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Maddison Dwyer

Staff member
Aug 20, 2021
Spring Cleaning Tip - Thanks to member David C.

This incredibly clever tip was sent in by member David C! He came up with this tip all by himself when he was in lockdown last year in Melbourne! I think it's brilliant! I desperately need to do a spring clean over the coming weeks but already feel a bit overwhelmed by the idea - so I will certainly be following this tip! What do you think?


it’s the start of September, so it can only mean one thing........

the start of Spring, which heralds the start of the annual Spring Clean. Right?? ......


Whilst most people will do a Spring Clean (Deep Clean), clean and tidy up, purge old things, and add new things to their home, it takes time, money, and energy

However, I have found a better way to reduce the time and save energy.
I do it three times (that’s right), three times a year!!
I pick a starting date, near the end of January, say 27th January, and mark it on my calendar I count 100 days from then, and mark the 7th May
I count a further 100 days, and mark the 15th August
Another 100 days, makes it to 23rd November
I then allocate 3-4 days from these dates to do my mini cleans.

These include deep cleaning things you’d usually only do on an annual clean:- detailed dusting, cleaning of white goods, brown goods, kitchen appliances and equipment, bedrooms, bathrooms, family areas, garage, yards, and outside of the home, like gutters prior to winter and summer!!

I write a list of tasks required, allocate to the mini clean dates, and purchase the cleaning products, spread over 3 spends, instead of an expensive annual Spring spend

The November clean, means no big cleanup prior to Christmas guests, just a quick dust!!

Regular cleaning is still done weekly, fortnightly, at the most.

I have been doing this for several years now, and can say, I look forward to my MINI Spring Cleans.

Try it, you might like it, too!!
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Spring Cleaning Tip - Thanks to member David C.

This incredibly clever tip was sent in by member David C! He came up with this tip all by himself when he was in lockdown last year in Melbourne! I think it's brilliant! I desperately need to do a spring clean over the coming weeks but already feel a bit overwhelmed by the idea - so I will certainly be following this tip! What do you think?


it’s the start of September, so it can only mean one thing........

the start of Spring, which heralds the start of the annual Spring Clean. Right?? ......


Whilst most people will do a Spring Clean (Deep Clean), clean and tidy up, purge old things, and add new things to their home, it takes time, money, and energy

However, I have found a better way to reduce the time and save energy.
I do it three times (that’s right), three times a year!!
I pick a starting date, near the end of January, say 27th January, and mark it on my calendar I count 100 days from then, and mark the 7th May
I count a further 100 days, and mark the 15th August
Another 100 days, makes it to 23rd November
I then allocate 3-4 days from these dates to do my mini cleans.

These include deep cleaning things you’d usually only do on an annual clean:- detailed dusting, cleaning of white goods, brown goods, kitchen appliances and equipment, bedrooms, bathrooms, family areas, garage, yards, and outside of the home, like gutters prior to winter and summer!!

I write a list of tasks required, allocate to the mini clean dates, and purchase the cleaning products, spread over 3 spends, instead of an expensive annual Spring spend

The November clean, means no big cleanup prior to Christmas guests, just a quick dust!!

Regular cleaning is still done weekly, fortnightly, at the most.

I have been doing this for several years now, and can say, I look forward to my MINI Spring Cleans.

Try it, you might like it, too!!
OMG! Way too complicated for me!!
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"...purchase the cleaning products, spread over 3 spends, instead of an expensive annual Spring spend"
Really? what is it that makes cleaning expensive? Water? Detergents? Cleaning cloths? Elbow grease?
I do a little bit of cleaning when I think it needs to be done. I see cobwebs, 5 minutes and they're gone. Finger smudges on the windows? 5 minutes and they're gone. Floor feels gritty? A 5 minute vacuum and I'm done. Cleaning gear is always on hand.
And who these days honestly does 'spring cleaning'?
"...purchase the cleaning products, spread over 3 spends, instead of an expensive annual Spring spend"
Really? what is it that makes cleaning expensive? Water? Detergents? Cleaning cloths? Elbow grease?
I do a little bit of cleaning when I think it needs to be done. I see cobwebs, 5 minutes and they're gone. Finger smudges on the windows? 5 minutes and they're gone. Floor feels gritty? A 5 minute vacuum and I'm done. Cleaning gear is always on hand.
And who these days honestly does 'spring cleaning'?
I agree with Bear, things are cleaned when I see them and I always have a weekly cleaning routine. Nothing is mentioned by David like cleaning walls in a spring clean , which I consider (apart from finger marks) to be a large spring cleaning job once a year only.
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I used to work for the education department, so had school holidays off. I used the mornings of the holidays to tackle one room or area a day until everything was done, and spent the afternoons doing something for myself. So every room was given a thorough cleaning four times a year and it wasn’t ever too big a chore.
TheBear does exactly what I do. I really dislike cleaning so doing a bit constantly keeps you on top of things & leaves you never having to spring-clean. A friend advised me to do this just after I got married so have followed her advice & constantly clean stuff as needed.
Common sense prevails👍
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