Sunrise host reveals health update and urges Aussies to get checked

In a candid and eye-opening segment on Sunrise, veteran TV presenter Natalie Barr shared a personal health scare that has since become a crucial wake-up call for all Australians.

Natalie's story is not just a personal anecdote; it's a stark reminder of the pervasive threat of this type of disease in Australia, a country known for its sunny skies and outdoor lifestyle.

Natalie revealed that she was diagnosed with skin cancer on her nose, a diagnosis that came about after noticing a persistent 'pimple' that wouldn't fade away.

During the live TV segment, Natalie recounted her journey, explaining that it had been years since her last skin check.

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Natalie Barr revealed she was diagnosed with skin cancer. Credit: @sunriseon7 / Instagram

'I had a pimple on my nose that wouldn’t go away, plus I reckon it was at least a couple of years since I had had a skin check,' she said.

‘So, I came to the dermatologist, and he said it was skin cancer, this tiny little dot on my nose.’

Her decision to visit a dermatologist led to the discovery of a tiny, three-millimetre lesion on her nose, which was later confirmed to be cancerous following a biopsy.

Thankfully, Natalie's condition was caught early, and she was able to avoid surgery.

‘The good news is more than 90 per cent of cases can be successfully treated if detected early, and that is exactly what happened to me,’ she explained.

‘Using new AI technology, my doctor was able to detect and treat the issue without any surgery.’

The doctor also used a Spectrascope during her appointment that allowed for precise detection and treatment planning.

Her treatment involved a combination of a special cream and light therapy, a testament to the advancements in non-invasive skin cancer treatments.

‘That (spot) was so tiny, it was just a tiny, tiny little red thing,’ she added.

Natalie's shock at her diagnosis is a feeling many Australians can relate to.

‘So many of us think, “I should get skin cancer checks”… but it has been a few years since we all did it cause we all live in the sun,’ she said.

‘It is just a good reminder for everyone, remember to get your skin checked regularly.’

In a similar story, a beautician highlighted the danger of ignoring suspicious spots on the skin after her own experience with a 'dodgy' white spot on her lip turned out to be skin cancer.

Her case illustrated the importance of persistence in seeking a proper diagnosis. You can read more about the story here.
Key Takeaways
  • Sunrise host Natalie Barr revealed she was recently diagnosed with skin cancer on her nose and urged Australians to get regular skin checks.
  • Barr shared that her cancer was detected early, making it very treatable with over 90 per cent success rate if found early.
  • She underwent an advanced AI-assisted diagnosis using a Spectrascope, followed by a biopsy that confirmed the presence of skin cancer.
  • Natalie Barr's treatment involved a non-surgical approach using a special cream and light therapy, and she shared the experience to remind others of the importance of skin cancer checks.
Do you have other tips on how to stay safe from the harmful rays of the sun? Share them with us in the comments below!
I have regular 6 monthly checks having had 3 melanoma's removed. Currently waiting for biopsy results for another possible one. I have to cover up or put sunscreen on 365 days of the year as it is accumulative and I can't afford to have any sun on my skin.
people do experience this often. Our country has more cases than others. Don't know she really need to go that public though, you'd think it was something a new. A quick reference to being checked would have been enough in this insistance I think. There is a lot of this in the media. Hover if one has never been checked... it's time.
Suspect she had a BCC, Basal Cell Carcinoma. The most common and innocuous of skin cancers. I treat mine with Frankinsense essential oil which does the job. Then there is SCC squamous cell cancer which is a little more invasive and usually need surgical intervention. ( have also had this myself which was surgically removed) Then there is Melanoma of course, the deadliest of skin cancers..
I have regular 6 monthly checks having had 3 melanoma's removed. Currently waiting for biopsy results for another possible one. I have to cover up or put sunscreen on 365 days of the year as it is accumulative and I can't afford to have any sun on my skin.
good luck. i am waiting for 3 scc's to be diagnosed.
I had a small spot near my noose that kept weeping, so I told the doctor and upon examination turned out to be a small skin cancer. The doctor removed the spot and sent it off to be checked. You never can tell; it pays to get these things checked out.
Definitely get any unusual spots checked. I had a spot on my nose checked 7 years ago, did a biopsy, all clear. 7 years on & I noticed the spot was getting a little bigger. Another biopsy, different place, BCC nodule diagnosed. Surgery done, 3 skin flap all the way down my nose, 21 stitches. Biopsy done, BCC invasive discovered. Referred to specialist who does the Moyes surgery. More cutting & stitches, but all came back clear. So hopefully all cancer was removed.
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I’m sure a reminder to people to have skin checks would have been sufficient, instead of filming the procedure etc etc. especially since very few ordinary people would be able to afford to visit the clinic she did, or to have the upmarket u beaut treatment she could afford. Who wants to be filmed during such treatments anyway, other than someone wanting publicity.

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