Terrifying incident: Strange object hurdled through a home's window

What do you do when you find yourself in a terrifying situation like this?

Last Monday night, an Australian resident had the shock of their life when an object came flying through their window at a property in Alice Springs.

Ending up on the floor next to the dining table was a hammer among the various glass shards scattered on the tables and floors of the home.

The resident expressed their shock on social media.

‘Feel scared to sleep as well now, just someone threw the hammer to our house windows and shattered glass everywhere rang several times to police, but no one turned up yet’.

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An Alice Springs resident shared photos on social media showing the damage the thrown hammer inflicted in their home. Credit: Action for Alice 2020/Facebook

The resident said when they eventually received a reply from police, it was simply advice to 'keep safe'–not much comfort for those feeling vulnerable in their homes.

The post garnered several angry reactions from internet users. One comment read: ‘You've got to wonder what police are endorsing when they advise you to "Keep Yourself Safe"? Are they saying, “we won't help you, so do what you have to?”’

‘Just beyond DISGUSTING,’ another user wrote.

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Photo of the shards from the broken window. Credit: Action for Alice 2020/Facebook

Another resident shared a similar experience in the comments: ‘While having a meal at the dinner table at my own home, the lowlife chucked a big rock on the window and landed on my dinner table leaving behind huge dents and (us) shocked.'

They also mentioned that 'lowlife oxygen thieves' have also smashed her kids' bedroom windows while they were sleeping and shattered her car's windows multiple times.

This led to a discussion on the slow and lacklustre response the police had to such events–with many noting that it often takes several tries and long wait times before anyone arrives at the crime scene.

This story also led to another discussion on the rise in crime within Alice Springs over the last year.

Mounting criticism of the rampant crime within the area led to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese visiting and instituting alcohol-related laws.

This seemed to have an effect, as in June, the Northern Territory Police said that in the six months since the restrictions, crime has dropped to its lowest level in four years.

The Northern Police has not yet responded to the window-breaking incident.

Key Takeaways
  • A distressed resident reported having a hammer thrown through their window in a house located in Alice Springs.
  • The troubling incident happened at night, leaving the shaken resident too frightened to sleep.
  • The resident claims that despite making several calls to the local police, the only advice given was to keep themselves safe.
  • Similar incidents have been reported in Alice Springs, leading to increased criticism towards the local authorities for failing to handle the rising crime rate effectively.

Members, if you ever find yourself in the unfortunate position of being robbed, it is important to stay calm and be quick to call for help.

What do you think of this story? Has something similar occurred in your neighbourhood? Share them in the comments below!
What do you do when you find yourself in a terrifying situation like this?

Last Monday night, an Australian resident had the shock of their life when an object came flying through their window at a property in Alice Springs.

Ending up on the floor next to the dining table was a hammer among the various glass shards scattered on the tables and floors of the home.

The resident expressed their shock on social media.

‘Feel scared to sleep as well now, just someone threw the hammer to our house windows and shattered glass everywhere rang several times to police, but no one turned up yet’.

View attachment 28119
An Alice Springs resident shared photos on social media showing the damage the thrown hammer inflicted in their home. Credit: Action for Alice 2020/Facebook

The resident said when they eventually received a reply from police, it was simply advice to 'keep safe'–not much comfort for those feeling vulnerable in their homes.

The post garnered several angry reactions from internet users. One comment read: ‘You've got to wonder what police are endorsing when they advise you to "Keep Yourself Safe"? Are they saying, “we won't help you, so do what you have to?”’

‘Just beyond DISGUSTING,’ another user wrote.

View attachment 28120
Photo of the shards from the broken window. Credit: Action for Alice 2020/Facebook

Another resident shared a similar experience in the comments: ‘While having a meal at the dinner table at my own home, the lowlife chucked a big rock on the window and landed on my dinner table leaving behind huge dents and (us) shocked.'

They also mentioned that 'lowlife oxygen thieves' have also smashed her kids' bedroom windows while they were sleeping and shattered her car's windows multiple times.

This led to a discussion on the slow and lacklustre response the police had to such events–with many noting that it often takes several tries and long wait times before anyone arrives at the crime scene.

This story also led to another discussion on the rise in crime within Alice Springs over the last year.

Mounting criticism of the rampant crime within the area led to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese visiting and instituting alcohol-related laws.

This seemed to have an effect, as in June, the Northern Territory Police said that in the six months since the restrictions, crime has dropped to its lowest level in four years.

The Northern Police has not yet responded to the window-breaking incident.

Key Takeaways

  • A distressed resident reported having a hammer thrown through their window in a house located in Alice Springs.
  • The troubling incident happened at night, leaving the shaken resident too frightened to sleep.
  • The resident claims that despite making several calls to the local police, the only advice given was to keep themselves safe.
  • Similar incidents have been reported in Alice Springs, leading to increased criticism towards the local authorities for failing to handle the rising crime rate effectively.

Members, if you ever find yourself in the unfortunate position of being robbed, it is important to stay calm and be quick to call for help.

What do you think of this story? Has something similar occurred in your neighbourhood? Share them in the comments below!
Police are too busy collecting revenue for NT government from motorists to worry about crime.
Living just out of town so not much trouble here apart from lawn mowers or cars breaking down or tree limbs falling off after a big wind! I lock my bedroom door (& have a trusty border collie) lets me know if anything happening outside (occasionally a few teenagers come past after a party but they are no problem)
This is becoming the norm in Alice Springs. However, fear not! If the voice gets up, all these incidents will magically disappear and the perpetrators of these crimes will go to school every day, or find a job. They'll all be home by 7pm to eat their nourishing home cooked tea, and they'll be asleep in bed by 10pm.

And if you believe that, you've got rocks in your head.
So Albi went there and bought in alcohol restrictions. Whoopie.
Wasn't it him and his government that cancelled the restricted welfare card that stopped all these problems in the first place.
Also I might add against the wishes of many elders who advised them that these restrictions were working.
And he is now wasting multi millions of dollars to ram down our throats to give the indigenous people a Voice
The same Voice he didn't listen to in the first place.
What a hypocrite!
City people and the younger generation, who thru a guilt mind set, are being brain washed into voting YES have no idea what a very large percentage of indigenous people really want, many of them have not even heard of the Voice and many others not interested.
Before you vote come to the country, talk to the people, not the city indigenous with a big chip on their shoulder, but the real ones who are the ones really in need, they don't need another Voice, they already have one, but for someone to actually listen to them, which they never do.
People would be surprised how much money has been rorted thru past schemes, meant to help them, but never does. Quite often ripped off by some if their own people.
White man has a lot to answer for. In the 60s the uncles not elders used to discipline the wrong doers. They belted them or took them 100 kms ( or miles) out and made them walk home. White man stepped in- ABUSE- discipline was taken away (some uncles were imprisoned) , and the result is now obvious.
So Albi went there and bought in alcohol restrictions. Whoopie.
Wasn't it him and his government that cancelled the restricted welfare card that stopped all these problems in the first place.
Also I might add against the wishes of many elders who advised them that these restrictions were working.
And he is now wasting multi millions of dollars to ram down our throats to give the indigenous people a Voice
The same Voice he didn't listen to in the first place.
What a hypocrite!
City people and the younger generation, who thru a guilt mind set, are being brain washed into voting YES have no idea what a very large percentage of indigenous people really want, many of them have not even heard of the Voice and many others not interested.
Before you vote come to the country, talk to the people, not the city indigenous with a big chip on their shoulder, but the real ones who are the ones really in need, they don't need another Voice, they already have one, but for someone to actually listen to them, which they never do.
People would be surprised how much money has been rorted thru past schemes, meant to help them, but never does. Quite often ripped off by some if their own people.
If people want the real facts by a REAL First Person who really cares for the indigenous people , read or get in touch with Jacinta Price.
White man has a lot to answer for. In the 60s the uncles not elders used to discipline the wrong doers. They belted them or took them 100 kms ( or miles) out and made them walk home. White man stepped in- ABUSE- discipline was taken away (some uncles were imprisoned) , and the result is now obvious.
I don't know what the answer to this problem is.
It's hard to have a country with separate laws for it's citizens but I certainly think our laws haven't worked
Or should I say our non laws. Our justice system is utterly pathetic, everything to help the perpetrator and nothing for the victim
Judges who listen to bleating heart stories about difficult childhoods, mental health (oh yes, everyone has those today). A crime is a crime and some sort if punishment needs to be meted out
The more we listen to these woke bleeding heart idiots the worse our crime situation gets.
Better to get back to some tough love
Perhaps our indigenous people had it right in the first place.
What do you do when you find yourself in a terrifying situation like this?

Last Monday night, an Australian resident had the shock of their life when an object came flying through their window at a property in Alice Springs.

Ending up on the floor next to the dining table was a hammer among the various glass shards scattered on the tables and floors of the home.

The resident expressed their shock on social media.

‘Feel scared to sleep as well now, just someone threw the hammer to our house windows and shattered glass everywhere rang several times to police, but no one turned up yet’.

View attachment 28119
An Alice Springs resident shared photos on social media showing the damage the thrown hammer inflicted in their home. Credit: Action for Alice 2020/Facebook

The resident said when they eventually received a reply from police, it was simply advice to 'keep safe'–not much comfort for those feeling vulnerable in their homes.

The post garnered several angry reactions from internet users. One comment read: ‘You've got to wonder what police are endorsing when they advise you to "Keep Yourself Safe"? Are they saying, “we won't help you, so do what you have to?”’

‘Just beyond DISGUSTING,’ another user wrote.

View attachment 28120
Photo of the shards from the broken window. Credit: Action for Alice 2020/Facebook

Another resident shared a similar experience in the comments: ‘While having a meal at the dinner table at my own home, the lowlife chucked a big rock on the window and landed on my dinner table leaving behind huge dents and (us) shocked.'

They also mentioned that 'lowlife oxygen thieves' have also smashed her kids' bedroom windows while they were sleeping and shattered her car's windows multiple times.

This led to a discussion on the slow and lacklustre response the police had to such events–with many noting that it often takes several tries and long wait times before anyone arrives at the crime scene.

This story also led to another discussion on the rise in crime within Alice Springs over the last year.

Mounting criticism of the rampant crime within the area led to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese visiting and instituting alcohol-related laws.

This seemed to have an effect, as in June, the Northern Territory Police said that in the six months since the restrictions, crime has dropped to its lowest level in four years.

The Northern Police has not yet responded to the window-breaking incident.

Key Takeaways

  • A distressed resident reported having a hammer thrown through their window in a house located in Alice Springs.
  • The troubling incident happened at night, leaving the shaken resident too frightened to sleep.
  • The resident claims that despite making several calls to the local police, the only advice given was to keep themselves safe.
  • Similar incidents have been reported in Alice Springs, leading to increased criticism towards the local authorities for failing to handle the rising crime rate effectively.

Members, if you ever find yourself in the unfortunate position of being robbed, it is important to stay calm and be quick to call for help.

What do you think of this story? Has something similar occurred in your neighbourhood? Share them in the comments below!
the only time that you will get an instant response from the employees (police) of a Foreign registered Corporation is when or if a gun was involved.... so when one says that they looked like they were brandishing a "gun or weapon that looked like, ETC" then they will arrive pretty quickly otherwise it will be tea or lunch break as usual, they dont like doing paper work over such trivial problems
What do you do when you find yourself in a terrifying situation like this?

Last Monday night, an Australian resident had the shock of their life when an object came flying through their window at a property in Alice Springs.

Ending up on the floor next to the dining table was a hammer among the various glass shards scattered on the tables and floors of the home.

The resident expressed their shock on social media.

‘Feel scared to sleep as well now, just someone threw the hammer to our house windows and shattered glass everywhere rang several times to police, but no one turned up yet’.

View attachment 28119
An Alice Springs resident shared photos on social media showing the damage the thrown hammer inflicted in their home. Credit: Action for Alice 2020/Facebook

The resident said when they eventually received a reply from police, it was simply advice to 'keep safe'–not much comfort for those feeling vulnerable in their homes.

The post garnered several angry reactions from internet users. One comment read: ‘You've got to wonder what police are endorsing when they advise you to "Keep Yourself Safe"? Are they saying, “we won't help you, so do what you have to?”’

‘Just beyond DISGUSTING,’ another user wrote.

View attachment 28120
Photo of the shards from the broken window. Credit: Action for Alice 2020/Facebook

Another resident shared a similar experience in the comments: ‘While having a meal at the dinner table at my own home, the lowlife chucked a big rock on the window and landed on my dinner table leaving behind huge dents and (us) shocked.'

They also mentioned that 'lowlife oxygen thieves' have also smashed her kids' bedroom windows while they were sleeping and shattered her car's windows multiple times.

This led to a discussion on the slow and lacklustre response the police had to such events–with many noting that it often takes several tries and long wait times before anyone arrives at the crime scene.

This story also led to another discussion on the rise in crime within Alice Springs over the last year.

Mounting criticism of the rampant crime within the area led to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese visiting and instituting alcohol-related laws.

This seemed to have an effect, as in June, the Northern Territory Police said that in the six months since the restrictions, crime has dropped to its lowest level in four years.

The Northern Police has not yet responded to the window-breaking incident.

Key Takeaways

  • A distressed resident reported having a hammer thrown through their window in a house located in Alice Springs.
  • The troubling incident happened at night, leaving the shaken resident too frightened to sleep.
  • The resident claims that despite making several calls to the local police, the only advice given was to keep themselves safe.
  • Similar incidents have been reported in Alice Springs, leading to increased criticism towards the local authorities for failing to handle the rising crime rate effectively.

Members, if you ever find yourself in the unfortunate position of being robbed, it is important to stay calm and be quick to call for help.

What do you think of this story? Has something similar occurred in your neighbourhood? Share them in the comments below!
At the risk of being labelled racist, another reason to vote no. Anyone living in Alice Springs knows which group did that.
I don't call that racism I will vote no and a lot of aboriginals will vote no I am definately not racist the girl at our wedding was my wife's best friend she was matron of honor and was a full blooded Aboriginal such a lovely girl she was
I don't know what the answer to this problem is.
It's hard to have a country with separate laws for it's citizens but I certainly think our laws haven't worked
Or should I say our non laws. Our justice system is utterly pathetic, everything to help the perpetrator and nothing for the victim
Judges who listen to bleating heart stories about difficult childhoods, mental health (oh yes, everyone has those today). A crime is a crime and some sort if punishment needs to be meted out
The more we listen to these woke bleeding heart idiots the worse our crime situation gets.
Better to get back to some tough love
Perhaps our indigenous people had it right in the first place.
The whole situation is so sad. I think- stick all young offenders out bush with ex Veterans as trainers. Make the young ones rely on each other, maybe they can start having respect for each other and their families when they are re turned. School- what nationalities are in it? Start with 1st graders. How about each week have a show & tell and a talk about their culture? Could create interest, questions and hopefully friendships.
I don't call that racism I will vote no and a lot of aboriginals will vote no I am definately not racist the girl at our wedding was my wife's best friend she was matron of honor and was a full blooded Aboriginal such a lovely girl she was
A Facebook friend in the eastern states sent me some info on the Referendum, which l believe is correct. Voting yes to question 1., Do you recognise Aboriginal culture will NEGATE A NO TO QUESTION 2. THE GOVERNMENT WINS, YOU LOSE!!!
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I don't call that racism I will vote no and a lot of aboriginals will vote no I am definately not racist the girl at our wedding was my wife's best friend she was matron of honor and was a full blooded Aboriginal such a lovely girl she was
Two of my nieces, and children of friends are married to aborigines. They are all voting NO.
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Two of my nieces, and children of friends are married to aborigines. They are all voting NO.
An ad which no longer appears on t.v. spoken by an Aboriginal lady supports the no vote because, 'a yes vote will break up families'.
This statement comes from a lady of the culture this vote is meant to help & there was also an Aboriginal gent urging us to vote no.
What do you do when you find yourself in a terrifying situation like this?

Last Monday night, an Australian resident had the shock of their life when an object came flying through their window at a property in Alice Springs.

Ending up on the floor next to the dining table was a hammer among the various glass shards scattered on the tables and floors of the home.

The resident expressed their shock on social media.

‘Feel scared to sleep as well now, just someone threw the hammer to our house windows and shattered glass everywhere rang several times to police, but no one turned up yet’.

View attachment 28119
An Alice Springs resident shared photos on social media showing the damage the thrown hammer inflicted in their home. Credit: Action for Alice 2020/Facebook

The resident said when they eventually received a reply from police, it was simply advice to 'keep safe'–not much comfort for those feeling vulnerable in their homes.

The post garnered several angry reactions from internet users. One comment read: ‘You've got to wonder what police are endorsing when they advise you to "Keep Yourself Safe"? Are they saying, “we won't help you, so do what you have to?”’

‘Just beyond DISGUSTING,’ another user wrote.

View attachment 28120
Photo of the shards from the broken window. Credit: Action for Alice 2020/Facebook

Another resident shared a similar experience in the comments: ‘While having a meal at the dinner table at my own home, the lowlife chucked a big rock on the window and landed on my dinner table leaving behind huge dents and (us) shocked.'

They also mentioned that 'lowlife oxygen thieves' have also smashed her kids' bedroom windows while they were sleeping and shattered her car's windows multiple times.

This led to a discussion on the slow and lacklustre response the police had to such events–with many noting that it often takes several tries and long wait times before anyone arrives at the crime scene.

This story also led to another discussion on the rise in crime within Alice Springs over the last year.

Mounting criticism of the rampant crime within the area led to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese visiting and instituting alcohol-related laws.

This seemed to have an effect, as in June, the Northern Territory Police said that in the six months since the restrictions, crime has dropped to its lowest level in four years.

The Northern Police has not yet responded to the window-breaking incident.

Key Takeaways

  • A distressed resident reported having a hammer thrown through their window in a house located in Alice Springs.
  • The troubling incident happened at night, leaving the shaken resident too frightened to sleep.
  • The resident claims that despite making several calls to the local police, the only advice given was to keep themselves safe.
  • Similar incidents have been reported in Alice Springs, leading to increased criticism towards the local authorities for failing to handle the rising crime rate effectively.

Members, if you ever find yourself in the unfortunate position of being robbed, it is important to stay calm and be quick to call for help.

What do you think of this story? Has something similar occurred in your neighbourhood? Share them in the comments below!
Here's what you do. Ring the cops and say you've caught the offender and bashed him with the hammer. They will be there in 5 minutes.
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Reactions: Ezzy
A Facebook friend in the eastern states sent me some info on the Referendum, which l believe is correct. Voting yes to question 1., Do you recognise Aboriginal culture will NEGATE A NO TO QUESTION 2. THE GOVERNMENT WINS, YOU LOSE!!!
Saw this info myself, it's sad to think this could happen to us. So many people think they are doing the right thing by voting YES
This is Albo's pet project so he can go down in history, nothing to do with helping the indigenous population.
We can only hope that there are more people out there who can see thru what is actually happening, and not voting thru guilt over what was done so long ago. It can't be undone, just about every country on this earth was invaded, conquered, settled or whatever you want to call it
We can't all keep harping back to the past.
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Reactions: Annna and Ezzy
What do you do when you find yourself in a terrifying situation like this?

Last Monday night, an Australian resident had the shock of their life when an object came flying through their window at a property in Alice Springs.

Ending up on the floor next to the dining table was a hammer among the various glass shards scattered on the tables and floors of the home.

The resident expressed their shock on social media.

‘Feel scared to sleep as well now, just someone threw the hammer to our house windows and shattered glass everywhere rang several times to police, but no one turned up yet’.

View attachment 28119
An Alice Springs resident shared photos on social media showing the damage the thrown hammer inflicted in their home. Credit: Action for Alice 2020/Facebook

The resident said when they eventually received a reply from police, it was simply advice to 'keep safe'–not much comfort for those feeling vulnerable in their homes.

The post garnered several angry reactions from internet users. One comment read: ‘You've got to wonder what police are endorsing when they advise you to "Keep Yourself Safe"? Are they saying, “we won't help you, so do what you have to?”’

‘Just beyond DISGUSTING,’ another user wrote.

View attachment 28120
Photo of the shards from the broken window. Credit: Action for Alice 2020/Facebook

Another resident shared a similar experience in the comments: ‘While having a meal at the dinner table at my own home, the lowlife chucked a big rock on the window and landed on my dinner table leaving behind huge dents and (us) shocked.'

They also mentioned that 'lowlife oxygen thieves' have also smashed her kids' bedroom windows while they were sleeping and shattered her car's windows multiple times.

This led to a discussion on the slow and lacklustre response the police had to such events–with many noting that it often takes several tries and long wait times before anyone arrives at the crime scene.

This story also led to another discussion on the rise in crime within Alice Springs over the last year.

Mounting criticism of the rampant crime within the area led to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese visiting and instituting alcohol-related laws.

This seemed to have an effect, as in June, the Northern Territory Police said that in the six months since the restrictions, crime has dropped to its lowest level in four years.

The Northern Police has not yet responded to the window-breaking incident.

Key Takeaways

  • A distressed resident reported having a hammer thrown through their window in a house located in Alice Springs.
  • The troubling incident happened at night, leaving the shaken resident too frightened to sleep.
  • The resident claims that despite making several calls to the local police, the only advice given was to keep themselves safe.
  • Similar incidents have been reported in Alice Springs, leading to increased criticism towards the local authorities for failing to handle the rising crime rate effectively.

Members, if you ever find yourself in the unfortunate position of being robbed, it is important to stay calm and be quick to call for help.

What do you think of this story? Has something similar occurred in your neighbourhood? Share them in the comments below!
Youth crime is out of control in all states of Australia it seems, all we see on the News every night is the same thing.....break-ins in houses, businesses and damage done. When will the Government come down on these low-life and make the penalties suit the crime ! These youths know they'll get a slap on the wrist..
. thats if they get caught, but they're usually so well covered up, they never do. People are living in fear these days because of these low-lifes. Now they're breaking into Retirement homes and stealing from vulnerable people.....how bad is that ?

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