Struggling to make ends meet? Upcoming Centrelink boost still not enough for Aussies

As the cost of living continues to soar, millions of Australians who rely on Centrelink payments are facing an uphill battle to make ends meet.

A recent announcement may see a boost in payments, yet many recipients think that this is not enough to get by.

Starting Friday, 20 September, regular indexation will see a payment increase for over five million Aussies, including those receiving JobSeeker and the Age Pension payouts.

Single Age Pension recipients should receive an additional $28.10 for single recipients or $42.40 for couples per fortnight.

This increase could bring total payments up to $1,047.10 for singles and $1,725.20 in total for couples.

Parenting Payment Single base will go up by $19.80 per fortnight, while the Parenting Payment Couple will increase by $14.

According to the government, this increase could provide 'timely cost-of-living relief'.

The increase in payments aimed to alleviate cost-of-living concerns among Australians. Image Credit: Shutterstock/Nils Versemann

However, the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) and numerous recipients say otherwise.

'Although the increase per fortnight is certainly appreciated, it is still nowhere near enough to live off in these tough times,' one JobSeeker recipient said.

With rental prices skyrocketing and the general cost of living on the rise, the extra money is seen as a drop in the ocean.

'The Government still doesn't realise how far this money goes when you have rent to pay,' they added.

Another JobSeeker recipient shared her struggle to cover rent, utility bills, and the rising cost of groceries and fuel.

She stated that she could go 'broke' on the same day she received her payment.

According to PropTrack data, the nationwide rent average stayed steady at $600 per week, marking a 9.1 per cent annual increase.

'ACOSS welcomes investment in social security, but the core issue remains: JobSeeker, Youth Allowance, and related payments remain below all measures of adequacy,' ACOSS stated.

The welfare body also called for a raise in pension payments to at least $80 a day to effectively 'cover the basics'.

The organisation also pointed out that less than half of JobSeeker recipients get Rent Assistance.

Despite the upcoming ten per cent increase in Commonwealth Rental Assistance, most will still be in housing stress due to low JobSeeker and Youth Allowance payments.

Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth stated that the government has been 'firmly committed' to assisting Australians facing cost-of-living challenges.

'Indexation, together with our Budget measures, means maximum rates of Commonwealth Rent Assistance will have increased by around 45 per cent since the Albanese Government was elected,' Minister Rishworth said.

'This indexation will deliver timely boosts to people receiving allowance payments and pensions, ensuring that these vulnerable cohorts have more money in their pockets for everyday expenses.'

Yet, the question remains whether these measures are sufficient to support the vulnerable populations who are struggling to afford necessities.

The increases may be a step in the right direction, but the conversation around social security and the cost of living needs to continue.
Key Takeaways

  • Over five million Australians should see an increase in their Centrelink payments from starting 20 September, despite being criticised as insufficient.
  • JobSeeker and the Age Pension recipients could receive modest increases for their payments, which do not cover necessities.
  • ACOSS declared that the social support payment rates are not enough and called to raise them to at least $80 per day.
  • Alongside the payment increases, the maximum rate of Commonwealth Rental Assistance will rise by ten per cent, albeit fewer people only get Rent Assistance.
What do you think of the upcoming payment increase? Are they enough to help you manage your expenses? Share your opinions with us in the comments section below.
From all the comments, it’s easy to see that we are not doing it very well in these inflation times. If only the Govt politicians could see these comments, and know what the average Aussie really feels. They need to get down to earth and LISTEN.
Dont argue amongst ourselves. Save it for the pollies.
LOL no point getting into a discussion with someone who is as politically ignorant as you and who just swallows the media garbage like a hungry waif would food! You are not worth discussing the situation with as you are not smart enough to realise what the media is feeding you is garbage ... I actually pity you.
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you are so blind at what is going on in this country I know more than you think.
This is indexation to the age pension, not an increase. I just joined up and am dismayed to see you're using the same weasel words as we see in advertising. I want information please, not spin.

To those who say all political parties are the same because they all shaft pensioners: I just stopped thinking of myself as a Labor voter because I consider Albanese to have betrayed the nation in doing nothing for renters when he came to power. In fact, he has effectively ignored the real urgent needs of the whole housing sector—renters, buyers and mortgage holders alike. His mother must be turning in her grave.

But all is not lost! I just joined the Greens and have been astonished at their level of honesty and commitment. They cover all ages, not just the young ones. I am now a housing activist with them. They do have real policies which will make an enormous difference to those living below the poverty line If they get the balance of power federally. They give top priority to the housing crisis.

One other observation: this is much more than just a housing crisis. It is a homing crisis. The homing pigeon has nowhere to come home to! This nation must rise above its purely materialistic thinking to accept that a home is a fundamental human right. We need to put the living human being in our sights, not just bricks and mortar. Our problems can never be solved as long as rentals are seen purely as property investment for the well off. We need a federal human rights act so human values can be enforced.
Sure, once the increase is given. The costs $$ go Up again. And we're back to square one. The problem must be fixed at the start. Not later as a band aid fix. Doing the same thing over and over again, and expect a different result? Will Not happen.
$28.10 a fortnight equals $730.60 for singles
where do you get$1047 for singles
low income earners just received $74/40 a week payrise due to inflation
also if it is a working couple thats $289.60 compared to a married couple on a pensionof $42.40
The politions believe that 2 people can life as cheap as one they don't stop to think that you have twice the living expense double the medication, food, clothing and the list goes on if you live in private rental the rent goes up every time you renew your lease which negates any pension increase. As for housing if you do manage to supplement your pension you no longer qualify for public housing. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer there is no such thing as middle class any more.
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The politions believe that 2 people can life as cheap as one they don't stop to think that you have twice the living expense double the medication, food, clothing and the list goes on if you live in private rental the rent goes up every time you renew your lease which negates any pension increase. As for housing if you do manage to supplement your pension you no longer qualify for public housing. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer there is no such thing as middle class any more.
The easy thing to do is get divorced and then you have double the income...QED
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Sorry for your loss, and now more hardship for what the Govt has thrown at you. 😔

My Darling husband passed away last October and immediately I am on Single pension.
I had nursed him for 23yrs with minimal help.and received a letter letting me know I wes in arrears after the next pension although they had made the mistake not me Now I receive less than $700 per fortnight . It's so hard and I don't understand
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i do not know how old you are but if you are on the aged pension then you should be getting over $1100 which is still not enough
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I would definitely look into that.. you should be getting at least $1,300 per fortnight...
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I am so sorry for your loss, I too lost the Love of my life and still mourning and missing him . When he was alive we lived comfortably on 2 pensions, now the income has been cut in half whereas the expenses have not, and to those people who criticise others for having a drink, a smoke or a bit of gambling , please do not begrudge us these little escapes from being alone , lonely, depressed. if you were 80 years old, lost your companion after 60 years of marriage, do you think planting some vegies in your backyard, will composate you for your great loss? NO, because something big dies in you, you need a bit of a social life to keep you alive and for that you need a bit of extra money. I've always loved this country and thank God for it, but circumstanses changes and so do our needs.
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Oh your so right we need to organise a protest. Rally
Yesss!! I would love to join a seniors protest rally if enough people get together to be heard as there are more older citizens voting these days maybe they might listen 🙄
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