Surprising Action by Woolworths Staff Leaves Shopper in Disbelief!

Break out your slippers and brew a pot of tea, dear readers, because we have an absolute corker of a tale from the veritable battlefield of the modern Australian supermarket!

In a tale of customer experiences, a shopper at Woolworths has caused a stir on the internet with a surprising claim.

According to the shopper, Woolworths staff acted in an unexpected manner, causing a commotion that resembled the sound of a sheep's bleating while surrounded by shelves stocked with dairy products.

'Hey @woolworths. Your staff just made sheep noises at me in your store because I am wearing a mask. Not shopping with you again.' the user posted on social media.

Wearing a mask plays a critical role in reducing the spread of infectious diseases, including COVID-19. Source: Twitter

One thing that has not changed in the retail landscape, pandemic or not, is the customer's right to feel respected and safe in the shopping environment.

Recounting her incident, she added, 'I was in the dairy aisle, and three men were stacking fridges. As I got close, one of them made sheep noises at the back of my head. They had those big metal trollies, so I had to get close to go past.'

The post fueled much speculation, with over 260,000 views and a thousand re-posts, catching the attention of mask proponents and critics alike.

The woman describes herself as a 'protestor and supermum', and her tweets received a multitude of reactions.

Many fellow social media users stood by her, acknowledging her efforts to stay safe amidst the prevailing COVID-19 circumstances.

'It’s strange how so many people don’t know the COVID health advice and don’t realise there are thousands of COVID infections per day, disablement, and hundreds of deaths from COVID per week,' sympathised one user.

'That’s crazy, apart from COVID, the current flu is just awful. My wife is well into her third week and nowhere near recovered. My son, in his late 30’s, caught it from us. He has had COVID twice and reckons this flu is much worse. It is very contagious,' another user chimed in, emphasising the severity of the situation.

Wearing a mask helps to protect both the wearer and those around them by minimising the transmission of respiratory droplets, serving as a simple yet effective measure in safeguarding public health. Source: Twitter

A third said, ‘Awful. The looks I get as well, I do it for me, my daughter and the others.’

Despite the criticism, some considered the issue a reflection of the local area's attitude rather than Woolworths itself.

One user defended Woolies, saying, ‘A few of the staff at my local Woolies were wearing masks when I went in today. I’d say it’s more to do with the people in your local area than Woolies itself.’

In an age where the number of daily COVID-19 cases hovers around an average of 1,391, as reported by the government, an incident like this highlights the tension surrounding mask mandates.

Key Takeaways

  • A Woolworths customer has made shocking claims that staff allegedly made 'sheep noises' at her because she was wearing a mask.
  • The shopper shared her experience on social media, amassing over 260,000 views and being retweeted more than a thousand times.
  • Reactions to the shopper's posts have been mixed, with some users supporting her decision to wear a mask and others criticising her complaint.
  • Amidst daily COVID-19 cases averaging 1,391, tensions surrounding mask mandates are highlighted by incidents like this.

While no one is saying you must wear a mask, please do remember that if you choose to wear one for personal protection, that choice deserves respect.

You are entitled to make mask decisions based on your health status and comfort. If you ever feel disrespected during your shopping experience, remember your local supermarket's customer service is there to help. You've earned the right to shop with dignity and peace of mind!

How do you feel about the incident? Share your thoughts on the customer's claim and the importance of respect and understanding in the shopping environment.
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I'm 72 but I would have eyeballed them and made piggy snorting noises. Point made without any further drama.
My response to 'these' rude people is to look them directly in the eyes then run my vision slowly down to their feet and back up again to their eyes without a would enjoy their discomfort enormously!
Supermum - if you are so sure the noises were directed at you then why didn’t you complain to the store manager straight away? No good complaining on social media because Woolworths couldn’t care less about something that wasn’t reported and you probably wouldn’t be able to identify the men you say did this to you. Get over it now - you virtually have no come-back once you leave the store.
I don’t want to comment as My husband of 56 years contracted Covid while in hospital and died , how would you feel if this happened to your family Take every precaution possible to escape Covid and Flu germs
I must be in fairyland. I don't get why masks relate to sheep.
Some people are strange.
I personally still wear a mask when out and about. My hubby is on cancer treatment. That makes him high risk. So, I don't give a flying fig what noises are made behind my back because I know I am protecting someone I love most in the world.
People who make fun of others, regardless of the reason, as just big children who need to be sent to the naughty corner.
Mind you, I don't think I would have left the store without making some kind of complaint. They don't know how someone who may already be emotionally fragile would react to such taunting.
Dear oh dear. Sometimes all one can do is shrug.
OFFS! Its NOT all about YOU! These guys (in the dairy aisle) were probably having a bit of fun making noises and because YOU are sensitive that you are wearing a mask, ASSUMED that it was directed at you.
This is such a problem now days - its all me, me, me.
Break out your slippers and brew a pot of tea, dear readers, because we have an absolute corker of a tale from the veritable battlefield of the modern Australian supermarket!

In a tale of customer experiences, a shopper at Woolworths has caused a stir on the internet with a surprising claim.

According to the shopper, Woolworths staff acted in an unexpected manner, causing a commotion that resembled the sound of a sheep's bleating while surrounded by shelves stocked with dairy products.

'Hey @woolworths. Your staff just made sheep noises at me in your store because I am wearing a mask. Not shopping with you again.' the user posted on social media.

View attachment 25022
Wearing a mask plays a critical role in reducing the spread of infectious diseases, including COVID-19. Source: Twitter

One thing that has not changed in the retail landscape, pandemic or not, is the customer's right to feel respected and safe in the shopping environment.

Recounting her incident, she added, 'I was in the dairy aisle, and three men were stacking fridges. As I got close, one of them made sheep noises at the back of my head. They had those big metal trollies, so I had to get close to go past.'

The post fueled much speculation, with over 260,000 views and a thousand re-posts, catching the attention of mask proponents and critics alike.

The woman describes herself as a 'protestor and supermum', and her tweets received a multitude of reactions.

Many fellow social media users stood by her, acknowledging her efforts to stay safe amidst the prevailing COVID-19 circumstances.

'It’s strange how so many people don’t know the COVID health advice and don’t realise there are thousands of COVID infections per day, disablement, and hundreds of deaths from COVID per week,' sympathised one user.

'That’s crazy, apart from COVID, the current flu is just awful. My wife is well into her third week and nowhere near recovered. My son, in his late 30’s, caught it from us. He has had COVID twice and reckons this flu is much worse. It is very contagious,' another user chimed in, emphasising the severity of the situation.

View attachment 25024
Wearing a mask helps to protect both the wearer and those around them by minimising the transmission of respiratory droplets, serving as a simple yet effective measure in safeguarding public health. Source: Twitter

A third said, ‘Awful. The looks I get as well, I do it for me, my daughter and the others.’

Despite the criticism, some considered the issue a reflection of the local area's attitude rather than Woolworths itself.

One user defended Woolies, saying, ‘A few of the staff at my local Woolies were wearing masks when I went in today. I’d say it’s more to do with the people in your local area than Woolies itself.’

In an age where the number of daily COVID-19 cases hovers around an average of 1,391, as reported by the government, an incident like this highlights the tension surrounding mask mandates.

Key Takeaways

  • A Woolworths customer has made shocking claims that staff allegedly made 'sheep noises' at her because she was wearing a mask.
  • The shopper shared her experience on social media, amassing over 260,000 views and being retweeted more than a thousand times.
  • Reactions to the shopper's posts have been mixed, with some users supporting her decision to wear a mask and others criticising her complaint.
  • Amidst daily COVID-19 cases averaging 1,391, tensions surrounding mask mandates are highlighted by incidents like this.

While no one is saying you must wear a mask, please do remember that if you choose to wear one for personal protection, that choice deserves respect.

You are entitled to make mask decisions based on your health status and comfort. If you ever feel disrespected during your shopping experience, remember your local supermarket's customer service is there to help. You've earned the right to shop with dignity and peace of mind!

How do you feel about the incident? Share your thoughts on the customer's claim and the importance of respect and understanding in the shopping environment.
More important things to worry about surely !!
I don’t see that there should be any issue about wearing a face mask or not……but I would have an issue if I thought I was being made fun of by employees of a supermarket or anywhere for that matter. I mean if someone was not feeling the best while shopping, to be made fun of isn’t funny…..
Really.. many people just don't get it. Woolworths employees need to be disciplined and apologise. Officially, the Federal Government have called a Covid 7th wave. Recommendations are "mask up" when you can't distance. As, it's flu season, what do we do to prevent catching and/or spreading flu? You guessed it, the same recommendations as Covid. I personally haven't stopped wearing a mask in close confines. Lots of reason.. primarily to keep myself and others safe. As most of us are aware, the general public don't know what 1.5 metres is. In my view keeping personal space is certainly a lost art of etiquette. Yes, I wear a mask, I'm recovering from cancer... I don't need to explain myself to others, or worst get abused, as I have been numerous times. Hope everyone enjoys their day 🙂
1.5 metres hasn't been recommended for quite some time now.
OMG! Another social media warrior wanting their 5 minutes of infamy.

Claims to be in a supermarket in the DAIRY section when the shelves are being stocked and thinks she heard (or herd?) sheep noises being made. So jumps to the conclusion that they are doing it to her because she is wearing a mask! How self-absorbed can you be? This silly person needs to learn that not everything is about them. It may well have been the shelf-stockers having a little fun among themselves whilst stocking the DAIRY products.

As for mask-wearing, I have not stopped either. Like many here I still wear mine in shopping centres, on public transport or elsewhere when others refuse to keep their distance. I still even wipe down my shopping trolley too and use the hand sanitiser. Result, I have not had COVID, flu or RSV or even the common cold. Can't say that about most of those whinging about the need for masks at the height of the pandemic.
1.5 metres hasn't been recommended for quite some time now.
Actually, that is not true. All the same infection control procedures are still recommended including hand washing, use of sanitiser, mask-wearing and distancing. It's just it is not in the daily headlines and people are too complacent to do it. And those same infection control procedures are effective for flu and other easily transmissible disease too.
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1.5 metres hasn't been recommended for quite some time now.
Incorrect. With the 7th of Covid most measures are still recommended by the Federal Health Department. . Just not enforced, if it ever was. Personal distance will always be a thing. Enjoy your day
Break out your slippers and brew a pot of tea, dear readers, because we have an absolute corker of a tale from the veritable battlefield of the modern Australian supermarket!

In a tale of customer experiences, a shopper at Woolworths has caused a stir on the internet with a surprising claim.

According to the shopper, Woolworths staff acted in an unexpected manner, causing a commotion that resembled the sound of a sheep's bleating while surrounded by shelves stocked with dairy products.

'Hey @woolworths. Your staff just made sheep noises at me in your store because I am wearing a mask. Not shopping with you again.' the user posted on social media.

View attachment 25022
Wearing a mask plays a critical role in reducing the spread of infectious diseases, including COVID-19. Source: Twitter

One thing that has not changed in the retail landscape, pandemic or not, is the customer's right to feel respected and safe in the shopping environment.

Recounting her incident, she added, 'I was in the dairy aisle, and three men were stacking fridges. As I got close, one of them made sheep noises at the back of my head. They had those big metal trollies, so I had to get close to go past.'

The post fueled much speculation, with over 260,000 views and a thousand re-posts, catching the attention of mask proponents and critics alike.

The woman describes herself as a 'protestor and supermum', and her tweets received a multitude of reactions.

Many fellow social media users stood by her, acknowledging her efforts to stay safe amidst the prevailing COVID-19 circumstances.

'It’s strange how so many people don’t know the COVID health advice and don’t realise there are thousands of COVID infections per day, disablement, and hundreds of deaths from COVID per week,' sympathised one user.

'That’s crazy, apart from COVID, the current flu is just awful. My wife is well into her third week and nowhere near recovered. My son, in his late 30’s, caught it from us. He has had COVID twice and reckons this flu is much worse. It is very contagious,' another user chimed in, emphasising the severity of the situation.

View attachment 25024
Wearing a mask helps to protect both the wearer and those around them by minimising the transmission of respiratory droplets, serving as a simple yet effective measure in safeguarding public health. Source: Twitter

A third said, ‘Awful. The looks I get as well, I do it for me, my daughter and the others.’

Despite the criticism, some considered the issue a reflection of the local area's attitude rather than Woolworths itself.

One user defended Woolies, saying, ‘A few of the staff at my local Woolies were wearing masks when I went in today. I’d say it’s more to do with the people in your local area than Woolies itself.’

In an age where the number of daily COVID-19 cases hovers around an average of 1,391, as reported by the government, an incident like this highlights the tension surrounding mask mandates.

Key Takeaways

  • A Woolworths customer has made shocking claims that staff allegedly made 'sheep noises' at her because she was wearing a mask.
  • The shopper shared her experience on social media, amassing over 260,000 views and being retweeted more than a thousand times.
  • Reactions to the shopper's posts have been mixed, with some users supporting her decision to wear a mask and others criticising her complaint.
  • Amidst daily COVID-19 cases averaging 1,391, tensions surrounding mask mandates are highlighted by incidents like this.

While no one is saying you must wear a mask, please do remember that if you choose to wear one for personal protection, that choice deserves respect.

You are entitled to make mask decisions based on your health status and comfort. If you ever feel disrespected during your shopping experience, remember your local supermarket's customer service is there to help. You've earned the right to shop with dignity and peace of mind!

How do you feel about the incident? Share your thoughts on the customer's claim and the importance of respect and understanding in the shopping environment.
Oh please! This is just ridiculous...regardless of whether or not she had to get past a large metal cage or made me laugh that this person automatically assumed it was meant for them or if indeed it was actual bleeting noises...seriously..🤣🤣🤣
Methinks Karen is a little overwrote and should go home and have a Bex and a lie down
Actually, that is not true. All the same infection control procedures are still recommended including hand washing, use of sanitiser, mask-wearing and distancing. It's just it is not in the daily headlines and people are too complacent to do it. And those same infection control procedures are effective for flu and other easily transmissible disease too.
My sentiments exactly. When we were getting bombarded every day with wear this, do that, sanitize, wash your hands - so many complained and many more did not adhere to the rules. Then we got more strains of CoVid, we still get new strains of flu yearly and it is up to each of us to protect ourselves the way we feel necessary.

How many more times, and how long, do people expect to be reminded about the most natural things to do in flu season, or while pandemics are around etc? Get your brains working and do the right thing - wear your mask if necessary or you feel comfortable doing so, wash your hands, don't speak or stand close to another to prevent infection etc.

And just ignore what anyone else thinks, says or does. This is not only for your protection but if you have a virus it will protect others. There are other newsworthy items that occupy our lives daily.

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