Struggling to make ends meet? Upcoming Centrelink boost still not enough for Aussies

As the cost of living continues to soar, millions of Australians who rely on Centrelink payments are facing an uphill battle to make ends meet.

A recent announcement may see a boost in payments, yet many recipients think that this is not enough to get by.

Starting Friday, 20 September, regular indexation will see a payment increase for over five million Aussies, including those receiving JobSeeker and the Age Pension payouts.

Single Age Pension recipients should receive an additional $28.10 for single recipients or $42.40 for couples per fortnight.

This increase could bring total payments up to $1,047.10 for singles and $1,725.20 in total for couples.

Parenting Payment Single base will go up by $19.80 per fortnight, while the Parenting Payment Couple will increase by $14.

According to the government, this increase could provide 'timely cost-of-living relief'.

The increase in payments aimed to alleviate cost-of-living concerns among Australians. Image Credit: Shutterstock/Nils Versemann

However, the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) and numerous recipients say otherwise.

'Although the increase per fortnight is certainly appreciated, it is still nowhere near enough to live off in these tough times,' one JobSeeker recipient said.

With rental prices skyrocketing and the general cost of living on the rise, the extra money is seen as a drop in the ocean.

'The Government still doesn't realise how far this money goes when you have rent to pay,' they added.

Another JobSeeker recipient shared her struggle to cover rent, utility bills, and the rising cost of groceries and fuel.

She stated that she could go 'broke' on the same day she received her payment.

According to PropTrack data, the nationwide rent average stayed steady at $600 per week, marking a 9.1 per cent annual increase.

'ACOSS welcomes investment in social security, but the core issue remains: JobSeeker, Youth Allowance, and related payments remain below all measures of adequacy,' ACOSS stated.

The welfare body also called for a raise in pension payments to at least $80 a day to effectively 'cover the basics'.

The organisation also pointed out that less than half of JobSeeker recipients get Rent Assistance.

Despite the upcoming ten per cent increase in Commonwealth Rental Assistance, most will still be in housing stress due to low JobSeeker and Youth Allowance payments.

Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth stated that the government has been 'firmly committed' to assisting Australians facing cost-of-living challenges.

'Indexation, together with our Budget measures, means maximum rates of Commonwealth Rent Assistance will have increased by around 45 per cent since the Albanese Government was elected,' Minister Rishworth said.

'This indexation will deliver timely boosts to people receiving allowance payments and pensions, ensuring that these vulnerable cohorts have more money in their pockets for everyday expenses.'

Yet, the question remains whether these measures are sufficient to support the vulnerable populations who are struggling to afford necessities.

The increases may be a step in the right direction, but the conversation around social security and the cost of living needs to continue.
Key Takeaways

  • Over five million Australians should see an increase in their Centrelink payments from starting 20 September, despite being criticised as insufficient.
  • JobSeeker and the Age Pension recipients could receive modest increases for their payments, which do not cover necessities.
  • ACOSS declared that the social support payment rates are not enough and called to raise them to at least $80 per day.
  • Alongside the payment increases, the maximum rate of Commonwealth Rental Assistance will rise by ten per cent, albeit fewer people only get Rent Assistance.
What do you think of the upcoming payment increase? Are they enough to help you manage your expenses? Share your opinions with us in the comments section below.
Last year I read the "fat cats" in the public service, here in WA,.received a
$50,000 a year pay rise on top of their already more than generous salaries.
Almost $1,000 a week rise and we are handed a $28.10/fortnight pittance.
When is all this rorting by people in high places going to stop.
It doesn't matter which party we vote for the pensioners always get shafted.
this is so true like to see them take a pay cut and help the pensioners out the fat cats look after themselves
If the pension has increased by $28 /fn then why did my pension payment decrease by $30 /fn. ? I have had no notification of why the change.
The pension increase isn't until later this month.
Do you have other income, if not I would be querying the decrease.
Check your myGov account and see if you have any correspondence regarding the decrease.
The carer allowance only goes up once a year,.but the Disability Support Pension rises twice yearly, at the same time as the age pension.
My daughter has been on DSP for most of her life. It always rises twice a year.
I agree with you about the carer allowance, it is a pittance and an insult to carers when you think just how much money they save the government than if these people were placed into care instead of being looked after at home.
Yes it is a pathetic amount & the same for all recipients. This is regardless of how severe the disability is, which obviously determines the amount of care needed. When I was receiving this for my 30yr old with mod/severe ID, ASD & other, someone I knew was receiving double because she had 2 kids that popped a pill for ADHD. Both went to school, drove cars & got jobs! There was not much extra care needed at all for them.
Yes it is a pathetic amount & the same for all recipients. This is regardless of how severe the disability is, which obviously determines the amount of care needed. When I was receiving this for my 30yr old with mod/severe ID, ASD & other, someone I knew was receiving double because she had 2 kids that popped a pill for ADHD. Both went to school, drove cars & got jobs! There was not much extra care needed at all for them.
I hear you. I read an article the other day where a young lady with the same type of disability as my daughter, albeit a little more severe, was receiving $300,000/year from NDIS and her parents were requesting more.
My daughter receives $35,000 a year and I am very grateful for that.
Go figure!!
some people should be lucky they get public housing, it is a percentage of your pension. A pension won't be available in 15 years.
The pension will always be available for those that need it. There will be less people on it due to employer superannuation contributions being increased. The government have said the aged pension is sustainable.
Anything is a help. Although I think, from past experiences that if a Liberal Government gets into power again in Queensland the first thing they will do is raise public housing rent. We have been lucky for a bit with the Labor government. But all governments are out to take what they can unfortunately. They give with one hand and take with the other.
The Queensland premier just took a jet for an 11-minute flight from Brisbane to Gold coast for a birthday cake delivery.
What chance has any pensioner got, does he not know about the cost of living? Who holds these idiots accountable?:ninja:
I hear you. I read an article the other day where a young lady with the same type of disability as my daughter, albeit a little more severe, was receiving $300,000/year from NDIS and her parents were requesting more.
My daughter receives $35,000 a year and I am very grateful for that.
Go figure!!
My 30 yr old son is on NDIS & now lives in SIL, 10 minutes from me. I could no longer support him at home as he became more aggressive with me & his meltdowns are violent. I was scared to be alone with him. He has speech therapy, developmental education, occupational therapy & a behaviour support specialist (psychologist). Restrictive practice around food & sharp items. He is very sociable & endearing until he is triggered. He is now supported by younger male SW’s & we see each other several times a week. Without NDIS I doubt that I would still be alive.
We are on the age pension after we pay council rates water rates funeral fund and other utilities we don't have enough to carry us over to the next payment and the cost of living just keeps accelerating every time you shop items go up around 40cents and more here is one example a packet of chicken crimpi biscuits have Gone up from 1.99 to4.29 over a period of time absolutely unjustifiable and that is only one example
I think we’ve been put on the back burner and given a pittance , these politicians need to get in the real world

and help people struggling with some where to live reasonably instead of lining the pockets of multi millionaire developers just look at what Roger Cook has done with housing budget here in WA disgusting should be a inquiry into that decision
I don't quite understand that If I cook, heat my home, pay rent, and use the electric, I am almost $700 worse off a fortnight, than being a couple. Can anyone explain the huge gap .I am certainly not complaining but there is a huge difference between Single and Couple Aged Pensions.
Last year I read the "fat cats" in the public service, here in WA,.received a
$50,000 a year pay rise on top of their already more than generous salaries.
Almost $1,000 a week rise and we are handed a $28.10/fortnight pittance.
When is all this rorting by people in high places going to stop.
It doesn't matter which party we vote for the pensioners always get shafted.
Oh your so right we need to organise a protest. Rally
Yes, it's not enough 💵💰 and does anyone really believe that any opposition parties, give you anymore?
In the old days every home had a good veggie patch and 1 or 2 hens and you would go to the markets for your 🍑.
I know of several families who do and some even use either cordial and milk bottles hanging upside down. Beans and Peas do wonders. PVC pipe for Strawberries. Don't forget the spuds and check uTube
The ideas are endless.
Bit old now to start, but love hens unfortunately council make it hard to get a permit to keep them, yes a permit, what next costs a lot to have cats, my little mousers keep my home mouse free , they should pay us. Yes that is tongue in cheek
Cost of living, what a joke, workers have no idea. It is not my fault that I have to rely on the pension I worked nearly 10 years past my retirement age and at 76 no-one wants to employ you and they can't anyway as I did not have a Uni degree, just was accountant/bookkeeper for nearly 50 years experience counts for nothing. But the budget was supposed to help, huh, where does that idea come from? Nothing in the budget helped me, the rego was paid before the 20% discount came in on 5/8, there is no public transport where I live, yes the electricity rebate will help but I do not use a lot. Food prices, insurance, health cover, petrol and rent just keep increasing ..... and the government think $28 a FORTNIGHT will ease this. I do not think that any government member should sleep at night.
My 30 yr old son is on NDIS & now lives in SIL, 10 minutes from me. I could no longer support him at home as he became more aggressive with me & his meltdowns are violent. I was scared to be alone with him. He has speech therapy, developmental education, occupational therapy & a behaviour support specialist (psychologist). Restrictive practice around food & sharp items. He is very sociable & endearing until he is triggered. He is now supported by younger male SW’s & we see each other several times a week. Without NDIS I doubt that I would still be alive.
I also have a friend in the same situation whose son has to live with her ex husband as he became too violent for her.
It certainly isn't an easy job being a carer.
I am glad you have found a suitable place for your son and you can still see him regularly.
My daughter is a gentle soul.My main difficulty with her is she loves to do the laundry, wash, hang out and bring in, no ironing though. This is a big help and you would think not a problem, but I need to keep an eagle eye on her or she washes everything in sight, even if it doesn't need washing, lol.
My best wishes to you and your son.
Cost of living, what a joke, workers have no idea. It is not my fault that I have to rely on the pension I worked nearly 10 years past my retirement age and at 76 no-one wants to employ you and they can't anyway as I did not have a Uni degree, just was accountant/bookkeeper for nearly 50 years experience counts for nothing. But the budget was supposed to help, huh, where does that idea come from? Nothing in the budget helped me, the rego was paid before the 20% discount came in on 5/8, there is no public transport where I live, yes the electricity rebate will help but I do not use a lot. Food prices, insurance, health cover, petrol and rent just keep increasing ..... and the government think $28 a FORTNIGHT will ease this. I do not think that any government member should sleep at night.
Wonder what their budget is? If they didn’t get the raises more for us. Nothing like wishful thinking.

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