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Sydney mum turns compost bin into an outdoor planter: “Such a good idea!”
Did you know that there is such a thing called ‘technostress’? It is when a person feels overwhelmed or stressed from being too close to modern technology, like when you find yourself scrolling on your phone or spending time on your computer all day long.
That’s why experts are recommending that people spend more time in nature. Whether it’s simply taking a walk outside the house or spending some time to sit and read in the garden, removing ourselves from the ‘online world’ undoubtedly improves our mental stability.
And what better way to enjoy the beauty of the outdoors than with potted plants, right?
The mum turned a compost bin into an outdoor planter. Credit: Facebook (left) and Tumbleweed Gardening (right).
Every Aussie dreams of having an outdoor garden that they can show off. However, materials aren't cheap, and the burden of everyday expenses puts our dream garden project on hold.
Thankfully there are people always ready to help on social media, including this one Sydney mum who shared a ‘genius’ Bunnings hack for saving hundreds of dollars from buying an oversized planter.
“If you’re like me and struggle with the thought of paying hundreds of dollars for an oversized planter, then you’re gonna love this,” wrote the mum in her Facebook post.
“It’s a compost bin, upturned, available from Bunnings, painted in an exterior paint,” she continued.
“So simple, yet so effective!”
Then, she explained her process. “I lightly sanded the compost bin, then used an exterior epoxy spray on top of an exterior white base, which was all painted on.”
The compost bin is available for $59 at Bunnings.
“Then, I used a smaller pot on the inside and filled the space around it with bubble wrap, then topped with mulch.”
Several fellow home gardeners praised the mum’s outdoor project. Credit: Facebook.
Her post gained a ton of attention from fellow green-thumbed Aussies, who called her a ‘genius’ for the gardening hack.
“What a great idea! Thanks for sharing, you clever lady,” wrote one person.
Another person expressed how outdoor pots usually tend to be so expensive and extremely hard-to-carry, saying: “The issue for me, I need a crane to move it once filled. This is such a good idea!”
A third person shared: “The wind tipped over my two tall plants and smashed the pots, and I can’t find pots tall enough. Bonus, l already have two compost bins!”
If you’re looking to add a few more plants to your home, we suggest watching this video to learn more about their benefits!
Credit: Wall Street Journal
Do you have more DIY outdoor projects you’d like to share? We’d love to hear them in the comments below!