Some wanted to know more about the singles group of 300 i organised here it goes
Unfortunately there are people out there who preyon vulnerable people.
When I ran a non profit friendship group of single men and women, I charged $5 only every 6 months for news letter, I covered the phone calls back to clients.
Arrangedĺ different venues at clubs at restaurants days away picnics dance nights bus outings men and women 45 to 75 we all met introduced each other....instead walking into a place not knowing anyone, I thrived to make sure everyone felt comfortable.
If it was a dance night and men didn't get up I asked ladies to go and ask for a dance.
It was relaxed group of 300 who had their say, suggested venues, met with people in same boat as to say.
They all became friends, and continued the friendship years later. There was no pressure of any kind.
We all had great laugh shared joys and moments and supported each other, helped each other. Held nights at members home on their invite...
We knew each other made many friendship enjoyed each other's company instead been lonely, and out of that group 12 people coupled up got married without pressure.
1 guy really liked this girl wanted to get engaged didn't have money for ring, I saw how much in love they where at the time
, so I offered my engagement ring and said hope it brings you more luck, it's been sitting in draw gathering dust . Hope you will accept it and make her happy.
Both where very shy and by the looks of it neither had been with a previous partner.
The group was informal if they wanted to attend the venues they did as I said no pressure.
One guy was in his 80s I saw loneliness in his eyes, he came not expecting to be allowed as he was older than rest, I said you are welcome introduce yourself to rest of the group, he had good humour made everyone laugh, asked all the ladies up for a dance, a good sort and he turned up at each venue.
Let's have no more loneliness in the world, stretch your hand and heart out if you see neighbours men or women who are isolated just say
hi how are you.
Some needed to talk so when I had spare moments I returned their calls.
We where there for each other, that group was in Kiama region nsw.
I do have a counsellor degree that helped many and putting a positive outlook on their situation or suggesting other options helped