Teens take off for Schoolies, and this flight attendant reveals the gross reality of their behaviour

It's that time of year again! The time when Australian high school students celebrate the end of their schooling with a week-long party on the Gold Coast.

Every year, thousands of teenagers descend on the popular Queensland city to let loose and enjoy their newfound freedom. And while most Schoolies are well-behaved, there are always a few bad apples that ruin it for everyone.

Case in point: this ‘chaotic’ Virgin Australia flight prompted a flight attendant to share a video revealing the disrespectful aftermath of a packed plane full of Schoolies returning home after their celebrations.

Flight attendant Ashlee Rogers filmed the inside of the aircraft she was taking care of after it arrived in Brisbane from the Gold Coast. And what she found was far from pleasant.

Ashlee Rogers, a flight attendant for Virgin Australia, showed her 388,000 followers on TikTok with a messy picture of the inside of a plane, which was supposedly caused by the teens flying on it.


As hundreds of students depart for the end-of-the-year parties, a flight attendant demonstrated how obscene a plane full of Schoolies can get. Credit: TikTok.

The photo shows a huge pile of discarded and crushed chips under one of the seats, accompanied by an empty bag. And clearly, the chips were not the teenagers' choice for in-flight snacks…

'Could've just said they didn't want the chips,' Ashlee wrote on the video, which has already amassed 390k views and dozens of comments from viewers who are aghast that some people cannot even respect a shared space.

While this is not the first time that Ms Rogers has exposed passengers for leaving planes in a disgusting condition, this particular incident occurred as a result of young people coming to and from the Gold Coast during the school holiday period.

Even the aisles and more secluded parts of the plane were left trashed by the unruly and unsupervised teens coming on board the flight.


Similar sights were witnessed last month on another Virgin flight to the Gold Coast. Credit: TikTok.

While the flight attendant was cleaning up the mess the school leavers left in their wake, Ashlee decided to film the aftermath and post it to her social media account.

Even the seats and seat backs were littered with food and uneaten snacks, including red powder that looks like salt. A sheet full of stickers was ripped into pieces, with Ashlee noting that a child must have put them on the underside of the bathroom floor.

The flight attendant also noted that the vacuum onboard the Virgin flight was not strong enough to clean up all of the mess.

The clip showing the 'aftermath' of the flight has since been taken down.

Key Takeaways

  • A flight attendant has shown just how disgusting a plane can get when it's packed full of teenagers celebrating the end of their schooling.
  • The video, posted to TikTok, showed a huge pile of crushed chips left behind underneath one seat, with the entire bag seemingly emptied across the carpet.
  • Similarly, disgusting scenes were seen on another Virgin flight to the Gold Coast last month.

And even though the mess wasn't entirely the teens fault, it is still important that young people of this generation learn the difference between public and private spaces.

Every passenger should at the very least be responsible for cleaning up after themselves, if not for their fellow passengers, then to simply help staff keep things clean and organised. This way, nobody has to spend as much time cleaning up after others.

So, there you have it, folks! Not all air travel stories are pleasant, but if you're ever on one of these planes, we encourage you to try your best to not let the mess get the best of you. Just have a few laughs and take it in stride!
I have just read an article on the World Cup match recently involving Japan,the Japanese supporters cleaned their section of the stands before they left and the players left their dressing room immaculate even leaving Origami on the massage table.We can all take a lesson from this.
Arigato , we do this at home also , it's the way we are brought up . There are no litter bins in Japan , only recycling bins as we take our rubbish home as it is our rubbish but if the is a Mac Donalds or Burger king handy we use that , we are taught to respect other people's property and be resepectful to others , just a cultural thing . If they did that in Japan they would be punished , by a fine or even worse - being ' admonished ' by a policeman or woman just where you stand , in front of all passers by , which we consider very embarrassing and it brings shame to our family name and visitors will receive the same treatment as the rules apply to everyone . I wonder how they would fare with our home recycling rules . There are 7 different bags for rubbish and as they are see through they are insepcted by the collection truck , anything that should not be in it gets a big reject sticker and left behind for all to see . There are registration , licences and road rules for cyclists too , and break the rules and the same applies , we respect each other on the road and footpath , but not all of course , there is always one who gets into trouble and we also are not perfect , sincerely , Daiki San
The clip showing the 'aftermath' of the flight has since been taken down.
I wonder who is behind this "taking down". This type of irresponsible schoolies deserve nothing but a migthy whack behind the ears. The airline knows all names and seat numbers - cleaning invoice should be sent to the respective parents, period. They can then deal with their "precious" idiots.
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Arigato , we do this at home also , it's the way we are brought up . There are no litter bins in Japan , only recycling bins as we take our rubbish home as it is our rubbish but if the is a Mac Donalds or Burger king handy we use that , we are taught to respect other people's property and be resepectful to others , just a cultural thing . If they did that in Japan they would be punished , by a fine or even worse - being ' admonished ' by a policeman or woman just where you stand , in front of all passers by , which we consider very embarrassing and it brings shame to our family name and visitors will receive the same treatment as the rules apply to everyone . I wonder how they would fare with our home recycling rules . There are 7 different bags for rubbish and as they are see through they are insepcted by the collection truck , anything that should not be in it gets a big reject sticker and left behind for all to see . There are registration , licences and road rules for cyclists too , and break the rules and the same applies , we respect each other on the road and footpath , but not all of course , there is always one who gets into trouble and we also are not perfect , sincerely , Daiki San
I always admired the Japanese culture and often listen to various reports how they run their country. Not to mention, Japanese cuisine is on my top list for they have a really healthy approach to food. Your explanation about recycling bins and process is very thorough, thank you Daiki San.
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And these are our future politicians, teachers, doctors, nurses and lawyers. People that one day need to be trusted, and yet we know they are nothing more then disrespectful, obnoxious, filthy little grubs.
Can you imagine how the live and behave at home and school? And yet society and their parents allow this behaviour, bring back the strap and the cane, it’s time to teach these little buggers a lesson.
Our youths are totally out of control and something needs to be done about it.
Nothing can be done because if the kids are bought up this way by their parents, it's been going on since they were born. I saw a clip on FB where a 3 year old was swearing at every second worked watched by the parents who laughed and put it on FB. How can this child ever grow up as a self respecting adult, with morals and values. More like a drug user and jail time.
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Many years ago I managed an accommodation block of units and we had to charge a special bond for Schoolies week and I had to remove a tennant that had a boyfriend in her room after 10 pm which was against the rules and most likely would have not even been noticed but this one delta one oscar tango decided to see what a stubbie looked like when dropped from the tenth floor unfortunately the projectile hit a women on the shoulder and the police were called and thus the girl had to leave and forfieted her bond. It was a special bond soley for schoolies?
idiot not much!
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