Suzannes Own Beef Meatball Recipe

This is one of my own recipes and I've been making it since I was maybe 18.

Makes around 20

You can double or triple the recipe.
Have it two nights in a row.
See below for ways to serve


500g lean beef mince
1 cup bread crumbs
1/4 cup chopped fresh mint
1/4 cup fresh chopped parsley
1 onion grated
2 tablespoons tomato paste
Salt n pepper to taste around 1/4 teaspoon each
Plain flour to coat meatballs
Olive oil for frying


1. In a large bowl mix together the mince, breadcrumbs, grated onion, chopped parsley and mint, tomato paste and salt pepper. Mix well with your hands squeezing as you go.
2. Shape into large walnut size balls.
3. In a clean bowl add plain flour and roll each meatball in flour to coat.

4. In a frypan add oil , heat slightly before adding meatballs. Cook on medium heat for approximately 5 minutes then turn. Add more oil if needed, cook a further 5 minutes or until cooked inside.

5 Add paper towel to a plate and place cooked meatballs on it.until all are cooked and ready to serve.


Serving Suggestions

1. Serve on a bed on rice with a tossed salad and baked potatoes or chips

2. As a wrap, Serve on Lebanese bread with salad, Tzatziki or Homous

3. Left overs I will make pasta adding meatballs to the sauce


The salad is chicory grown in my garden . Cooked until soft then add lemon juice and a splash of olive oil and salt n pepper to tast
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Yummy. I was reading the ingredients and thinking I use grated vegies, but hey that's for rissoles not meatballs. :rolleyes:
Thanks for the easy recipe. ;)
Yummy. I was reading the ingredients and thinking I use grated vegies, but hey that's for rissoles not meatballs. :rolleyes:
Thanks for the easy recipe. ;)
Rissoles I will add grated vegies but with meatballs because they are round the vegies might not cook.

I love the flavour of the mint and parsley and no other her or spice. It keeps it different and no over powering flavours, allowing them to be used it different ways.
Love this recipe :)

Here in Wollongong the weather is already heating up - I dont mind the heat but the humidity gets to me :(
It's heating up here in Roselands. I like you can deal with the heat but not humidity. I'm going to my sons for lunch and we are supposed to be sitting out side.

My other son is in Wollongong today taking his boat out.

This recipe is amazing, one where they will want more.
Important to use mint and parsley , and don't use other herbs.
Thanks for the yummy meatball recipe. Especially good reading todays article about Cole’s meatballs reducing in size for same price. I purchased them recently and they were awful as well as tiny. used to be nice. Will definitely be making the meat balls this week with tinned chick pea, veges, sauce and pasta. Nourishing and filling and no cooking for a few days afterwork. Winning.😀
It looks so delicious Suzanne and took me straight back to my childhood when my mother made meatballs, they smelled and tasted so delicious, she made all our food! Mediterranean european style, Love the rice and others dishes as well, so many memories - Thankyou Suzanne:_)
Yummy. I was reading the ingredients and thinking I use grated vegies, but hey that's for rissoles not meatballs. :rolleyes:
Thanks for the easy recipe. ;)
What's the difference between meatballs & rissoles?

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