The Best Days of Your Life!
- Replies 8

Note from the Editor:
This article was kindly written for the SDC by member @Doctor Alan.
There is an old saying: ‘School days are the best days of your life!’ In some ways, this is true – you have no real responsibilities, and you don’t have to worry about money, food or even safety. It’s all taken care of by the ‘grown-ups’ – at least, in the early days. As far as my own experience goes – the jury’s still out on that one!
Primary School:
I really don’t remember any ‘preschool’ I might have attended, and I’m afraid I have no family left to ask questions like that. I attended Woodmansterne County Primary School in Surrey (in what used to be called ‘England’ but is now called ‘the UK’) until I was 11 years old. My first memory of that was having a girl sitting next to me during lunchtime school dinners, showing me how to hold my fork. (I was still holding it with my hand in a ‘fist’, like babies do!)
School dinners were free in Primary schools at the time. We used to have little bottles of milk that we drank during the morning break-time. The idea was to strengthen our teeth, I think. Margaret Thatcher abolished free school milk for over 7-year-old children in 1971.
I discovered I really liked girls – scribbled my first love letter and kissed a lovely blonde girl on the cheek! Perhaps not having a sister had something to do with it.
It’s a bit hard to remember the teachers at that Primary school. I do know, though, that I was not exactly a ‘model’ student and had to promise several times to ‘turn over a new leaf’.
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