Should you help your older children financially? Aussie Redditors weigh in

It is not unheard of for ‘the bank of mum and dad’ to support children long after they’ve flown the coop. But should you do it, and is it a sound financial decision?

An Aussie asked Reddit - a social news site - for advice from fellow parents who are interested in personal finance.

The Redditor said: ‘You hear plenty about those who utilise the bank of mum and dad, but many younger home buyers tend to not talk about that part and instead try to claim the feat of buying their first house as their own.

‘So I thought I’d ask if anyone here with older children helped them get their first property - what exactly did you do to help and how did you go about it? Also, for anyone like myself, what are you planning, or hoping, to do to help your own kids?’

They provided more background: ‘As for our kids, I’m not sure how much I’ll be able to help directly. We have three, so helping with three deposits will be costly. When each of them was born, we opened a bank account in their name, put $300 in to start it off and have been putting in $5 every week. For years it sat there earning pitiful interest until we finally learned about investing, and it’s now in good old VDHG (Vanguard Diversified High Growth). So once they’re ready, we will gift [it to] them. Other than that, we’re just doing our best to teach them good money habits. The six-year-old has a long way to go, but the older two are figuring it out.’

Redditors shared their personal experiences.

One said: ‘It depends on your definition of help: Did I get a cash handout? No. Was I able to live at home during my uni days and early working years (3-4 years working full time before I moved out) whilst paying a pitiful rent to my oldies ($50 a week!), allowing me to accumulate a deposit? Yes. Different strokes for different folks.’

Another had a similar story of living with their parents in their early 20s: ‘I was allowed to stay home rent-free until I was 25 as long as I was saving towards a mortgage. It meant I could buy a small unit by myself. I’m planning on the same for my children.’

This is fairly normal for many young adults. The Australian Institute of Family Studies found that 43% of 20–24 year-olds were living in their family home in 2016, a 7% increase compared to the data in 1981. In the past, 17% of 25-29 year-olds stayed at home in 2016, compared to 10% in 1981.

In 2021, the Australian Bureau of Statistics found that there were more young adults living with parents than owning properties. The number was up 17% since 2016. Besides the financial strain caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the phenomenon was attributed to rising living costs, lower marriage rates, and diverse cultural backgrounds in the country.

Aussie parents want their children to spread their wings but also have a backup in case things turn awry. A Redditor shared: ‘My partner and I are planning to buy a larger home eventually, so all the kids can stay home as long as they need/want to, to save a deposit, study etc. Ideally, we'll also buy a property with space for their partners. Something with a guest house would be amazing, so they can visit when they have families of their own and still have some privacy.’

They said that while there is an obvious power imbalance to the dynamic, and they hate mixing family and money, it could help their children in the long run: ‘I think the biggest gift my partner and I can give them though isn't financial, it's being a safety net. So whatever choices they make, they'll always be safe to come home and we'll always have space for them. I think that kind of security allows people to reach a bit farther and take bigger risks for themselves, and hopefully, the kids feel more supported to be a bit more ambitious.’

Another commenter is preparing things way ahead before their child can set out on their own: ‘I bought my child a home using the savings I had for them since they were one which we currently live in. When they are old enough, I will transfer it to them. I have a savings account where their child support gets deposited, which will be used for a car when [they’re] old enough. I also have a minor trust in which I regularly invest. They are my sole benefactor for my super, life insurance, and various investments. My child has not reached double digits in age.’

Others were less inclined to help, or did not want to tell their children they had any plans to do so.

A Redditor said: ‘My wife and I have essentially done it all ourselves. Moved in together into a rental ($280 per week), paid for our wedding, and now we’ve managed to put $50k aside for our house deposit and still building it. Haven’t taken any help from parents (my main reason being pride and I don’t want to feel like I’m bumming off of their years of hard work). I was also very aware of the money situation growing up so I didn’t want to make it any more difficult.

‘My wife and I now have a child of our own. I’d like to be able to help them get through university if they wanted to go that path, but I’m not sure about helping with a house. I’d like to think if they’re financially intelligent enough to maintain a home they’d be financially intelligent enough to save for it.’

Another said that the knowledge you impart is crucial: ‘I just think the best way I can help them financially is to raise them to be finally responsible. And hopefully leave them an inheritance one day.’

Meanwhile, one Aussie shared: ‘Give them nothing but financial education and help with resumes. This will teach them the value of having to work for what they want. I will not tell them but I’m planning to give each of them a large sum of money to buy house say $100k-$200K.’

Many Aussie parents still feel responsible for their older children. Credit: Andrea Piacquadio

A survey from Finder found that 44% of Australian parents support their adult kids financially, with 17% letting children stay at home without rent, 7% chipping in for a house deposit, 3% becoming guarantors for their child’s home purchase, and another 3% contributing to mortgage repayments. Parents also helped with groceries, utility bills, and childcare.

The research also discovered that South Australian parents were more willing to help their children with money (at 54%) than their counterparts in Western Australia (at 34%).

‘It seems that parents feel responsible for ensuring their kids are on a sound financial footing, no matter how old they are,’ Finder Insights Manager Graham Cooke said.

He added: ‘Many parents want to help their kids enter the housing market while conditions are favourable – the combination of low-interest rates, price dips and government schemes won't last forever.’ In fact, we’ve already seen the rise of interest rates.

While having peace of mind that your children will turn out okay is priceless, it is also important to protect your financial position. You never know what might happen, as is the case with the global pandemic and rising inflation rates. Here are some things you can do to secure your finances:
  • Don’t touch your emergency savings. It is crucial to have a backup, especially when the future seems uncertain.
  • Do your research and ask the right people. For example, it’s worth knowing what risks come with contributing to mortgage payments. Besides reliable sources on the internet, you can also consult brokers or financial planners.
  • Have a payment plan or a written agreement, if necessary. While it’s great to support your children, you don’t want to coddle them - encourage them to be responsible with money by having a repayment system they can follow.
Have you assisted your adult children with their finances? Did you impart any knowledge to your kids so they’ll grow up financially responsible? Let us know through the comments below.
No, its about time these kidadults grew up and stop relying on the bank of mum and dad who had to work hard all their lives to provide for these ungrateful people. It has got that bad that their kids have wiped out savings of their parents and this is called elder abuse which is now against the law...thank goodness. If you wnat money go and earn it the old fashioned
It is not unheard of for ‘the bank of mum and dad’ to support children long after they’ve flown the coop. But should you do it, and is it a sound financial decision?

An Aussie asked Reddit - a social news site - for advice from fellow parents who are interested in personal finance.

The Redditor said: ‘You hear plenty about those who utilise the bank of mum and dad, but many younger home buyers tend to not talk about that part and instead try to claim the feat of buying their first house as their own.

‘So I thought I’d ask if anyone here with older children helped them get their first property - what exactly did you do to help and how did you go about it? Also, for anyone like myself, what are you planning, or hoping, to do to help your own kids?’

They provided more background: ‘As for our kids, I’m not sure how much I’ll be able to help directly. We have three, so helping with three deposits will be costly. When each of them was born, we opened a bank account in their name, put $300 in to start it off and have been putting in $5 every week. For years it sat there earning pitiful interest until we finally learned about investing, and it’s now in good old VDHG (Vanguard Diversified High Growth). So once they’re ready, we will gift [it to] them. Other than that, we’re just doing our best to teach them good money habits. The six-year-old has a long way to go, but the older two are figuring it out.’

Redditors shared their personal experiences.

One said: ‘It depends on your definition of help: Did I get a cash handout? No. Was I able to live at home during my uni days and early working years (3-4 years working full time before I moved out) whilst paying a pitiful rent to my oldies ($50 a week!), allowing me to accumulate a deposit? Yes. Different strokes for different folks.’

Another had a similar story of living with their parents in their early 20s: ‘I was allowed to stay home rent-free until I was 25 as long as I was saving towards a mortgage. It meant I could buy a small unit by myself. I’m planning on the same for my children.’

This is fairly normal for many young adults. The Australian Institute of Family Studies found that 43% of 20–24 year-olds were living in their family home in 2016, a 7% increase compared to the data in 1981. In the past, 17% of 25-29 year-olds stayed at home in 2016, compared to 10% in 1981.

In 2021, the Australian Bureau of Statistics found that there were more young adults living with parents than owning properties. The number was up 17% since 2016. Besides the financial strain caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the phenomenon was attributed to rising living costs, lower marriage rates, and diverse cultural backgrounds in the country.

Aussie parents want their children to spread their wings but also have a backup in case things turn awry. A Redditor shared: ‘My partner and I are planning to buy a larger home eventually, so all the kids can stay home as long as they need/want to, to save a deposit, study etc. Ideally, we'll also buy a property with space for their partners. Something with a guest house would be amazing, so they can visit when they have families of their own and still have some privacy.’

They said that while there is an obvious power imbalance to the dynamic, and they hate mixing family and money, it could help their children in the long run: ‘I think the biggest gift my partner and I can give them though isn't financial, it's being a safety net. So whatever choices they make, they'll always be safe to come home and we'll always have space for them. I think that kind of security allows people to reach a bit farther and take bigger risks for themselves, and hopefully, the kids feel more supported to be a bit more ambitious.’

Another commenter is preparing things way ahead before their child can set out on their own: ‘I bought my child a home using the savings I had for them since they were one which we currently live in. When they are old enough, I will transfer it to them. I have a savings account where their child support gets deposited, which will be used for a car when [they’re] old enough. I also have a minor trust in which I regularly invest. They are my sole benefactor for my super, life insurance, and various investments. My child has not reached double digits in age.’

Others were less inclined to help, or did not want to tell their children they had any plans to do so.

A Redditor said: ‘My wife and I have essentially done it all ourselves. Moved in together into a rental ($280 per week), paid for our wedding, and now we’ve managed to put $50k aside for our house deposit and still building it. Haven’t taken any help from parents (my main reason being pride and I don’t want to feel like I’m bumming off of their years of hard work). I was also very aware of the money situation growing up so I didn’t want to make it any more difficult.

‘My wife and I now have a child of our own. I’d like to be able to help them get through university if they wanted to go that path, but I’m not sure about helping with a house. I’d like to think if they’re financially intelligent enough to maintain a home they’d be financially intelligent enough to save for it.’

Another said that the knowledge you impart is crucial: ‘I just think the best way I can help them financially is to raise them to be finally responsible. And hopefully leave them an inheritance one day.’

Meanwhile, one Aussie shared: ‘Give them nothing but financial education and help with resumes. This will teach them the value of having to work for what they want. I will not tell them but I’m planning to give each of them a large sum of money to buy house say $100k-$200K.’

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Many Aussie parents still feel responsible for their older children. Credit: Andrea Piacquadio

A survey from Finder found that 44% of Australian parents support their adult kids financially, with 17% letting children stay at home without rent, 7% chipping in for a house deposit, 3% becoming guarantors for their child’s home purchase, and another 3% contributing to mortgage repayments. Parents also helped with groceries, utility bills, and childcare.

The research also discovered that South Australian parents were more willing to help their children with money (at 54%) than their counterparts in Western Australia (at 34%).

‘It seems that parents feel responsible for ensuring their kids are on a sound financial footing, no matter how old they are,’ Finder Insights Manager Graham Cooke said.

He added: ‘Many parents want to help their kids enter the housing market while conditions are favourable – the combination of low-interest rates, price dips and government schemes won't last forever.’ In fact, we’ve already seen the rise of interest rates.

While having peace of mind that your children will turn out okay is priceless, it is also important to protect your financial position. You never know what might happen, as is the case with the global pandemic and rising inflation rates. Here are some things you can do to secure your finances:
  • Don’t touch your emergency savings. It is crucial to have a backup, especially when the future seems uncertain.
  • Do your research and ask the right people. For example, it’s worth knowing what risks come with contributing to mortgage payments. Besides reliable sources on the internet, you can also consult brokers or financial planners.
  • Have a payment plan or a written agreement, if necessary. While it’s great to support your children, you don’t want to coddle them - encourage them to be responsible with money by having a repayment system they can follow.
Have you assisted your adult children with their finances? Did you impart any knowledge to your kids so they’ll grow up financially responsible? Let us know through the comments below.
First, we should concentrate each day on the happiness portfolio: faith, family, community, and earned success through work. Teach it to those around you, and fight against the barriers to these things. Second, resist the worldly formula of misery, which is to use people and love things. Instead, remember your core values and live by the true formula: Love people and use things. Third, celebrate the free enterprise system, which creates abundance for the most people - especially the poor. But always remember that the love of money is the root of all evil, and that the ideal life requires abundance without attachment."

- Dr. Arthur Brooks
I was extremely lucky in that when my two left school they joined the Navy. My daughter as general admission and my son as an officer so the Navy paid for his university course and paid him at the same time. From the start they were clothed, fed and housed plus they had some money in their pockets The only rule for my son was what they call return of service. he had to remain in the Navy after he got his degree for an equal number of years as they had supported him through uni plus one. The start this gave them was invaluable plus they got to see huge chunks of the world. My daughter is still in, the Navy has allowed her to have 4 kids, complete a university degree at no cost to her, transition to officer and she is coming up for 20 years service. My son left after 14 years and has gone on to a career in the media doing what he loves. Both kids earn more than 3 times what I did at my peak so no, I have never had to bankroll them but they have always known that my front door is always open if it all turns to mush for them.:)
Pretty hard for me with 13 kids . But I taught them from a young age that money doesn't grow on trees.

Most have worked at MacDonalds throughout school and uni.
Except for 3 of my girls they worked with me.

Most are in great jobs. Either 4 x teachers , ones a principal. 3 x Nurses, property and building .

My last 3 ones just graduated high school PE teacher but now doing her master's another at uni doing a bachelor of education and my baby year 12 and she is hoping to get into uni next year to become a midwife .

All my kids have supported themselves through uni. Well they are at home rent free but they pay for everything else phone clothes ect.

Ive been off work for 18 months due to major surgery and surgery gone wrong if anything My older kids are helping us which I don't want them too but they insist. It makes me feel I did something Right to have these amazing kids.

What I would like to do is sell my house , down size and share out what's left between my kids , I would love to see them enjoy some of my money while I'm still here
We have three children and offered all of them the same deal. When they wanted to buy a property they had to have savings but we also went guarantor for them. Our house on the line...yes but they needed a little help. Two of the three took up the off the other is way more independent. The banks write the loans up as two and the part our deeds are against gets paid off first. All done and dusted now. We recently downsized (like the govt wants us oldies to) Once all the maths were done we gave each of the children a lump sum, for them to do as they please, not interested in hearing what they have or haven't done with it. When we pass they will still get the property to (fight) over. We thought this was the best way to handle it all.
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I don’t think it teaches young people anything about financial responsibility if mum and dad let them live in the family home rent-free once they’re earning. Our four children all paid board- and no, we didn’t save it up and give it to them as a lump sum when they left home! It paid for their food and use of utilities. Three of them now own their own homes. (The other was shafted by an ex, resulting in him going back to renting. He came home for a few months after that happened, until he got back on his feet again.) We certainly couldn’t have afforded to bankroll them.
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Simple matter of personal choice & no one elses business really when you get to brass tacks BUT (Nyahahahaaarrr there it is!), if you can afford to give your offspring a bit of a boost up now & then or if & when needed then yeah do so! I know that most would appreciate it. If they don't then you just don't offer or do it again.
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We are pensioners however had a line of credit which we used to buy our daughter ( single Mum) a small town house. Immediately lost all of our pension even though we now had a large debt which centrelink called an asset..go figure!
The town house was not in our name.
After a few months daughter was able to get a loan and pay most of it back. We also got our pension back. Very weird outcome!!!
  • Wow
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