Struggling to make ends meet? Upcoming Centrelink boost still not enough for Aussies

As the cost of living continues to soar, millions of Australians who rely on Centrelink payments are facing an uphill battle to make ends meet.

A recent announcement may see a boost in payments, yet many recipients think that this is not enough to get by.

Starting Friday, 20 September, regular indexation will see a payment increase for over five million Aussies, including those receiving JobSeeker and the Age Pension payouts.

Single Age Pension recipients should receive an additional $28.10 for single recipients or $42.40 for couples per fortnight.

This increase could bring total payments up to $1,047.10 for singles and $1,725.20 in total for couples.

Parenting Payment Single base will go up by $19.80 per fortnight, while the Parenting Payment Couple will increase by $14.

According to the government, this increase could provide 'timely cost-of-living relief'.

The increase in payments aimed to alleviate cost-of-living concerns among Australians. Image Credit: Shutterstock/Nils Versemann

However, the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) and numerous recipients say otherwise.

'Although the increase per fortnight is certainly appreciated, it is still nowhere near enough to live off in these tough times,' one JobSeeker recipient said.

With rental prices skyrocketing and the general cost of living on the rise, the extra money is seen as a drop in the ocean.

'The Government still doesn't realise how far this money goes when you have rent to pay,' they added.

Another JobSeeker recipient shared her struggle to cover rent, utility bills, and the rising cost of groceries and fuel.

She stated that she could go 'broke' on the same day she received her payment.

According to PropTrack data, the nationwide rent average stayed steady at $600 per week, marking a 9.1 per cent annual increase.

'ACOSS welcomes investment in social security, but the core issue remains: JobSeeker, Youth Allowance, and related payments remain below all measures of adequacy,' ACOSS stated.

The welfare body also called for a raise in pension payments to at least $80 a day to effectively 'cover the basics'.

The organisation also pointed out that less than half of JobSeeker recipients get Rent Assistance.

Despite the upcoming ten per cent increase in Commonwealth Rental Assistance, most will still be in housing stress due to low JobSeeker and Youth Allowance payments.

Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth stated that the government has been 'firmly committed' to assisting Australians facing cost-of-living challenges.

'Indexation, together with our Budget measures, means maximum rates of Commonwealth Rent Assistance will have increased by around 45 per cent since the Albanese Government was elected,' Minister Rishworth said.

'This indexation will deliver timely boosts to people receiving allowance payments and pensions, ensuring that these vulnerable cohorts have more money in their pockets for everyday expenses.'

Yet, the question remains whether these measures are sufficient to support the vulnerable populations who are struggling to afford necessities.

The increases may be a step in the right direction, but the conversation around social security and the cost of living needs to continue.
Key Takeaways

  • Over five million Australians should see an increase in their Centrelink payments from starting 20 September, despite being criticised as insufficient.
  • JobSeeker and the Age Pension recipients could receive modest increases for their payments, which do not cover necessities.
  • ACOSS declared that the social support payment rates are not enough and called to raise them to at least $80 per day.
  • Alongside the payment increases, the maximum rate of Commonwealth Rental Assistance will rise by ten per cent, albeit fewer people only get Rent Assistance.
What do you think of the upcoming payment increase? Are they enough to help you manage your expenses? Share your opinions with us in the comments section below.
In this wonderful country we should be very thankful for what we receive as well as so many other benefits like PBS and some Dental Care. Remember we are adults and as adults we should have looked to the future to ensure that we could survive older age
So true. Certainly lucky to be living here. I wonder how the moaners would go living in countries where there are no hand outs or welfare of any sort. Nothing!! People risk their lives on overcrowded boats just to get a chance to live here.
What a joke! I can't stop laughing. It doesn't even come close to covering the recent rent increase. Try $750 a week—that may stop me laughing. That is an insult to my intelligence.
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You lucky you still got your wife ., hate to see you complaining , I lost my husband to COVID caught in hospital I would give back the carer pension any day. To have him here
I wouldn't say he was complaining, just pointing out the truth and he wasn't talking about the carer pension, but the carer allowance, which is a miserly $153.50 a fortnight.
My daughter has an NDIS plan,if I was to put her in care for 24 hours on a weekday, the
"government approved "NDIS provider rate is in excess of $1300, Saturday,Sunday and public holidays go up dramatically ending up at around $4,000 a day.
The cost for one days care is in
excess of the whole fortnight's carer pension and the government are not in a hurry to hand that out, most people are only given the allowance.
I think they're more than entitled to complain.
I am sure you would wish to have your husband back as I would mine but it has no relevance to the carer payments that people receive.
You people never disappoint. As soon as I saw it was pension adjustment time I didn’t need to wait long for the whining to start. It doesn’t matter what the Government does it is never enough. Be happy you actually got an increase. From some of the comments it’s no wonder you can’t manage on the amount of money you receive as you are obviously financial illiterate and can’t even work out why you are getting less than the standard pension
That is quite rude, calling anyone illiterate is an insult. i am sure everyone is grateful to be living in this great country of ours, & maybe being assisted by public housing & a c/link payment, the pension is still not enough to cover all expenses and the costs of food, utilities, fuel, & everything in fact, just keeps rising. Add to this if a person is paying for a private rental,
that is if they can get one, forget about trying to pay for the above without making time to pay arrangements, thank god for that avenue. Pple might be able to manage better if their income matched the rising costs! Whereas the Politician and others have substantial pay increases, & if one does a term in parliament, then decides - that's enough, they leave with
a lifetime pension - which is a considerable amount compared to the Age pension of the lay person.
For pple that may still be able to work p/time in their older yrs - allow this as other countries do,
as they will still then be paying taxes - a cap could even be put on this per week as far as earnings
allowed, not the pathetic $300 per fortnight! It's disgusting that they seem to think that a $2 a day rise will help, almost looking down & giving the scraps - yes i agree every little bit helps, & we are fortunate to have c/link payments in this country, along with the best medical, not so sure about the housing now, more and more homeless of all ages on the streets or share housing if they can. The gov't needs to look after the Australians that built this country, Albo has forgotten where he came from, although he likes to tell us. I hope this has helped to Amuse You!
Disability Support Pension or Carer Allowance only goes up once a year in or around Feb. The increase is only a few dollars per year. No were near the true cost of being a carer. I've be getting the carers allowance now for my wife for over 18 yrs and in all that time it has only gone up by about $50 to $60 . This is one allowance that the Government has forgotten about. Some people getting this allowance are not even on any pension and they have to use their own money to cover the cost. This allowance has to increase by at least a $100 per fortnight to make any difference. Right now it is at $153.50 per fortnight.
Not true at all. DSP is increased at the same rate and at the same time as AGE pensions.
So true. Certainly lucky to be living here. I wonder how the moaners would go living in countries where there are no hand outs or welfare of any sort. Nothing!! People risk their lives on overcrowded boats just to get a chance to live here.
Or maybe they could live in New Zealand or the UK where you don't have to report every cent and you are entitled to your pension no matter what.
There are plenty of countries that are on a better system than here.
Australian citizens live here and are entitled to complain about the system here if they so wish.
If you are in a financial position where you don't have to complain, as am I, that doesn't give you the right to denigrate the people who aren't .
We don't live in a 3rd world impoverished country so your comments are irrelevant.
Although I must admit our politicians treat our pensioners as though they do, while lining their pockets and waiting for their golden retirements.
Hi, does anyone know if the rent assistance amount has increased? I’ve heard bits about it, but have seen nothing confirmed.
I believe it’s going up $20.oo a fortnight just in time for my yearly rent rise of $50.00 a fortnight at the end of November.😊 Better than nothing right.
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$28.10 a fortnight equals $730.60 for singles
where do you get$1047 for singles
low income earners just received $74/40 a week payrise due to inflation
also if it is a working couple thats $289.60 compared to a married couple on a pensionof $42.40
My Darling husband passed away last October and immediately I am on Single pension.
I had nursed him for 23yrs with minimal help.and received a letter letting me know I wes in arrears after the next pension although they had made the mistake not me Now I receive less than $700 per fortnight . It's so hard and I don't understand
My Darling husband passed away last October and immediately I am on Single pension.
I had nursed him for 23yrs with minimal help.and received a letter letting me know I wes in arrears after the next pension although they had made the mistake not me Now I receive less than $700 per fortnight . It's so hard and I don't understand
I would be making an appointment to see them and ask them to explain.

They are very good at making mistakes. I have had four big run ins with Centrelink,once they accused me of fraud, another time they stopped my pension as well as my husband's and daughters for not providing information they requested. I had actually provided it three times. Local member soon had that fixed up.
Every one of these four episodes was their error misplaced paper work, filing information in the wrong place, etc
Seems to me you have to be totally inefficient to get a job in Centrelink.
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I‘m not affected by this as I don’t receive Centrelink payments but I read the article anyway, and what a joke! How the Government can say that this is a 'timely cost-of-living relief' for Centrelink recipients is unbelievable. Albo should have been doing so much more to help recipients before now and not using Indexation to make it sound like his Government had anything to do with the increase.

As my mum would have said, he’s all mouth and no trousers (loud-mouthed and boastful, but lacking in substance) :confused:
What did Morrison do while he was in for 10 years I know he gave himself and all other politicians 4 pay rises Albo is doing his best given the mess Morrison and his mates left the place in wake up and look at what he has tried to do wingers I’m on a cater allowance work part-time (as a volunteer)and I can tell you $156 doesn’t cut it.
Yes, it's not enough 💵💰 and does anyone really believe that any opposition parties, give you anymore?
In the old days every home had a good veggie patch and 1 or 2 hens and you would go to the markets for your 🍑.
I know of several families who do and some even use either cordial and milk bottles hanging upside down. Beans and Peas do wonders. PVC pipe for Strawberries. Don't forget the spuds and check uTube
The ideas are endless.
Yes I remember those days. Less winging and getting on with it. Each government is as bad as the next. Look at all the contracts that were signed for the next 5 years and can’t be changed. We gave control of our road tolls to another outsider and the list goes on. Just get on with it and be glad you’re not a teenager or child with all the rubbish especially social Media. Give me the good old days
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My Darling husband passed away last October and immediately I am on Single pension.
I had nursed him for 23yrs with minimal help.and received a letter letting me know I wes in arrears after the next pension although they had made the mistake not me Now I receive less than $700 per fortnight . It's so hard and I don't understand
Condolences to you. If it was an error that C/Link has made and you are in financial crises as most are that are on c/link payments - then i would make contact with your local MP or the community
Law centre in your state for advice & assistance, this includes Welfare Rights and Advocacy Services. Their is always an appeals avenue, if you would like to try that first with centrelink itself, failing the above, seek the assistance of the Ombudsman. All the very best to you.
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What about Disability Support Pension?
Agreed. I'm on a DSP + rent assistance and nowhere near enough to pay rent of $425 week, plus food, electricity, gas, car rego, car maintenance, household insurance, comprehensive insurance, health insurance, petrol, medical, health, dental expenses, etc, etc, etc. I'm chewing into my minimal superannuation to keep me afloat for the next 3 years by which time I don't want to know where I'll be financially.
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Agreed. I'm on a DSP + rent assistance and nowhere near enough to pay rent of $425 week, plus food, electricity, gas, car rego, car maintenance, household insurance, comprehensive insurance, health insurance, petrol, medical, health, dental expenses, etc, etc, etc. I'm chewing into my minimal superannuation to keep me afloat for the next 3 years by which time I don't want to know where I'll be financially.
I know how you feel it’s scary isn’t it I don’t like to think of the future it’s too depressing.
Stop the earth I wish to get off.🧐
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