Sunrise stars Nat and Kochie were stumped by this brain teaser – can you solve it?

Brain teasers are a fantastic way to exercise your mind, keep your mental faculties sharp, and stave off cognitive decline. Plus, they're also a lot of fun!

But sometimes, even the simplest ones can leave us feeling pretty frustrated.

Just ask Sunrise hosts Nat Barr and David 'Kochie' Koch who looked a bit perplexed by a puzzle that's been doing the rounds on social media.

A social media producer filmed Nat and Koch as they tried to make sense of the ‘trending’ brain teaser laid out before them and posted it on Instagram.

In front of the hosts was a line of cherry tomatoes in different groups, starting at one end with four, three, two and one.

The pair are then told they need to flip the order so it would start with one tomato and finish with four – but they're only allowed to move one tomato. Confused? Don’t worry, we feel the same.

‘We need it to be one, two, three, four and in order to do that, you’ve just got to move one tomato. Can you work it out?’ Asked the producer.

Can you solve the clever brain teaser? Credit: Pixabay in Pexels

‘Kochie you should be good at this. You know finance, you know numbers,’ said one producer.

The hosts took a moment to figure out their strategy and try to solve the challenge. Kochie bravely gave it a go – but got it wrong.

Kochie then turned to Nat and said: ‘I had a go, go on!’

‘You’ve got to start at this end,’ he urged. But Nat wasn’t feeling up to the challenge, and replied: ‘I’m so bad at this, I always feel stupid when we do these.’

The producer then tried to coax Kochie to give it another try, saying that he was ‘very close’ to figuring it out. The other producer was about to give him a tip before the camera cuts suddenly.

The hosts looked baffled during the whole ordeal. Credit: Sunrise on 7/TikTok

Fans weren’t impressed by their attempt, with some commenting it was ‘simple’ and the puzzle was ‘so easy’.

Social media users on TikTok felt the same way.

‘Too easy,’ said one.

Another added: ‘Child’s play.’

A third wrote: ‘Glad Kochie doesn’t handle my finances.’

Others were more forgiving with their comments.

‘Took me a few minutes to get it,’ one man said.

Someone else shared: ‘Got this in about 15 seconds. I didn’t have the pressure of being on air though.’

Two other hosts, Mark Beretta and Monique Wright, were given the same test and solved it in under a minute.

After staring at the groups of tomatoes for several seconds, Monique said she had ‘worked it out’.

Fans were impressed by her problem-solving skills.

‘Mind blown, lol love you Mon,’ said one.

‘Well done, Mon!’ Shared another.

Watch Nat and Kochie’s attempt below, and you can also try to solve the brain teaser yourself. The answer at the end of the article:

Key Takeaways

  • Sunrise host Nat Barr and David 'Kochie' Koch struggled to solve a brain teaser involving cherry tomatoes.
  • The pair were left baffled by the challenge, with Kochie getting it completely wrong.
  • Fans scoffed at their attempt, with many saying on Instagram that it was 'simple'.
  • While Nat and Kochie failed the test, Mark Beretta was surprised by how quickly Monique Wright solved it.
To solve the brain teaser, you need to take the second tomato from the group of four, and place it in the gap between one and two. Need a visualisation? You can watch Monica and Mark’s attempt below:

Well, members? Were you able to solve it? Let us know in the comments!
I got it after 5 minutes to be honest they had maybe only 60 seconds

In the beginning you are thinking which one to remove from which group then you realise it's the position of the tomato you need to move
Your looking at the group instead of singularly
Brain teasers are a fantastic way to exercise your mind, keep your mental faculties sharp, and stave off cognitive decline. Plus, they're also a lot of fun!

But sometimes, even the simplest ones can leave us feeling pretty frustrated.

Just ask Sunrise hosts Nat Barr and David 'Kochie' Koch who looked a bit perplexed by a puzzle that's been doing the rounds on social media.

A social media producer filmed Nat and Koch as they tried to make sense of the ‘trending’ brain teaser laid out before them and posted it on Instagram.

In front of the hosts was a line of cherry tomatoes in different groups, starting at one end with four, three, two and one.

The pair are then told they need to flip the order so it would start with one tomato and finish with four – but they're only allowed to move one tomato. Confused? Don’t worry, we feel the same.

‘We need it to be one, two, three, four and in order to do that, you’ve just got to move one tomato. Can you work it out?’ Asked the producer.

View attachment 9346
Can you solve the clever brain teaser? Credit: Pixabay in Pexels

‘Kochie you should be good at this. You know finance, you know numbers,’ said one producer.

The hosts took a moment to figure out their strategy and try to solve the challenge. Kochie bravely gave it a go – but got it wrong.

Kochie then turned to Nat and said: ‘I had a go, go on!’

‘You’ve got to start at this end,’ he urged. But Nat wasn’t feeling up to the challenge, and replied: ‘I’m so bad at this, I always feel stupid when we do these.’

The producer then tried to coax Kochie to give it another try, saying that he was ‘very close’ to figuring it out. The other producer was about to give him a tip before the camera cuts suddenly.

View attachment 9345
The hosts looked baffled during the whole ordeal. Credit: Sunrise on 7/TikTok

Fans weren’t impressed by their attempt, with some commenting it was ‘simple’ and the puzzle was ‘so easy’.

Social media users on TikTok felt the same way.

‘Too easy,’ said one.

Another added: ‘Child’s play.’

A third wrote: ‘Glad Kochie doesn’t handle my finances.’

Others were more forgiving with their comments.

‘Took me a few minutes to get it,’ one man said.

Someone else shared: ‘Got this in about 15 seconds. I didn’t have the pressure of being on air though.’

Two other hosts, Mark Beretta and Monique Wright, were given the same test and solved it in under a minute.

After staring at the groups of tomatoes for several seconds, Monique said she had ‘worked it out’.

Fans were impressed by her problem-solving skills.

‘Mind blown, lol love you Mon,’ said one.

‘Well done, Mon!’ Shared another.

Watch Nat and Kochie’s attempt below, and you can also try to solve the brain teaser yourself. The answer at the end of the article:

Key Takeaways

  • Sunrise host Nat Barr and David 'Kochie' Koch struggled to solve a brain teaser involving cherry tomatoes.
  • The pair were left baffled by the challenge, with Kochie getting it completely wrong.
  • Fans scoffed at their attempt, with many saying on Instagram that it was 'simple'.
  • While Nat and Kochie failed the test, Mark Beretta was surprised by how quickly Monique Wright solved it.
To solve the brain teaser, you need to take the second tomato from the group of four, and place it in the gap between one and two. Need a visualisation? You can watch Monica and Mark’s attempt below:

Well, members? Were you able to solve it? Let us know in the comments!

Been around for a while
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Reactions: Ricci
Brain teasers are a fantastic way to exercise your mind, keep your mental faculties sharp, and stave off cognitive decline. Plus, they're also a lot of fun!

But sometimes, even the simplest ones can leave us feeling pretty frustrated.

Just ask Sunrise hosts Nat Barr and David 'Kochie' Koch who looked a bit perplexed by a puzzle that's been doing the rounds on social media.

A social media producer filmed Nat and Koch as they tried to make sense of the ‘trending’ brain teaser laid out before them and posted it on Instagram.

In front of the hosts was a line of cherry tomatoes in different groups, starting at one end with four, three, two and one.

The pair are then told they need to flip the order so it would start with one tomato and finish with four – but they're only allowed to move one tomato. Confused? Don’t worry, we feel the same.

‘We need it to be one, two, three, four and in order to do that, you’ve just got to move one tomato. Can you work it out?’ Asked the producer.

View attachment 9346
Can you solve the clever brain teaser? Credit: Pixabay in Pexels

‘Kochie you should be good at this. You know finance, you know numbers,’ said one producer.

The hosts took a moment to figure out their strategy and try to solve the challenge. Kochie bravely gave it a go – but got it wrong.

Kochie then turned to Nat and said: ‘I had a go, go on!’

‘You’ve got to start at this end,’ he urged. But Nat wasn’t feeling up to the challenge, and replied: ‘I’m so bad at this, I always feel stupid when we do these.’

The producer then tried to coax Kochie to give it another try, saying that he was ‘very close’ to figuring it out. The other producer was about to give him a tip before the camera cuts suddenly.

View attachment 9345
The hosts looked baffled during the whole ordeal. Credit: Sunrise on 7/TikTok

Fans weren’t impressed by their attempt, with some commenting it was ‘simple’ and the puzzle was ‘so easy’.

Social media users on TikTok felt the same way.

‘Too easy,’ said one.

Another added: ‘Child’s play.’

A third wrote: ‘Glad Kochie doesn’t handle my finances.’

Others were more forgiving with their comments.

‘Took me a few minutes to get it,’ one man said.

Someone else shared: ‘Got this in about 15 seconds. I didn’t have the pressure of being on air though.’

Two other hosts, Mark Beretta and Monique Wright, were given the same test and solved it in under a minute.

After staring at the groups of tomatoes for several seconds, Monique said she had ‘worked it out’.

Fans were impressed by her problem-solving skills.

‘Mind blown, lol love you Mon,’ said one.

‘Well done, Mon!’ Shared another.

Watch Nat and Kochie’s attempt below, and you can also try to solve the brain teaser yourself. The answer at the end of the article:

Key Takeaways

  • Sunrise host Nat Barr and David 'Kochie' Koch struggled to solve a brain teaser involving cherry tomatoes.
  • The pair were left baffled by the challenge, with Kochie getting it completely wrong.
  • Fans scoffed at their attempt, with many saying on Instagram that it was 'simple'.
  • While Nat and Kochie failed the test, Mark Beretta was surprised by how quickly Monique Wright solved it.
To solve the brain teaser, you need to take the second tomato from the group of four, and place it in the gap between one and two. Need a visualisation? You can watch Monica and Mark’s attempt below:

Well, members? Were you able to solve it? Let us know in the comments!

Got in about 20 seconds.
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Reactions: Ricci and JayKay
My son can think outside the square, and sees the answers to these types of puzzles immediately.
He doesn't understand why everyone can't.
My brain is fried, it just starts to spin if I even contemplated to attempt to solve it.
It's called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Brain teasers are a fantastic way to exercise your mind, keep your mental faculties sharp, and stave off cognitive decline. Plus, they're also a lot of fun!

But sometimes, even the simplest ones can leave us feeling pretty frustrated.

Just ask Sunrise hosts Nat Barr and David 'Kochie' Koch who looked a bit perplexed by a puzzle that's been doing the rounds on social media.

A social media producer filmed Nat and Koch as they tried to make sense of the ‘trending’ brain teaser laid out before them and posted it on Instagram.

In front of the hosts was a line of cherry tomatoes in different groups, starting at one end with four, three, two and one.

The pair are then told they need to flip the order so it would start with one tomato and finish with four – but they're only allowed to move one tomato. Confused? Don’t worry, we feel the same.

‘We need it to be one, two, three, four and in order to do that, you’ve just got to move one tomato. Can you work it out?’ Asked the producer.

View attachment 9346
Can you solve the clever brain teaser? Credit: Pixabay in Pexels

‘Kochie you should be good at this. You know finance, you know numbers,’ said one producer.

The hosts took a moment to figure out their strategy and try to solve the challenge. Kochie bravely gave it a go – but got it wrong.

Kochie then turned to Nat and said: ‘I had a go, go on!’

‘You’ve got to start at this end,’ he urged. But Nat wasn’t feeling up to the challenge, and replied: ‘I’m so bad at this, I always feel stupid when we do these.’

The producer then tried to coax Kochie to give it another try, saying that he was ‘very close’ to figuring it out. The other producer was about to give him a tip before the camera cuts suddenly.

View attachment 9345
The hosts looked baffled during the whole ordeal. Credit: Sunrise on 7/TikTok

Fans weren’t impressed by their attempt, with some commenting it was ‘simple’ and the puzzle was ‘so easy’.

Social media users on TikTok felt the same way.

‘Too easy,’ said one.

Another added: ‘Child’s play.’

A third wrote: ‘Glad Kochie doesn’t handle my finances.’

Others were more forgiving with their comments.

‘Took me a few minutes to get it,’ one man said.

Someone else shared: ‘Got this in about 15 seconds. I didn’t have the pressure of being on air though.’

Two other hosts, Mark Beretta and Monique Wright, were given the same test and solved it in under a minute.

After staring at the groups of tomatoes for several seconds, Monique said she had ‘worked it out’.

Fans were impressed by her problem-solving skills.

‘Mind blown, lol love you Mon,’ said one.

‘Well done, Mon!’ Shared another.

Watch Nat and Kochie’s attempt below, and you can also try to solve the brain teaser yourself. The answer at the end of the article:

Key Takeaways

  • Sunrise host Nat Barr and David 'Kochie' Koch struggled to solve a brain teaser involving cherry tomatoes.
  • The pair were left baffled by the challenge, with Kochie getting it completely wrong.
  • Fans scoffed at their attempt, with many saying on Instagram that it was 'simple'.
  • While Nat and Kochie failed the test, Mark Beretta was surprised by how quickly Monique Wright solved it.
To solve the brain teaser, you need to take the second tomato from the group of four, and place it in the gap between one and two. Need a visualisation? You can watch Monica and Mark’s attempt below:

Well, members? Were you able to solve it? Let us know in the comments!

Frankly, I think that is misleading. The gap between the single tomato and the pair of tomatoes is huge. You could fit two in it. One doesn't appear like a group of four.
Brain teasers are a fantastic way to exercise your mind, keep your mental faculties sharp, and stave off cognitive decline. Plus, they're also a lot of fun!

But sometimes, even the simplest ones can leave us feeling pretty frustrated.

Just ask Sunrise hosts Nat Barr and David 'Kochie' Koch who looked a bit perplexed by a puzzle that's been doing the rounds on social media.

A social media producer filmed Nat and Koch as they tried to make sense of the ‘trending’ brain teaser laid out before them and posted it on Instagram.

In front of the hosts was a line of cherry tomatoes in different groups, starting at one end with four, three, two and one.

The pair are then told they need to flip the order so it would start with one tomato and finish with four – but they're only allowed to move one tomato. Confused? Don’t worry, we feel the same.

‘We need it to be one, two, three, four and in order to do that, you’ve just got to move one tomato. Can you work it out?’ Asked the producer.

View attachment 9346
Can you solve the clever brain teaser? Credit: Pixabay in Pexels

‘Kochie you should be good at this. You know finance, you know numbers,’ said one producer.

The hosts took a moment to figure out their strategy and try to solve the challenge. Kochie bravely gave it a go – but got it wrong.

Kochie then turned to Nat and said: ‘I had a go, go on!’

‘You’ve got to start at this end,’ he urged. But Nat wasn’t feeling up to the challenge, and replied: ‘I’m so bad at this, I always feel stupid when we do these.’

The producer then tried to coax Kochie to give it another try, saying that he was ‘very close’ to figuring it out. The other producer was about to give him a tip before the camera cuts suddenly.

View attachment 9345
The hosts looked baffled during the whole ordeal. Credit: Sunrise on 7/TikTok

Fans weren’t impressed by their attempt, with some commenting it was ‘simple’ and the puzzle was ‘so easy’.

Social media users on TikTok felt the same way.

‘Too easy,’ said one.

Another added: ‘Child’s play.’

A third wrote: ‘Glad Kochie doesn’t handle my finances.’

Others were more forgiving with their comments.

‘Took me a few minutes to get it,’ one man said.

Someone else shared: ‘Got this in about 15 seconds. I didn’t have the pressure of being on air though.’

Two other hosts, Mark Beretta and Monique Wright, were given the same test and solved it in under a minute.

After staring at the groups of tomatoes for several seconds, Monique said she had ‘worked it out’.

Fans were impressed by her problem-solving skills.

‘Mind blown, lol love you Mon,’ said one.

‘Well done, Mon!’ Shared another.

Watch Nat and Kochie’s attempt below, and you can also try to solve the brain teaser yourself. The answer at the end of the article:

Key Takeaways

  • Sunrise host Nat Barr and David 'Kochie' Koch struggled to solve a brain teaser involving cherry tomatoes.
  • The pair were left baffled by the challenge, with Kochie getting it completely wrong.
  • Fans scoffed at their attempt, with many saying on Instagram that it was 'simple'.
  • While Nat and Kochie failed the test, Mark Beretta was surprised by how quickly Monique Wright solved it.
To solve the brain teaser, you need to take the second tomato from the group of four, and place it in the gap between one and two. Need a visualisation? You can watch Monica and Mark’s attempt below:

Well, members? Were you able to solve it? Let us know in the comments!

It's very easy, take the second from the right 4 and place it between 1+2 on the left side
Brain teasers are a fantastic way to exercise your mind, keep your mental faculties sharp, and stave off cognitive decline. Plus, they're also a lot of fun!

But sometimes, even the simplest ones can leave us feeling pretty frustrated.

Just ask Sunrise hosts Nat Barr and David 'Kochie' Koch who looked a bit perplexed by a puzzle that's been doing the rounds on social media.

A social media producer filmed Nat and Koch as they tried to make sense of the ‘trending’ brain teaser laid out before them and posted it on Instagram.

In front of the hosts was a line of cherry tomatoes in different groups, starting at one end with four, three, two and one.

The pair are then told they need to flip the order so it would start with one tomato and finish with four – but they're only allowed to move one tomato. Confused? Don’t worry, we feel the same.

‘We need it to be one, two, three, four and in order to do that, you’ve just got to move one tomato. Can you work it out?’ Asked the producer.

View attachment 9346
Can you solve the clever brain teaser? Credit: Pixabay in Pexels

‘Kochie you should be good at this. You know finance, you know numbers,’ said one producer.

The hosts took a moment to figure out their strategy and try to solve the challenge. Kochie bravely gave it a go – but got it wrong.

Kochie then turned to Nat and said: ‘I had a go, go on!’

‘You’ve got to start at this end,’ he urged. But Nat wasn’t feeling up to the challenge, and replied: ‘I’m so bad at this, I always feel stupid when we do these.’

The producer then tried to coax Kochie to give it another try, saying that he was ‘very close’ to figuring it out. The other producer was about to give him a tip before the camera cuts suddenly.

View attachment 9345
The hosts looked baffled during the whole ordeal. Credit: Sunrise on 7/TikTok

Fans weren’t impressed by their attempt, with some commenting it was ‘simple’ and the puzzle was ‘so easy’.

Social media users on TikTok felt the same way.

‘Too easy,’ said one.

Another added: ‘Child’s play.’

A third wrote: ‘Glad Kochie doesn’t handle my finances.’

Others were more forgiving with their comments.

‘Took me a few minutes to get it,’ one man said.

Someone else shared: ‘Got this in about 15 seconds. I didn’t have the pressure of being on air though.’

Two other hosts, Mark Beretta and Monique Wright, were given the same test and solved it in under a minute.

After staring at the groups of tomatoes for several seconds, Monique said she had ‘worked it out’.

Fans were impressed by her problem-solving skills.

‘Mind blown, lol love you Mon,’ said one.

‘Well done, Mon!’ Shared another.

Watch Nat and Kochie’s attempt below, and you can also try to solve the brain teaser yourself. The answer at the end of the article:

Key Takeaways

  • Sunrise host Nat Barr and David 'Kochie' Koch struggled to solve a brain teaser involving cherry tomatoes.
  • The pair were left baffled by the challenge, with Kochie getting it completely wrong.
  • Fans scoffed at their attempt, with many saying on Instagram that it was 'simple'.
  • While Nat and Kochie failed the test, Mark Beretta was surprised by how quickly Monique Wright solved it.
To solve the brain teaser, you need to take the second tomato from the group of four, and place it in the gap between one and two. Need a visualisation? You can watch Monica and Mark’s attempt below:

Well, members? Were you able to solve it? Let us know in the comments!

So easy....once you know! I didn't 🙄

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