* addresses cloud reliance issues such as lack of flexibility, privacy concerns, cost considerations and downtime.

At the Seniors Discount Club, we’re big believers in the adage 'a picture is worth a thousand words'—and those memories should stay safe, no matter what. Mylio Photos* is a clever new way to organise photos, videos, and documents with privacy, performance, and full control over your own files and precious memories—so why not give it a try today? I’m glad I did!

Have you tried Mylio Photos* yet? How has your experience been? We would love to hear from you.

*Please note, members, that this is a sponsored article. All content of ours that has an asterisk next to it means we may get a commission to write an article or post a deal. We do this to assist with the costs of running the SDC. Thank you!

This sounds great. It's a shame that I lost ALL my photos and everything else on my computer when it burnt the hard drive in my computer. The only photos of my beautiful rabbit called Benji when he was a baby are on my facebook. I've got a heap of photos on my phone but I won't put them on the computer no matter how good it is. I'll have to try this Mylio Photos and see how I go. Thanks for letting us know about them.
All my special pics have been sent to USB's. I don't use the cloud for any.
I have some that come from special occasions on pretty or cute USB's of their own.
If I want to do a bunch of saving of old physical photos, I have a special scanner that I just run them through and then save to a stick. I am a computer granny but find this easy to do.
As far as pics on phones go, I have none, except hubby and I on the screen. I don't like the amount of room they take up.
Always pays to have a back up of some form. The cloud worries me a bit because it is out there. Each to their own.
If I want a solution that I cannot manage myself, my grandson is my resident computer genius. Helps to have one about.

In a world where convenience and digital domination is taking over, we sometimes find ourselves surrendering to the inevitable side effects: monthly subscription fees, less control over our personal data, and a toe-curling reliance on a stable internet. But are they truly inevitable?

While storing our photos and other digital media in the Cloud can feel inevitable, there is another option out there*.

Recently, we wrote about the benefits of Mylio Photos*, a free photo app designed specifically for those of us who value our privacy and may be put off by the idea of every photo we take being stored by third-party companies.

Since writing about Mylio Photos* for the first time, there has been an exciting update.

View attachment 31398
Never lose your beloved photos again! Image Credit: Mylio Photos

On September 28, 2023, an updated version of Mylio Photos became available*, along with some notable new features. And the best part? It’s still free*!

When it comes to our memories, we want them stored somewhere safe and easily accessible no matter where we go. But many of us also want more out of our photo-storing experience.

With large photo libraries built over the years, picture organisation can become overwhelming, and manual shifting, transferring, and syncing between devices like smartphones, cameras, and tablets is time-consuming and often leads to library and file gaps. Plus, the threat of these digital devices being lost, broken, or stolen can make us panic! I know I’ve lost countless photos in the past from inadequate cloud storage and an unfortunate situation with a broken phone that wasn’t backed up.

You likely already use the Cloud for storage, and while it comes with its own set of benefits, like ubiquity, collaboration and automatic backups, it doesn't come without risks. Your personal data is stored by third-party companies that are at risk of security breaches, and the lack of stable internet in some locations can render cloud-only solutions ineffective. Then, there’s the cost—fees can quickly add up as your storage needs increase.

That’s where the new version of Mylio Photos* comes in—to help you keep pace with the ever-increasing amount of digital data and liberate you from endless storage fees.

How can Mylio Photos help?

Mylio Photos allows users to merge images* and videos from multiple sources, offers unlimited online storage, and provides device-to-device syncing, automatic back-ups, essential photo editing, and much more.

Here’s what you need to know about the new version of Mylio Photos*:

View attachment 31399
It’s easy to find the photos you’re looking for! Image Credit: Mylio Photos

Other new features in the update* include:

Key Takeaways

  • Mylio Photos* released a new app version on September 28, 2023.
  • The app aims to overcome challenges such as photo volume overload, multiple devices, safety concerns, access & organisation and internet dependency.
  • Features in the new version include shared albums, dynamic search, unlimited storage and backup, and the ability to add media in various ways.
  • Mylio Photos* addresses cloud reliance issues such as lack of flexibility, privacy concerns, cost considerations and downtime.

At the Seniors Discount Club, we’re big believers in the adage 'a picture is worth a thousand words'—and those memories should stay safe, no matter what. Mylio Photos* is a clever new way to organise photos, videos, and documents with privacy, performance, and full control over your own files and precious memories—so why not give it a try today? I’m glad I did!

Have you tried Mylio Photos* yet? How has your experience been? We would love to hear from you.

*Please note, members, that this is a sponsored article. All content of ours that has an asterisk next to it means we may get a commission to write an article or post a deal. We do this to assist with the costs of running the SDC. Thank you!

If it’s free it’s probably hackable
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Reactions: Rhondda@Benji
Very interesting reading as I do have Mylio Photos but not very savvy with it BUT your post now makes me want to learn how to better manage my MylioApp. Thank you for your Very Interesting Post about the Mylio App. I thought it was to good to be true as to what it can do with your photos or though I think it gives a lot of my photos a Clear Picture Better Quality. I will have to get my grandkids to help me out a lot. I originally got the Mylio App because I wanted to try to enhance old photos with a better picture & was offered the App to try it out so I D/Loaded it as it was also offered for free.
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Reactions: Rhondda@Benji
I saved my photos to USB sticks, admittedly I had to scan old ones into the computer and then save to the USB, so I hope they are safe. My nephew has taken all the family photos and put them in the cloud, that is up to him if it is safe or not.
It is OK if you are good at programming the app. Takes a lot of time to program it the way you want. I use USBs also. I have a very good app for changing photos to my liking and then saving them to an external SSD drive. One problem is ALL photos must be on the computer to start with.
I have tried the app and find it hard to get it running the way I want. I have some 3,000 plus family photos on my computer so I had to tell the app where my photos were as it could not find them all.

In a world where convenience and digital domination is taking over, we sometimes find ourselves surrendering to the inevitable side effects: monthly subscription fees, less control over our personal data, and a toe-curling reliance on a stable internet. But are they truly inevitable?

While storing our photos and other digital media in the Cloud can feel inevitable, there is another option out there*.

Recently, we wrote about the benefits of Mylio Photos*, a free photo app designed specifically for those of us who value our privacy and may be put off by the idea of every photo we take being stored by third-party companies.

Since writing about Mylio Photos* for the first time, there has been an exciting update.

View attachment 31398
Never lose your beloved photos again! Image Credit: Mylio Photos

On September 28, 2023, an updated version of Mylio Photos became available*, along with some notable new features. And the best part? It’s still free*!

When it comes to our memories, we want them stored somewhere safe and easily accessible no matter where we go. But many of us also want more out of our photo-storing experience.

With large photo libraries built over the years, picture organisation can become overwhelming, and manual shifting, transferring, and syncing between devices like smartphones, cameras, and tablets is time-consuming and often leads to library and file gaps. Plus, the threat of these digital devices being lost, broken, or stolen can make us panic! I know I’ve lost countless photos in the past from inadequate cloud storage and an unfortunate situation with a broken phone that wasn’t backed up.

You likely already use the Cloud for storage, and while it comes with its own set of benefits, like ubiquity, collaboration and automatic backups, it doesn't come without risks. Your personal data is stored by third-party companies that are at risk of security breaches, and the lack of stable internet in some locations can render cloud-only solutions ineffective. Then, there’s the cost—fees can quickly add up as your storage needs increase.

That’s where the new version of Mylio Photos* comes in—to help you keep pace with the ever-increasing amount of digital data and liberate you from endless storage fees.

How can Mylio Photos help?

Mylio Photos allows users to merge images* and videos from multiple sources, offers unlimited online storage, and provides device-to-device syncing, automatic back-ups, essential photo editing, and much more.

Here’s what you need to know about the new version of Mylio Photos*:

View attachment 31399
It’s easy to find the photos you’re looking for! Image Credit: Mylio Photos

Other new features in the update* include:

Key Takeaways

  • Mylio Photos* released a new app version on September 28, 2023.
  • The app aims to overcome challenges such as photo volume overload, multiple devices, safety concerns, access & organisation and internet dependency.
  • Features in the new version include shared albums, dynamic search, unlimited storage and backup, and the ability to add media in various ways.
  • Mylio Photos* addresses cloud reliance issues such as lack of flexibility, privacy concerns, cost considerations and downtime.

At the Seniors Discount Club, we’re big believers in the adage 'a picture is worth a thousand words'—and those memories should stay safe, no matter what. Mylio Photos* is a clever new way to organise photos, videos, and documents with privacy, performance, and full control over your own files and precious memories—so why not give it a try today? I’m glad I did!

Have you tried Mylio Photos* yet? How has your experience been? We would love to hear from you.

*Please note, members, that this is a sponsored article. All content of ours that has an asterisk next to it means we may get a commission to write an article or post a deal. We do this to assist with the costs of running the SDC. Thank you!

i,ve been trying to get rid of this app since i downloaded it . harder to get rid of than NORTON
  • Wow
Reactions: Rhondda@Benji

In a world where convenience and digital domination is taking over, we sometimes find ourselves surrendering to the inevitable side effects: monthly subscription fees, less control over our personal data, and a toe-curling reliance on a stable internet. But are they truly inevitable?

While storing our photos and other digital media in the Cloud can feel inevitable, there is another option out there*.

Recently, we wrote about the benefits of Mylio Photos*, a free photo app designed specifically for those of us who value our privacy and may be put off by the idea of every photo we take being stored by third-party companies.

Since writing about Mylio Photos* for the first time, there has been an exciting update.

View attachment 31398
Never lose your beloved photos again! Image Credit: Mylio Photos

On September 28, 2023, an updated version of Mylio Photos became available*, along with some notable new features. And the best part? It’s still free*!

When it comes to our memories, we want them stored somewhere safe and easily accessible no matter where we go. But many of us also want more out of our photo-storing experience.

With large photo libraries built over the years, picture organisation can become overwhelming, and manual shifting, transferring, and syncing between devices like smartphones, cameras, and tablets is time-consuming and often leads to library and file gaps. Plus, the threat of these digital devices being lost, broken, or stolen can make us panic! I know I’ve lost countless photos in the past from inadequate cloud storage and an unfortunate situation with a broken phone that wasn’t backed up.

You likely already use the Cloud for storage, and while it comes with its own set of benefits, like ubiquity, collaboration and automatic backups, it doesn't come without risks. Your personal data is stored by third-party companies that are at risk of security breaches, and the lack of stable internet in some locations can render cloud-only solutions ineffective. Then, there’s the cost—fees can quickly add up as your storage needs increase.

That’s where the new version of Mylio Photos* comes in—to help you keep pace with the ever-increasing amount of digital data and liberate you from endless storage fees.

How can Mylio Photos help?

Mylio Photos allows users to merge images* and videos from multiple sources, offers unlimited online storage, and provides device-to-device syncing, automatic back-ups, essential photo editing, and much more.

Here’s what you need to know about the new version of Mylio Photos*:

View attachment 31399
It’s easy to find the photos you’re looking for! Image Credit: Mylio Photos

Other new features in the update* include:

Key Takeaways

  • Mylio Photos* released a new app version on September 28, 2023.
  • The app aims to overcome challenges such as photo volume overload, multiple devices, safety concerns, access & organisation and internet dependency.
  • Features in the new version include shared albums, dynamic search, unlimited storage and backup, and the ability to add media in various ways.
  • Mylio Photos* addresses cloud reliance issues such as lack of flexibility, privacy concerns, cost considerations and downtime.

At the Seniors Discount Club, we’re big believers in the adage 'a picture is worth a thousand words'—and those memories should stay safe, no matter what. Mylio Photos* is a clever new way to organise photos, videos, and documents with privacy, performance, and full control over your own files and precious memories—so why not give it a try today? I’m glad I did!

Have you tried Mylio Photos* yet? How has your experience been? We would love to hear from you.

*Please note, members, that this is a sponsored article. All content of ours that has an asterisk next to it means we may get a commission to write an article or post a deal. We do this to assist with the costs of running the SDC. Thank you!

There is no way I will store my pictures with an outside company be it GOOGLE, MYLIO, MICROSOFT etc
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Reactions: Rhondda@Benji
I looked at downloading the so called free app. “BUT”

The way I see it - the only free part is the download.
There are in-app purchase fees.

Mylio premium $16.49 month
Mylio premium $139.99 year

Not sure why you would be advertising it as Free, when there seems to be significant costs involved
I currently have photos on disc, but also have photos stored on my account, at $1.49 per month for and extra 50 gb

at present I’m nowhere close to filling the space and I have over 5000 photos stored.
Hi @Vikki.

Mylio Photos+ is their premium offering and Mylio Photos is the free option. Just like we have a free membership and SDC Rewards as our premium offering, the free option should not ask you for any payment details.

I have the app on my phone, and the free option has been working for me without any need to pay. :giggle:
  • Like
Reactions: Rhondda@Benji
Hi @Vikki.

Mylio Photos+ is their premium offering and Mylio Photos is the free option. Just like we have a free membership and SDC Rewards as our premium offering, the free option should not ask you for any payment details.

I have the app on my phone, and the free option has been working for me without any need to pay. :giggle:
i have been trying to delete this app for ages . i,ve been happy with google photos
Just went to download this app and got this message -

“Mylio_x64.msix” is an executable file. Executable files may contain viruses or other malicious code that could harm your computer. Use caution when opening this file. Are you sure you want to launch “Mylio_x64.msix”?

Yep, that's gonna be a no for me.
  • Wow
Reactions: Rhondda@Benji
Just went to download this app and got this message -

“Mylio_x64.msix” is an executable file. Executable files may contain viruses or other malicious code that could harm your computer. Use caution when opening this file. Are you sure you want to launch “Mylio_x64.msix”?

Yep, that's gonna be a no for me.
Thank you for the warning. I've got great security on my computer and it tells me if it's safe to download anything. Having said that I downloaded the file BUT DIDN'T open it as a screen came up and said I needed a code and they'd send it by email. That was a couple of weeks ago and I didn't receive the code so after a few days I deleted the program. I'll transfer my photos from my phone to usb drive using my husbands' computer.

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