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The Elderly Librarian
A couple of farmers in Far North Queensland were Neighbours.
Kev went over to his mate's farm and offered to buy a cow he had for sale.
"How much for the old girl, Bruce?" asked Kev.
"Yer can 'ave 'er fer fifty bucks, cobber." said Bruce.
"Shit, Bruce, I'm yer best mate and you want me to pay that for the old girl? She ain't worth that much pal!"
"Ok, seein' as 'ow we're best mates, I'll knock 20% off as a discount." offered Bruce.
Kev was a bit slow and wasn't sure what Bruce meant, so he said, "Give us a day to think about it. I'll see you termorra arvo." He jumped in his ute and off he went. Trying to work out how much Bruce meant by 20% discount, he had an idea.
Pulling up outside the library, he thought, "Old Miss Wilberforce will know what he means." So, in he goes.
Miss Wilberforce greets Kev with the big smile she always saved for him and said, "Good morning Mr. Kevin, what can I do to help you, young man?"
"Well, I'm a bit embarrassed to ask you this, Miss Wilberforce, but if I offered you fifty dollars, less 20% discount, what would you take off?"
She looked up at Kev and giving him an even bigger smile said,
"Everything except my glasses!"